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  1. Past hour
  2. Gruffin

    What Sonic show would you like to see?

    An anime adaptation of the IDW comics would be the dream. Failing that, a standard 2D animated show about Sonic going on adventures with his friends and fighting bad guys is all I need.
  3. Today
  4. Snap. Snap. Snap. Clicking fingers echo through a dark base as a figure remains sitting upright in his chair, watching a legion of TV monitors stacked all around him. The tower seems endless, almost reaching to the stratosphere. A ceiling exists due to the lack of light peering into the room, but it’s hard to tell for sure just where it is… Not that the figure minds. He can see the ceiling. His red visored eyes dart around a mile a minute, looking at each screen at once. He envisions a scenario in each one: Peaceful, civil, at ease. With each screen, he snaps as pink cubical light flickers from his fingertips and that very image appears on screen. Snap. Snap. Snap. “You might want to take a look at this.” A voice replies from behind the figure in the seat, but not directed towards him. Rather, a conversation going on in the back. Three other figures convene, one handing a letter over. “Just intercepted this invitation from a dimensional rift.” The leader grabs the letter, reading it over. “Invitation?” “A reunion. Didn’t think they’d assemble so soon.” “You think they’d see what really happened out there…?” “Of course they would. Least, one of them will. Foreign scans keep coming in on our radars… Sonic knows something is up.” The lead figure turns to the one on the seat. “Infinite’s been doing a good job hijacking everyone’s signals, but even then… Disciples decoding technology advances even faster by the month. It’s only a matter of time before he bypasses the Ruby’s gaze.” He states. “But now, all he’ll have to do is look outside his window.” “So uh, what do we do?” “Stall them, of course. Give them something to worry about, while we take whatever time we need to prepare. Then, we slaughter. Right?” “Hardly the word I’d use… But right. Minor setback, surely. We just need to double down and act now.” The leader waves his hand. “Infinite.” The snapping stops. “It’s time. Assemble both forces to position.” The leader declares. Infinite silently gets off his seat and walks towards the other three. As he does, the screens begin to flicker… the peaceful façade fade to reveal flaming streets, screaming masses… The four look onwards as the screens revert to their true broadcast: Security feeds of chaos and destruction. “For everything that was?” One member asks, trying to hold back a bit of sorrow. “For everything that was.” The leader affirms, putting his hand on her shoulder. They turn as a massive door opens in front of them, revealing a city on fire. A giant black Monokuma is punching away multiple ships blasting at it as it stomps across the cityscape. Gunfire and yelping heard amongst the crackling of the flames… As the Warmongers look in awe. Don't they know it's the end of the world? It ended when you said, "Good-bye" ONE DAY LATER… Hyber Town. Once the capital of the mysterious Xicoria region, the land of the Fusion Pokemon. A technological and natural paradise where futuristic machine live in tandem with luscious greenery and wildlife. One would never expect it to be the epicenter of chaos. That is, until two rifts opened. Then tanks appeared, warships, mechs and gigantic bears pass through, all demanding dominion over this one area. But their arriving wasn’t an issue. The issue was when what came out of the two rifts saw each OTHER. In a matter of hours, Hyber Town has been reduced into rubble. SMASH! A giant black Monokuma punches into a building, leaving a gaping hole as it lifts its arm, prying the building out from its roots. “Bwahahaha! Eat this, you fuckin’ pussies!” He chucks the building at an ancient looking war machine, which reaches out and attempts to catch the giant structure. “You predictable fool! This is the seventh building you tossed! You think that I, KAOS wouldn’t have caught on by now?!” “Nah, that was just to distract ya!” Kurokuma laughs, before opening the bear’s giant belly, revealing a legion of machine guns that open fire. “EAT LEAD!” Kaos scrambles from inside the Conquertron’s control panel to defend himself. It raises its fists, tanking the bullets hastily. As the two mechs fight, Battle Droids take aim against Arkeyan robots. There are more Droids than Arkeyans, looking to dogpile them into oblivion as the Arkeyans strategically try to push them away. All the while, humans and Pokemon alike are caught in the crossfire, either trying to flee… Or fight back. But once they decide to engage these outsiders, they just catch the gazes of both robotic forces. One such trainer decided to be brave. “Get ‘em, Squicario!” He calls out, as a lanky turtle proceeds to shoot an aura powered water ball at an Arkeyan Duelist. The Duelist takes note and slashes the water ball in half, finding a new target. “Squigg!” The Squicario stands in front of his trainer, getting into a battle stance as the Duelist lunges forward. The sword clashes against shell as they engage in a battle amidst the fire fight. However, the Squicario is then hit in the leg