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State of Emergency in Paris - 11/13/15 - Terrorist Attacks

Kaze no Klonoa

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Apparently I'm hearing ISIS is threatening London and Washington, D.C.. That true?

Well, if it is, I imagine both the US and UK would be well aware of this information and likely preparing themselves.

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The Live Reddit Thread has closed, with this message:

We're going to end the livethread now

It's been an awful night of tragedy and loss.

The dusts is now settling and events have largely stopped. The police and investigators will likely carry out there work through the night, without making any new announcements.

We would like to thank all of our contributors who helped keep the thread updated and keep reddit informed. It would be impossible without all these extra volunteers.

So we will close the live thread and return to redditing as per usual, and flying the ongoing analaysis and repercussions as they radiate out into the future through that method.

We wish you all a good night and offer our condolences to those who will never wake up, and to their families and loved ones. Goodnight

Edited by Kaze no Klonoa
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This is absolutely horrible.

And it looks like it's already descending into anti-Muslim violence in response...

I fear for France. With a massive attack like this, I'm concerned about how minorities will fare. I know there's been tensions, but I'm seeing quite a few calls to deport, kill, etc. Muslims in retaliation to this, and it doesn't look to be an extremely fringe view.

My prayers are with the French people.

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I'm glad to at least hear that things have settled down for now.

It scares me for what could come next, rather its more attacks or the social unrest that undoubtedly will come out of this.  Again, thoughts and prayers are with those impacted.

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Sad, and crazy. Isn't it? Recently I have heard news that it has happened to three locations. A fast food restaurant, the stadium and the concert hall. And if you are planning a trip to Paris, be sure to cancel it immediately. Thankfully, I have no friends who live in Paris. So far, 153 people were killed by the gunfires.

Edited by CarFan3635
Not just one restaurant was attacked but at least two of them were attacked.
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Somehow it feels like 9/11 all over again. You know, the public reaction, the future anti-Muslim activity and such.

Edited by ZDozer
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Okay, seriously, this guy is a monster. 

There's countless people mourning or terrified right now, and he believes the time is right to start debates about gun control and a new War on Terror. What the fuck, dude. Have some class.

Somehow it feels like 9/11 all over again.

Speaking as a person who was in New York City when it happened, I agree. There's an atmosphere of fear and confusion... and a lot of it is also giving way to anger and hate. I'm very fearful for all French people right now, regardless of whether they are natives or immigrants.

Edited by Noelgilvie
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So BBC has reported that the head of police believes all attackers to be dead.


Anyone have full details on this?

If this is true, this is a double-edged sword.  On the one hand, the same people can't attack.  On the other, we have no leads as to their motives, their backgrounds, or what lies ahead in the future.  Maybe forensics can dig up some clues, though.  Hopefully.

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So BBC has reported that the head of police believes all attackers to be dead.


Anyone have full details on this?

If this is true, this is a double-edged sword.  On the one hand, the same people can't attack.  On the other, we have no leads as to their motives, their backgrounds, or what lies ahead in the future.  Maybe forensics can dig up some clues, though.  Hopefully.

It's unfortunate some couldn't be captured. I really wanted to know if ISIS' claims are legitimate, or a massive bluff. The idea they have killers ready to roll out at a moment's notice is rather terrifying.

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Fuck, when I left for work earlier the death toll was at something like 18. That was horrible enough, but to come home a few hours later and see it skyrocket to over 120!?


Edited by Speederino
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It's unfortunate some couldn't be captured. I really wanted to know if ISIS' claims are legitimate, or a massive bluff. The idea they have killers ready to roll out at a moment's notice is rather terrifying.

Well, depending on how much Zealotry they had towards their cause, it's possible they would have preferred death to capture. However if they were longer term plants, their identities might be enough to start back tracking their networks. There's the attackers, but there are always suppliers and planners as well, and the former tends to be nearby

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My family is currently discussing the attacks and the old chestnut of "violence is an inherent part of Islam" has come up from some.

This is a horrible misinterpretation of the Koran. The Koran has what are called "peace passages" and "sword passages." The former discuss pacifism and the like. The latter discuss acts of war and proper conduct in war.

The latter are frequently quoted by both extremists and those who seek to denigrate Islam.

