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Which Sonic CD soundtrack do you prefer?


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Quartz Quadrant's Good Future theme and Bad Future theme are probably the best examples of sameyness in the US soundtrack. Compare;

^ Good Future theme of Quartz Quadrant. Sounds hopeful and pretty but the repetitive nonsense female vocals are irritating to say the least.

^ Bad Future theme of Quartz Quadrant. Extreme similarity as the Good Future theme with the exception of sounding downbeat.

Where's the originality? In the Bad Future, you have the same twinkliness as the Good Future except downbeat. Downbeat sound to it? Appropriate. Twinkling kind of sound to it for a time period where the crystals have been gutted out of the mine already? Not appropriate. Downbeat male voices? Appropriate. Identical drum beat to the Good Future? Unoriginal.

It's like the soundtrack was so rushed that the Good Future's theme was taken, notes adjusted slightly and new downbeat male vocals added in with a slightly different electric guitar tune. And it's not different enough to make me think that it's anything more than samey. There's no increased tempo, no different instruments, nada.

To be fair, one could make that exact same post with the present and good future versions of JP/EU Palmtree Panic to argue that soundtrack was all samey.

For the record for anyone who hadn't noticed, in the US soundtrack only the two Future themes share basic melodies. This was presumebly to work with the fact that the Past music remained unchanged. Thus you have a "Past" theme with it's own melody, a "Present" theme with it's own melody, and two Future themes with a "Good" version of the melody and "Bad" version of the melody.

Also the comparisons of the female vocals to porn music is pretty dumb. That kind of female vocals are utterly early 90's pop, and not a single track sounds porny to me. =\ Tidal Tempest in particular has such a gorgeous sad melody for the main part of it.

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I prefer the US soundtrack, though it's the one I grew up with.

I think both soundtracks are great and fit the levels for different reasons, and I've been using the Japanese soundtrack most of the time lately as it's still kind of novell, but I still prefer the US soundtrack because of the tension. Both have a very early 90s feel though, for different reasons.

To me, it's the Good Futures where I MUCH prefer the US tracks for almost every single one. Especially Collision Chaos and Stardust Speedway. With the other time frames, it's a toss up depending on the level, and I'd say it's actually the Present tracks where the Japanese version is strongest.

In terms of boss themes, I'd take Grimmy McGrim over the weird one the Japanese version has. People talk how the US vocals are "embarrassing", but yet the Japanese boss theme and others get away with it because "it's Japanese"? Seems like a bit of a double standard to me.

Oh yeah and I must be the only person on the planet who thinks the US Special Stage theme dicks all over the Japanese one. Quartz Quadrant Good Future in the US one is so cheesy, but it's a guilty pleasure, while it's remixed version of the Bad Future is so BLEAK that it fits that everything's been mined out and there's nothing left. The QQBF Japanese track is great but too upbeat imo.

Edited by Semi-colon e
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Oh yeah and I must be the only person on the planet who thinks the US Special Stage theme dicks all over the Japanese one.

Not at all. Much US dicking is involved during my Time Stone runs on the new version.

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To be fair, one could make that exact same post with the present and good future versions of JP/EU Palmtree Panic to argue that soundtrack was all samey.

Not to mentoin that the constant "YAAAY" vocals can get really fucking obnoxious.

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I'm gonna say this quick and get it over with: I say the US one is better, but I really like the Japanese one as well.

Random note: I absolutely love the US stage clear song

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It's been awhile since I've listened to the US soundtrack, so I can't really say much for it. Though the last time I checked, I found it quite average compared to the JP/EU soundtrack.

I've been a long time lover of the JP/EU soundtrack, simply because of it's upbeat (Good Future/Present) and fast-paced music. It's all very reminiscent of the early 90's British Rave/Techno scene. To heck with atmosphere, I love the obnoxious Engrish that 'works that sucker to death'. Props also goes out to those over at Sonic Retro for the Sonic CD OSV Project.

Oh and the soundtrack to Sonic Generations is probably my second, if not, tied first favourite Sonic soundtrack of the series, joint with this JP/EU beauty.

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I grew up with the US soundtrack and occasionally would listen to a JP/EU track on youtube for reference, and it was so different and off putting that I didn't give it a chance.

Nowadays, I like them both about equally, there are some tracks I hate from the US (QQ Present...ugh) soundtrack and some I hate from the JP/EU one (Special Stage, Zone Complete theme). My favorite tracks from each are anything from Tidal Tempest US, Stardust Speedway good and bad future US AND JP, and Metallic Madness present and bad future JP. I used to love Metallic Madness BF US but now I find it incomparable to insanity of the JP version.

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I am honestly shocked that "the US soundtrack all sounds samey" is even an argument here. The Japanese soundtrack is full of its own flavor of repetition and the criticism can apply both ways. Not to mention that this is a game that utilizes time periods with minute changes in design between each era, so if anything, that "samey" feel helps string together consistency within each zone, for both sides of the pacific.