by a Battle Droid’s blaster bolt, before being slashed at by a Monokuma! “Squicario, no!” The poor trainer calls out as the Pokemon gets consumed by the amount of robots closing in on the Pokemon… …Until an orange streak swoops in between them all. When it does, a massive psychic blast pushes them all away. The trainer shields his eyes before looking down at his savior: What seems to be a boy clad in an orange, stretchy armor. His face is covered by an angular helmet while has hands shapeshift into a mace. He swings the mace all around him, knocking all the robots out of commission. All the while, his other hand morphs into tentacles to pull the Squicario close to him. Once the coast is clear, the masked figure runs to the trainer, giving his injured Pokemon back. “Are you okay?” “You’re… You’re the Orange Mask!” The Trainer gasps. “And you need to get out of here!” The Orange Mask replies, pointing outside the village. “Get to the bunker with everyone else, now!” He calls out. “I’ll take care of these robots!” “Alone…?” The trainer asks. “GO! NOW!” The Orange Mask shouts, as the trainer scrambles to his feet, recalls his Pokemon and runs. The hero then turns to face the robots, noticing some colorful blasts in the distance. His eyes widen. “No, no, no!” He bounds upwards, beginning to fly as he reaches the other side of town. He notices a giant Regigigas fending off some larger Arkeyan robots and Super Battle Droids. With the big Pokemon spotted, he knows exactly who that belongs to. Landing on the ground alongside the Regigigas, he is also surrounded by other Pokemon fighting back. A Ninetails, a Tinkaton, a Scorbunny, and several other Pokemon are also holding their own… Along with their respective trainers. This causes the hero to unmask himself, revealing a young boy with short black hair. “F-Fiarah, what are you doing?! I said to stay in the bunker!” He cries out, using his mace hand to slam a Monokuma’s face inwards. “Nick, we can’t just let you fight all these guys on your own like that!” A blue haired girl in a wheelchair calls out as she inches behind Regigigas. HER Regigigas. “Friends stick together! And uh, Rosey wanted to fight…” A young man nods as his Tinkaton jumps over him, delivering a powerful hammer slam to the ground, bashing a Super Battle Droid’s head in! “TIIIINKA!” The Pokemon cries out in a bout of glory! “Nate…” Nick laments. Lightning comes out from the ground, connecting multiple robots together before overloading their systems. “That’s the spirit, Jewel!” Another man calls out to his Luxray, responsible for the attack. “Oliver too?!” Nick exclaims. “Get them, Blubby!” A girl calls out, causing streams of bubbles to pass by from a Dewchu, a Dewgong Pikachu hybrid. The bubbles act as a makeshift smokescreen as a Scorbunny passes through, delivering a fiery kick to a Monokuma. “Hoo-ah! I just kicked a Monokuma, guys! To think that would ever happen!” The Scorbunny cheers, posing for a non-existent audience. “Mia, Sonic! This is serious! This is not like anything we’ve ever faced! We need to go-ACK!” Nick is pushed back as a giant Monokuma paw slams down above them! They narrowly avoid being flattened though as Nick’s armored body inflates into a sturdy Defense Forme. With it, Nick and Regigigas hold the paw up, just enough for the trainers to scramble away. The two then manage to wedge the paw away enough for them to roll out of the attack. SLAM! “What is it that they even want?!” Nick asks, panting as he restores to normal. “They’re fighting over something… They seem to be gathering by the capital and trying to push each other away from it.” Nate comments, looking at his Pokedex. “But I’ve never seen Pokemon like that before…” “They ain’t Pokemon. That there’s from another world.” Sonic gulps, pointing to the sky to see the two beings fight. “That’s LOSE. That’s like… the multiverse’s biggest baddies.” “Didn’t you say they were gone though?” Another blue haired trainer peeks through, scratching her head. “T-They were, Aileas…” Nick shakes his head. “Were… But now they’re fighting each other?” The sound of flying warships hum through the air as the Egg Fleet surrounds the giant black Monokuma. Distracted by swatting the ships away, this allows Kaos and his Conquertron to lean forward and take its shot. “Ignorant fool! The payload is mine!” He slams the ground of the town’s main central area, not caring what robots on his side or not get smashed in the process. This causes a crater with the first slam. Kaos then whacks the crater again with two fists, breaking the crater apart, unearthing a massive blue glow. Nate’s Pokedex goes off the charts, receiving a reading from the flow. This forces him to immediately shut it off. “Guys…? That’s the Aprishard Deposit!” “What do they want with harvesting a lot of raw Pokeball material?” Mia asks. The Conquertron raises the deposit in the air: A massive cluster of blue crystals, almost as big as an entire building. “HAHAHA! Finally! One of the multiverse’s biggest Traptanium deposits is NULL’s!” “Traptanium?” Fiarah gasps. “Oh, no ya don’t! Give ‘em here!” Kurokuma, finally free of the Egg Fleet lunges forward to claw at the cluster, looking to take it for themselves. Large crystals begin to fall upon the town, unleashing