However, the mainstream Muslim opinion, as far as I know, is this: the vast majority of the sword passages are only valid in a contemporary context. Muhammad preached in a time where he was being persecuted, and he responded accordingly. Whereas Jesus says turn the other cheek against oppression, Muhammad was very big on the idea of self-defense. And in that time, self-defense also greatly included being proactive, because this was prior to ideas like human rights, international law, etc.

We are out of that time, however. Most Muslims reject the war passages and focus on the peace ones. It's rather like how many Christians will say the many rules in Leviticus are largely outdated and only applied to the ancient Israelites.

Most Muslims are not violent people. For those who are, a lot of that is more a consequence of socioeconomic situations (Christian countries weren't exactly peaceful places until the last several decades, people often forget) than their beliefs. Any belief turns towards violence in times of desperation.

I guess what I'm trying to get at is... I really hope the people of France will not go down the dark path of treating Muslims with scorn. All this will do is create more radicals, because Muslims who would have been peaceful will be under more pressure to pursue radicalism. We as Westerners know this more than anything: the American Revolution, for example, was not a case of the American colonists becoming cowboys, giving Britain the finger, and rising up. It was the end result of many unsuccessful attempts to peacefully resolve differences with England.

Many Muslims will come forward and be eager to work with France and other Western countries. We should not slap their helping hand away. They might just be inclined to slap back.

Well, depending on how much Zealotry they had towards their cause, it's possible they would have preferred death to capture. However if they were longer term plants, their identities might be enough to start back tracking their networks. There's the attackers, but there are always suppliers and planners as well, and the former tends to be nearby

Dunno if France is like America, but in the United States, the leading source of tipoffs about Islamic extremism is the mainstream Islamic community.

Wouldn't be surprised if such things as burning down refugee camps might have alienated a lot of those mainstream Muslims in France from being quite as forward with information. Even if they have good intentions, they probably don't want to worry about being lumped in with terrorists the moment they say "I'm a Muslim."

Edited by Noelgilvie
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It's just depressing, for both the civilians that died and their families as well as the refugees who actually came looking for peace and away from the violence. In my eyes, shaming every Muslim on Earth, calling them murderers or monsters, is not only helping ISIS, it's most likely one of their main goals. They call themselves the "Islamic State", so in my eyes, lumping all the Islamic or Muslim people with them both helps them by possibly getting more recruits, or actually creating an Islamic State out of fear.

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It's just depressing, for both the civilians that died and their families as well as the refugees who actually came looking for peace and away from the violence. In my eyes, shaming every Muslim on Earth, calling them murderers or monsters, is not only helping ISIS, it's most likely one of their main goals. They call themselves the "Islamic State", so in my eyes, lumping all the Islamic or Muslim people with them both helps them by possibly getting more recruits, or actually creating an Islamic State out of fear.


It is in our natural instinct to throw our lot in with those who would best preserve us and our well-being.

If the French state does not do its best to protect its Muslim population, it ruins confidence in the government. Many people who would have been peaceful will move towards violence if they see it's more effective for self-preservation.

We saw this with Dr. King in the states. He was scoring victory after victory through peaceful means, everything was looking good... and then he was murdered. Riots broke out nationwide. His death sent a message that peace would not bear fruits, so violence was more effective for many people in that moment.

That wasn't the American government's fault, but it's the same idea: most people are rational. We will ally with whatever side can best promote our interests. Our rationality inclines us towards peace, because it does not put our person at risk. But the moment peace looks to be ineffective... our more vicious side can easily come out.

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I was not expecting this to happen when I woke up in the morning, holy moof, this has got to be one of the worst violence attacks.

I am looking at the BBC at the moment, so from what they say-

  • More than 120 people have been killed across the French capital, but there can be way more, (in the thread someone mentioned over 150 killed? My god.)
  • It also says that police believe all attackers are killed, according to the AFP, 8 attackers were killed, 7 were killed because of their suicide vests. (No wonder there were so many deaths :( )
  • BBC is saying that 80 people died in the Bataclan hall... among those were the 4 attackers.
  • 1,500 extra soldiers have been deployed in Paris now. 

Mother of god, this... this is just awful. I offer my condolences to those who lost their loved ones in the attacks, and I pray that everyone in Paris stays safe!

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  • (in the thread someone mentioned over 150 killed? My god.)

No it's 120, that was my bad (or maybe that's what was being reported a couple hours ago, hard to say). I've edited the post.