The Japanese songs share melody, while the US songs share atmosphere. You can tell that the US versions of the present and future mixes belong in the same zone. The two soundtracks are similar in many ways when it comes to both strengths and flaws, they just happen to excel in different directions.

I find the US soundtrack to be a brilliant piece of work and I adore the guitar riffs that are rampant throughout some of the songs. Stardust Speedway and Quartz Quadrant in particular have outstanding tunes and I love visiting the future eras just to hear their respective songs.

I enjoy the Japanese soundtrack too but I can only like it when listening to it on its own. The US soundtrack is great on its own and fits the game better for me. It's subtle, eerie, hauntingly beautiful, and melancholic. I love that 80/90s style of music, and it's so American but it doesn't try too hard either. It genuinely makes Sonic's world feel a little bit darker underneath the chipper-looking surface; the good future tunes are optimistic yet sometimes tense, while the bad future songs send chills down your spine and make you want to fix what went wrong in these zones.

And by the way, Nilsen composed some of the best music for the Sega CD ever, and every time I see someone deride him based on his efforts in Sonic CD, I roll my eyes and direct them to Ecco the Dolphin, which is ambient perfection.

In the end, it doesn't matter which soundtrack is better because all regions had http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDbBMh71J38, which is the single greatest Sonic song of all ever.

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Both are great, but I do prefer the JP/EU soundtrack.

It just seems more all-around fitting to the stages, and most of the songs are really catchy and more fitting for a Sonic game.

You gotta love Sonic Boom though. And I do like the US Stardust Speedway and Wacky Workbench better than the JP versions. I mean, just compare.

I mean, all I hear in the JP version is "Hands on your knees, hands on your knees, hands on your knees, til the cows come home." And now you can't unhear it.

Edited by Sapphire
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I prefer the JP version. The songs just have this unique sound to them that you will not find in any other Sonic game OST, and they are just so catchy, bouncy and so 90's SEGASonic it's not even funny. There are still some awesome tracks in the US version (OHAI STARDUST SPEEDWAY AND SONIC BOOM), but I feel the JP OST wins because of how unique it sounds. Most US tracks (except for a couple) just sound kinda generic to me.

Edited by Chaos Warp
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I mean, all I hear in the JP version is "Hands on your knees, hands on your knees, hands on your knees, til the cows come home." And now you can't unhear it.
Hitmonlee! Hitmonlee!
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They're even I'd say. I generally do default to the JP one for the sole reason that all the zone themes have the same melody with different mixes, which feels more like a Sonic game. However, a lot of the US songs are just better listening material. Collsion Chaos present is a lot more atmospheric in the stages, and Palmtree Panic US wins by viture of the JP one just beign plain annoying. Meanwhile, US Quartz Futures are the best songs in the game for both regions combined hands down. Everything about those tracks is wonderful.

Meanwhile the JP version has the killer Stardust futures which are...well they're just plain good to listen too. The Metallic Madness musics are also better songs in Japan, but in that case, the US ones are way more fitting. Especially bad future. That there is one scary arse song, and really invokes the feeling of "you've so screwed up/you're in deep slag now"

Lastly, Sonic Boom is so much better than You Can Do Anything, it's not even funny. Maybe you guys can stand random guys shouting in your ears like drunkards, but that's not for me. (May he RIP btw)

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To clarify, let me point out that when I said that the US soundtrack felt 'samey', I wasn't even referring to the whole 'good future/ bad future are remixes of each other' thing. In my opinion, pretty much the entire US soundtrack is just bland and forgettable. You could probably swap a lot of the tunes around and, save for a few, I'd barely even notice, myself. At most, I can remember maybe a few bars from each, or vaguely remember a bit of a tune. And this is coming from someone who grew up with the US soundtrack.

I mean, realistically, I can remember the US version of Palmtree Panic Present, but the rest I can really only remember in part. I don't think I could identify any of the US Future themes if you played them to me without telling me where they were from. That's how little of an impression the soundtrack left on me, really. Like I said, to me it just feels more like background music for the sake of background music, making little to no attempt to actually sound like actual videogame music, and certainly not Sonic game music.

In fact, I'm sure this matter has been brought up before anyway, but why exactly did they see fit to change the soundtrack, anyway? Thankfully they only did it for one game, mind you. I dread to think how divided the fanbase would be (and how bland the soundtracks would be) if they'd done this for every game.

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Both. But I have nostalgia from the US version.

No, I'm not saying that just to be the boring guy. As with similar cases (S3DB Genesis VS Saturn, DKC3 SNES VS GBA), I like both soundtracks. Any music that manages to create an idea or image in my head is one that I will like (this is one of the reasons why soundtracks of Sonic games that overuse rock don't appeal much to me). The JP/EU one has plenty of fantastic tunes, but I also happen to actually LIKE the US's ambiance, even liking that some of the tunes sound like inverted versions of each other. But of course, there are some more preferred than others.

And because I have no life, I'll point those out right now! Do ho ho ho!

Palmtree Panic Present: US. I know it may come off as typical and bland, but it's the kind of tune I like.

Palmtree Panic Bad Future: Close one, but I'll go for US. Really sets the mood for a once beautiful paradise being wasted by Robotnik's machines.