a sharp rain of near indestructible metal upon the Trainers. Nick blasts behind Fiarah, going into Speed Forme and wheeling her down the road. “Run!” The group begin to hastily dash away, trying to narrowly dodge the Traptanium shards. But as one hurdles towards Aileas, almost unavoidably so… “Ack…!” CRACKLE! Lightning strikes it, pushing the crystal into the building. What Aileas sees above her in its place, is a young girl with blonde hair. She is wearing a pink sweater vest, and a skirt with a musical motif. She is flying through her backpack, which has metal wings sprouted and rocket thrusters. All the while, her hands crackle with pink electricity. “…Aileas? What are you doing here?” She asks, almost excited. “Do I know you?” Aileas asks, tilting her head. “Whoa! Who is that?” Oliver asks. “Another hero like you, Nick?” “…More than that.” Nick asks, his eyes starting to sparkle. “That’s a Skylander! Kaede Akamatsu!” Kaede does a light little salute with a warm smile, that is until she gets caught off guard by Blaster Bolts whizzing by. A faceplate digitally forms on her face as she lands on the ground, steeling herself… …That is until they get shot full of dark bullets as Battle Droids fall limp on the ground. The culprit? A young boy wearing all black, a cap covering his head. “Saved by the Shuichi!” Kaede grins as the faceplate retracts. “Everyone alright?” Shuichi Saihara asks. “We got here as fast as we could. Alarms across the entire Future Foundation just went off… all at once in countless worlds!” “We’re… fine, mister Skylander… sir.” Fiarah nods, dusting her sleeves. “But what’s happening? Why are all these robots here?” Shuichi nudges everyone to keep running as he explains. “I don’t know. All of a sudden, LOSE started appearing out of the shadows and have been fighting each other! It’s like it’s been happening for months, and none of us knew until now!” “And none of us know WHY!” Kaede nods before screeching to a halt as a massive spotlight shines on the group. “Rats, it’s the fuzz!” Sonic holds his paws up, looking to see where the spotlight came from… …It’s Kurokuma in the giant bear. “Why hello, hello, hello! Is that some stupid fuckin’ Skylander that came to take VOID’s crystals?! Tsk, tsk, tsk. Time to go SPLAT!” Kurokuma laughs. “You mean NULL’s crystals!” The Conquertron cries out before looking closer to Kaede, Nick and the others. Despite the debate on who owns what, the two giant robots begin to reach out towards the heroes. “Keep moving! Apollo!” While everyone continues to evade the robots and get to the bunker, Kaede summons her Persona: Apollo. The tall, lanky monster creates a fiery forcefield in an effort to push the two robotic hands away. However, Kurokuma’s claw pushed through, snatching Kaede in its grasp. “Ngh!” Kaede growls, causing Shuichi to turn back. “Kaede!” Shuichi cries out, reaching for her. “Don’t… ngh… worry!” Kaede gasps out as she is face to face with the giant Monokuma’s red eye. She sees Kurokuma through the translucent material, and lets out a small grin. “Got him… right… where I want HIM!” She then unleashes a powerful electric shock, freeing her as she resumes flying. This causes the Monokuma to begin toppling over, knocking over Kaos as they too fall to the ground. “That should buy us some time!” Kaede nods, ready to descend back to ground level… That is until she sees something in the distance. It’s faint, but another figure is flying alongside her. The figure looks to be spherical in nature. Almost like her Sonic… A Sentinel? He’s clad in black armor, with similar piercing red eyes like Monokuma and flowing white hair. But before she could even get a closer look… the figure disappeared in a bout of pink cubes. “Wha…?” Kaede asks, before shaking her head and returning to the others. “That should stop the crystals for now… but they’re gonna get back up. We gotta get you to safety before-“ A Monokuma then lunges for Kaede, but Nick manages to grab him with his tentacles and slam him to the ground. The robots are still coming, and they won’t stop coming. They begin marching onwards from all alleys, having them all surrounded. “Guess we got no choice but to keep fighting, right? Come on!” Oliver grins, as Nate’s Tinkaton puffs her chest out in pride. “Tink!” “I dunno… This looks like a lot more than any of us can handle…!” Mia gasps. “Have faith, guys! We can do this… We can do this… We can do this…?” Nick gasps, anxiety slowly starting to build as his breathing escalates. Fiarah’s hand reaches out to grasp his tightly, looking at the boy with a determined scowl. “We can do this.” Nick’s breath slows down, brought slightly at ease… and just then… WHIRRRR! WHEEEEZE! WHIIIIR! Nick pauses when he hears a familiar wheezing noise emerging from the distance, and a blue box slowly materializes in front of them. The robots begin shooting at the box before it is kicked open. “Helllllllooooo, Multiverse #5111999C!” Out steps a spherical blue fox holding an oversized laser gun, and a mechanical gauntlet. “Tails!” Shuichi calls out. “Missed me, Stutterstock?” Tails chuckles before pointing his gun at a Monokuma, blowing a laser bullet straight through its chest before using his gauntlet to shoot a hookshot. It pulls a Super Battle Droid close to him