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I just came into the topic after seeing this on the recently created threads.

This is just...I don't know what to say...

If this is an act of Islamic extremism, it's really 9/11 all over again. Regardless, we can be sure that now there's going to be even more draconian security checks, after this. And if ISIS is responsible, first off, I want to say that they've been broadcasting their intentions to do this for a while, so while I feel for those who've lost loved ones, I wouldn't be surprised if ISIS claimed responsibility.

And to say nothing of the refugees and French-Arabic folk living there. France has had some strong Islamophobia for a while, and this will definitely send it to new heights.

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More than 120 people have been killed across the French capital, but there can be way more, (in the thread someone mentioned over 150 killed? My god.)

Yes. That was based on what CNN says. It might not be 100% accurate, as usual. Source

Edited by CarFan3635
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Considering in little over a month now we've had a large group of people die at concerts(the Romania thing at the end of October, and this) wonder if concert venues, especially popular ones that people go to, will see a large drop rate out of fear....

Edited by Michael Munroe
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I was unfortunate enough to know someone who had family in Paris during this attack. Although I wasn't all that well acquainted with him, I was out with him and a few others last night. It was around midnight when he got a phone call from his parents bringing him bad news for one family member. I'm not sure who it was, but apparently they were close, because as soon as the news hit him he was just constantly depressed and trying so hard not to cry. We gave him space, and everyone apologised. Part of me wanted to ask what happened but that would've been rude.

Come 1am and social media explodes with the information of the shooting in Paris. Death numbers just constantly raising. It was quite crazy how fast it all happened. And even now with me posting this it seems things have calmed down. I really hope no one on SSMB nor their family members got injured. My condolences to anyone out there who lost someone close to them. Stay strong.  

On another note, I wasn't shocked to hear my father and plenty of others immediately blame ISIS for this. I don't want to think it was them, but it does sound like something they would do. It's just that I don't like seeing people target Muslims for being these people that just hate and kill for the sake of God or whatever. I had actually done research recently on Islam for a school project and.. it's pretty similar to Christianity. The main beliefs are there and even the practices are just slight variations. Not to mention how big of a religious following it has. When people associate ISIS with Muslims, they are basically claiming that over 1 billion people are like them. And that's ridiculous.

I'm sorry if I don't have much else to say on the manner, as I'm just basing this post off what I heard. I guess all we can do now is wait and hope for the best. 

Edited by ElectricAngel
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Jesus, I hate hearing stories like that. My heart literally sinks. I cannot imagine how he must feel, and it makes me wanna just cry with him. Loosing a loved one or just someone close, in something like this, as some "political message" just sickens the fuck out of me. Seriously, anyone that supports these fuckers or jokes about this, are insensitive heartless monsters, that are probably privlaged brats that have never truly experienced loss. If ISIS is truly the ones behind this, then I really hope they get what's coming to them. You aren't Anonymous. You aren't some unsung hero bringing justice. You're murderers, killing out of hatred and using your faith as a scapegoat. The damage this will create socially I'm not looking forward to. You'd think after 9/11 and all the shit people have been fighting for in terms of equality for minorities like Muslims, people wouldn't cave back into old habits in 2015. But history unfortunately repeats, and people forget the lessons learned so they can make quick assumptions and be part of the conversation, letting fear take over. And news outlets like Fox & CNN aren't helping, with their fear instigating. It's natural sure, but not rational, and I hope people can be more reasonable about this in the coming days.

Edited by Michael Munroe
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Also, if I may add, this event made me realise how small the world can be at times. I'm currently in Jordan. I happened to know someone French, and in this incident, at the time when around 40 were killed, one of those people were related to said person. That didn't only affect him, but me and everyone else in that group (5 people in total) not to mention his entire family and the friends of the relative, which could be anywhere in the world. It's a bit staggering how one event can cause so much emotional damage over such a long distance. 

And I don't think the people who do this stuff understand that. They're not only causing pain inside France, but around the world. And if it's true they are aiming for the UK next, then what do they think they will accomplish with this? It all just seems so barbaric and I cannot believe such crimes are committed in this day and age.

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This is horrible...why? Why do people have to die for what the terrorists think of as a "noble" cause? Why is this happening at all?

My heart goes out to the families and friends of those lost, and I can only hope those monsters get severe punishment for what they have done.

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