before he flys upward, gets it into a chokehold and slams it to the floor. “Sic ‘em, kid!” “Alright, here!” Bounding out of the box’s door and over Tails is a girl none of them have seen before. She has long amber hair and an armored purple and silver dress. Forming a crystalline shield and sword she dashes forward, cutting multiple robots down to size. With the backup, the Skylanders and the Trainers proceed to fight and dwindle the number of forces down a couple sizes. Eventually, the coast is clear as the new girl opens the door for everyone. “Quick, please! Get in the TARDIS!” She cries out. “On it! Uh…” Kaede complies, before observing the purple-clad warrior. “…Amy. Amy Winston.” She nods. “N-Now come on!” “Okay! Okay!” Kaede exclaims before dashing into the TARDIS, with everyone following suit. Nick turns back as the droids approach, before closing the door with a resounding... SLAM! “Whoa…” Nate comments as he looks around the large, orange coral-esque interior of this mysterious blue box-like spaceship. “It’s… It’s… bigger on the-“ “No time for that comment!” A voice with a distinct accent calls out from the large circular console in the middle. The owner of said voice is a lanky looking man in a suit, trenchcoat and running shoes. Bending over a bit before twirling away from the console to see the others. “Niiiick! How’s my favorite alien human hybrid feeling today?” The man calls out, arms wide. “Hyber Town’s destroyed Doctor, LOSE is back, and I learned the crystals we use to make Pokeballs aren’t even from our world…I-I’m a bit shaken.” Nick winces. “It’s like… everything Mr. Mortis warned about happened all at once!” “We’re all shaken. Disciples scans went out of control, and we had to rush on over to this place when Kaede gave us word she was comin’ here.” Tails huffs. “That damn Incubator rat…” “Yeah, but I was also expecting uh… Sonic and Sayaka?” Kaede asks. “What, we ain’t good enough for ya?” Tails asks, grabbing Amy by the arm and pulling her to his side. The girl blushes, looking away from Kaede after hearing Tails’ comment. “N-No! It’s just… they’re usually always here.” Kaede replies. “Funny thing about that. They actually came here earlier.” The Doctor replies. “This multiverse at least. They were sent an invitation for a little reunion slash vacay slash therapy. Didn’t you get one too?” “O-Oh! The vacation! Right!” Shuichi digs into his pocket, pulling out a letter. “Yeah. We were sent these too, but we were on a Future Foundation mission then. We didn’t wanna bail. By the time we were done, all the surveillance showed all this in-fighting between LOSE.” “I got an invite too… for MAGI.” Nick nods. “But um, it was Fiarah’s birthday.” “And I’m very happy you stayed, hun!” Fiarah chirps, giving the boy a light hug. “She seems pretty chipper after everything that went down, huh?” Tails comments. “It’s kinda her thing.” Nick chuckles, nuzzling her back. “Wait, wait, wait… So these Skylanders, those heroes Nick keeps talking about were just on vacation when all this happened?!” Oliver asks. “Vacation AFTER retirement.” The Doctor mentions. “They stayed in their own worlds! Well, minus the odd Magical Girl related exploit. Moment they assembled, some strange mystical barrier lifted across the entire multiversal broadcast network. Some timing…” “…Or some trap.” Amy lightly deduces, staying quiet. “A what?” Tails asks, barely picking up on Amy’s shy statement. “…Some trap.” Amy speaks up a little longer. “Speak up, girl!” Tails huffs. “A real hero’s gotta have some bravado!” “It’s a trap! I-I’m sure of it!” Amy calls out. “It can’t be a coincidence that all this happened at once! We need to check on the Skylanders! Now!” Shuichi hands the invitation over to the Doctor. “Can your TARDIS head to this location?” He asks, pointing at the destination stated on the letter. “Isle Defino. I bet LOSE is up to something there…” “On the case!” The Doctor salutes, before running around the console, piloting the TARDIS. As he does, Kaede looks out the window, watching for that mysterious figure she saw previously… …Was that thing LOSE? Or was it something else? The TARDIS speeds past the warships as it flies into the sky, sustaining the odd hit as it flies into a rift. All the while the two giant robots begin to stomp away, still fighting over the cluster of Traptanium as it splits in half. WHIIIIR! WHIIIIIR! WHIIIIIR... Watching from afar however, atop a building adorned with now burning vines, four armored Sentinels watch onwards. One wears reddish-brown armor, the other clad in a bright red. One has the Monokuma eyes and the flowing white locks, and the last one wears blackish-blue armor, with three crown like spines. The blue Sentinel steps forward, watching the TARDIS fly away. “…Kaede.” He growls. “They know.” He states, turning around. “No going back, guys.” His gaze remains steeled, fist balled as it begins to morph into a sword. He drags it along the floor, creating sparks, as if marking his territory. "Today, we are Warmongers. And we will bear that badge with pride." He declares, almost as some twisted kind of heroic statement. "For everything that was." DISCIPLES STUDIOS PRESENTS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE SONIC STADIUM SEASON 4
  5. Wittymations

    What Sonic show would you like to see?

    Something akin to Archie Sonic. As in, a Sonic Universe where Eggman already won. I suppose that's Satam, where Archie pulls most of its initial ideas from. But I would like it to be a similar style to either late pre-reboot Archie or post-reboot. Where it uses modern elements and heavy game inspiration but there's still high stakes involved. Action based, lots of fighting, but for every Sonic victory, Eggman pulls out something to smack the Freedom Resistance around and sets them back some. It was a nice dynamic. I miss it.
  6. Cyb3rkn1ght

    Silver The Hedgehog

    A Silver-Furred Hedgehog from the Future, and Justice-Seeking Time Traveler. He was first introduced as an antagonist, having been Tricked By Mephiles The Dark that Sonic Is the "Iblis Trigger", causing the Dastardly Flame of destruction, 200 years into the future. Silver eventually Realizes Mephiles' Trickery and Teams Up with Sonic and Shadow to Stop him. Afterward, Silver returns to his now peaceful future, and comes back from time-to-time in Aiding Sonic fight World-threatening Foes.
  7. Expand your character roster with more than just playable Skylanders with NPCs! In Daily Life, have your own lineup of characters SEPARATE from your own Skylander count to act as supporting roles! They can be spread across Club Penguin as workers, assistants or just to have someone you love on the team who can't fight! 1.) CHARACTER LIMITS NPCs have their own character limit to prevent oversaturation and character hogging. While they don't contribute to your list of 21 Skylanders, you can have up to FIVE NPCs at a time. So choose wisely! 2.) JOB TYPES To encourage Writers to diversify their NPC lineup and tailor make them to fulfill a certain role in the narrative and worldbuilding, make sure when writing an NPC's bio, instead of classifying an Element and Battle Class, they are instead given a JOB TYPE. The following Job Types are available to classify your NPCs with: Worker: Generic worker character who tends to retail, construction and maintenance of Club Penguin and its services. Teacher: Tends to the academy to teach Skylanders ways of combat, espionage, problem solving, etc. Guard: Protector of Club Penguin from internal or external forces that threaten the island. Pet: Companion owned by a Skylander or NPC that has agency and defined personalities. Technician: Technical support, engineer or hacker that handles the more digital side of island duties. Note that characters like Rush, Pokemon, or other collectable monster type characters under the possession of other Skylanders do not count as "Pets", or would count towards the NPC total. They are considered a part of a Skylanders' arsenal. 3.) PARTICIPATION LIMITS NPCs can only exist within the confines of Club Penguin. They are not allowed to go off-world without the go ahead of Skylanders Staff. This means they cannot participate in most episodes, they are solely Daily Life assets. 4.) EPISODIC EXCEPTIONS NPCs can take part in episodes IF an episode is tailor made for them. Be it an individually written episode or part of a collaboration, the story has to center around the NPC where the narrative can only make sense if they and they alone are the lead. These story implementation, like all story elements must be looked over and approved by staff. ------------------------- And there you have it! The ins and outs of our new NPC system! Now make those bios, and enjoy!
  8. until
    Knuckles is now out on Paramount+, and to celebrate its release, another version of Movie Knuckles is coming to Sonic Speed Simulator! Now he wears his iconic hat! Collect dumbbells to earn this hatted warrior in this repeat of last week's event! Be one of the first 12,500 people to complete this event to earn an exclusive Knuckles hat for your avatar that has exclusive perks in game! Learn how to collect dumbbells fast, even if you are a newcomer to earn this one and done Knuckles variant with this handy guide by @Ryannumber1gamer!
  9. Does this count as a game featuring Knuckles? Chaotix fucking sucks, by the way. It's fascinating that what was essentially the de facto flagship title of the console, that is legitimately as frequently beautiful to look at as well as extremely visually dense (not to mention its phenemonal soundtrack) has a core gameplay loop that's so atrocious. The only part it has that almost works is Speed Slider, but I was playing through the final levels of this actually literally half asleep and was still plowing through everything. I do really like the special stages though, and while they're practically impossible after the first couple of them the wireframe second versions also look really cool. Like this background is so pretty with its animated water with like 8 different layers of parallax scrolling but you spend so much of the game pinballing off of everything that you never actually see anything. It also barely plays/controls any better. The whole thing is the techiest of tech demoes; like everything about Sonic CD (good and bad) amped up a hundred times. Also: lol Sonic Heroes. This game had three designers? I wouldn't have been surprised if you told me it didn't even have one. Six map designers? Were they each taking turns doing individual tiles? It even has the Blinx guy. At least a couple people showed the fuck up to work on this. And how!
  10. I'm not convinced Bark has ever had any first words. He lets his fists do the talking, and they make two highly compelling arguments.
  11. A super No.1 washedupgamer

    Quick Time Event - Draw Whatever Sonic Character Comes to Mind RIGHT NOW

    It's no big deal. That was funny anyway.
  12. Cyb3rkn1ght

    What Are Your Relationship Headcannons?

    Bro who put lil bro in Peach’s Dress bru
  13. Maple Syrup

    What Are Your Relationship Headcannons?

    That could work! They're kinda the same, yet polar opposites. (Haha. Julietails. Romarine.)
  14. Hedgehugs

    What Are Your Relationship Headcannons?

    Nah my friends were joking about it too, with how Nine was so jealous of Tails being on Sonic's mind more, can't blame anyone for seeing it like that, but as someone who lowkey related to Nine as a kid I can't bring myself to make fun of the poor guy. Bro went through a lot haha. Though despite my controversial likes in ships, really can't bring myself to like Sonine or whatever it's called. Just way too much baggage, misunderstanding and jealousy going on and I'm boring so I like things being as fluffy, warm-hearted, and sappy as possible. Respect to a few people I know who do, though. I understand the appeal. Also, since we were talking about rarepairs, kinda wanna bring up a ship that wasn't really a rarepair but nowadays probably could be considered one; Tails/Marine (Tailrine? I don't know the ship name haha). It's cute and lowkey I won't deny I like it as the foil to Sonic/Blaze but since Blaze's World rarely gets focused on we never get any interactions between the two goobers anymore... Outside of that one Sonic Art we got a few months back (and by a few months back I just realized it's almost a year old oops): (Who forced my poor bro into a dress? ) Sure the few living Tails/Marine shippers were eating good when this came out.
  15. Well, the idea of rushing through it was kind of intended, as it was what I had in mind when creating the topic. However, once people started posting, and I could tell that everybody followed my instructions, but as in, drawing right now from memory, etc, but not within seconds, I quickly accepted the idea. It's kind of amazing seeing what people come with within the guidelines I made. Anyways, regarding your drawing, yeah, that is a pretty good looking Knuckles! It looks completely accurate for being completely based on memory. Nicely done! Oh yeah, and again, sorry for the whole tail/leg thing earlier.
  16. Doing my Knuckles check in, since I was asked to check out what was new on the Speed Sim test server, I decided to get the event done and get the boy. He's got the hat so he's automatically the best character in the game.
  17. Half of the codes don’t work for me, but I already have good chao so I’m fine
  18. A super No.1 washedupgamer

    Quick Time Event - Draw Whatever Sonic Character Comes to Mind RIGHT NOW

    Here's a better pick of knuckles. I didn't rush it this time and I drew him from memory:
  19. Yesterday
  20. Weekly Check-In : Sonic Adventure DX (Steam Release, Modded) I finished Tails' Adventure this week...but not before I got some Dreamcast conversion mods installed. Goodbye vanilla SADX! ...And after seeing how the game looks? In full widescreen, no less? Good riddance. Don't get me wrong, I did like the DX models, but during Sonic's Adventure I couldn't shake the feeling that they themselves looked like they were modded in; The extra life icons and ending screens even still used the old look! It's up to personal taste really, but I prefer the low poly aesthetic of the Dreamcast models and how well they blend with the scenery/animations compared to the DX ones. The characters look like they belong in the game now. I also liked the DX textures when I had nothing else to compare them to...but the world looks much more vibrant now and I don't think I could go back lol. It's just...wow, what a difference. Lookin' good, Burger Guy. I ended up using PKR's SADX Mod Installer to make the change and because of it, the process was painless and required very little work on my end. Highly recommend if you're playing the Steam port! Alright, so Tails. I have mixed feelings on his route. I would describe it as an easy mode for an already easy game with a simple yet heartwarming character arc. Not exactly the most fun to play, but worth it for story reasons. The gameplay was much like Sonic's, but less satisfying to maneuver and more forgiving. Flying was kind of fun, but it was floaty and strange to use when trying to move forward fast. Coming off of Sonic's route, it was frustrating to not be able to reach his speed in the same courses, and it made Tails feel like a downgrade despite gaining the ability to fly...but hm. Now that I think about it, that's kind of thematic, actually? Tails does struggle with being in Sonic's shadow, and may feel the same frustration with not having Sonic's capabilities... Oh sweet, an ability to spin infinitely! Nevermind, this rules. As for the story...Gah, it's so simple yet effective in showing off Sonic and Tails' brotherly bond and is a compelling underdog story to boot. It was satisfying to see Tails grow into his own by the end of it. I was rooting for the little guy, and he came through! Look at that expression. I can't help but smile too. Something else I really liked were Sonic's lines during their races. His playful taunting when passing Tails alongside the way he acted proud of Tails when passed. It really sold the idea that he was encouraging his kid brother to try his best. Knuckles Bonus Challenge : Sonic Adventure DX (Steam Release, Modded)...Again. Hey Knux, I'm ready to play your-- Oh. Hm. Looks like he's asleep. Oh well, guess I'll come back next week. --- *raises hand* Me! I like them! I love to take my time exploring within games to find things, so enjoy that these stages are built around that type of behavior. I blame Lego Star Wars and its canisters even though its not quite the same lol.
  21. Shiny Gems

    Knuckles Show Opinions and Spoilers Discussion Thread

    I am up to episode 4. EDIT: Okay, watched the whole thing, and I loved it!
  22. ill add in a segment about apperances sa2 and sonic 06 (i havent played heroes, so someone else will have to do that)
  23. Rabbitearsblog

    A rivalry happens, hedgehog wise in this TailsTube episode

    I honestly liked how Shadow was being portrayed in Sonic Prime. Say what you will about Sonic Prime, but one of the most praised parts of the series was Shadow's characterization as being this grumpy guy who still wants to help out Sonic. I just wish that SEGA just let Shadow have more emotions than just the angry guy who just wants to fight stronger opponents.
  24. Xandur

    What Sonic show would you like to see?

    It's super well thought out! I'm definitely on board with that idea. I always found the world that the OVA established to be pretty interesting, and it's strange how it was literally never expanded upon after that (except for a brief appearance in Archie). The Land of the Sky and Land of Darkness are neat concepts. I absolutely agree. Tails needs some time in the spotlight for sure. He was already robbed by Chris in Sonic X...
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