Palmtree Panic Good Future: Again, close one, but US. Nature and technology in harmonieeeee!~

Collision Chaos Present: Tie. The JP/EU one is more fitting and catchy, but I've always been a sucker for randomly melancholy music, so I like the US one as well.

Collision Chaos Bad Future: JP/EU. When I hear this, I imagine a ruined city with broken neon lights and maybe a bit of rain. As I said, being able to think of a scenario/scene just by hearing music means this one is in my good books.

Collision Chaos Good Future: JP/EU. This one makes me think of a majestic green valley, with a massive lake in the background. It's optimism in music form.

Tidal Tempest Present: This is a tough one, but I think I'll go with US, simply because it manages to make singing women sound fitting in an underwater stage that may or may not be near a volcano.

Tidal Tempest Bad Future: Tie. The JP/EU sounds like Sonic's invading a Robotnik submarine with plenty of sea-based mechanical traps out to get him. The US version sounds like a forgotten temple. Equally grand.

Tidal Tempest Good Future: JP/EU... I guess.

Quartz Quadrant Present: JP/EU. Without question.

Quartz Quadrant Bad Future: US. This one sounds like a secret abandoned laboratory that's only just been revealed.

Quartz Quadrant Good Future: Close, but US. The previous laboratory tone has been remade to sound as if the world itself was waking up once more.

Wacky Workbench Present: US. Because I can never remember the JP/EU version.

Wacky Workbench Bad Future: US. See Present.

Wacky Workbench Good Future: US. Yep.

Stardust Speedway Present: I know I'll be stabbed for this one, but US. Make no mistake, I love the JP/EU one as much as everyone else, but I can't help but love the combination of this somewhat cosmic-sounding tune with Sonic speeding through the stars in one of his most visually appealing stages yet.

Stardust Speedway Bad Future: Tie. Even before Generations brought them back, I could appreciate both the JP/EU's fast-paced hijnks and the US's darker sprint.

Stardust Speedway Good Future: Tie. Eh.

Metallic Madness Present: Love both of them, but I lean closer to US. They're both far from subtle in terms of FINALE HERE, but I prefer the US version's uncertain-yet-ominous feel.

Metallic Madness Bad Future: Tie. Generally prefer the US one, but I too enjoy the JP/EU's mysteriously deep voices talking about killing your ass.

Metallic Madness Good Future: JP/EU. This one makes me think of stages like Dragon Road for some reason.

Special Stage: US. Again, my favoritism for pointlessly sad-sounding music is probably in full swing here.

Boss Music: Tie. I'm generally a boring fuck who prefers the dark cackles of the US version, but I don't think there's anyone who can resist WORK THAT FUNKY BITCH, COME ON NOW, WORK THAT FUNKY BITCH. I think the JP/EU fits for the Good Futures, US for the Bad Futures, and JP/EU's Final Fever for the final boss.

Main Theme: Sonic Boom. Don't get me wrong, both You Can Do Anything and Cosmic Eternity - especially the first part of the latter - brilliant. But... it's Sonic Boom. It's Sonic Boom, man. For me, it's always been Sonic Boom. Sonic Boom is the one song I immediately associate with Sonic (and not just because his name is in the title). Not It Doesn't Matter. Not Open Your Heart. Sonic Fucking Boom.

As for the Past themes, love them all. I love Palmtree Panic's prehistoric airy feel, I love Metallic Madness' hyping up for construction, I love Collision Chaos' wacky turnabout, I love Stardust Speedway's good sax, I love Tidal Tempest's light waves, I really love Wacky Workbench's western triumph, and I especially love Quartz Quadrant's ideal Robotnik-free high life.

Edited by Dr. Crusher
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Both soundtracks are awesome, but I have to go with the original JP/EU soundtrack as my personal preference. It's got so many good tracks, I couldn't help but to listen to it all day. XD

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The Japanese/European soundtrack by a light-year.

The US soundtrack is the second worst (only beaten by Generations) in Sonic history.

Just what the hell were SEGA US thinking in choosing Spencer Nielsen to right the soundtrack. He wouldn't know how to right music if it came up and bit his face.

EVERY track on the US version of CD stinks worse than a skunk with BO. Nielsen TOTALLY DESTROYED the game with his trully horrendous soundtrack.

Give me this:

[Toot Toot Sonic Warrior]

And this:

[Cosmic Eternity]

Any day over Nielsen's crap.

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To be fair, one could make that exact same post with the present and good future versions of JP/EU Palmtree Panic to argue that soundtrack was all samey.

JP/EU Palmtree Panic Present and Good Future were still far more characteristically different than US Quartz Quadrant Good Future and Bad Future. Namely, JP/EU Palmtree Panic isn't a shameless aping of the Present theme, it stands by itself because it uses different instrumentation, different tempo and different sound effects as well as distinctly different composition in various places. Quartz Quadrant GF/BF US cannot say the same because there's absolutely no difference when it comes to tempo and instrumentation.

It's an expert mingling of similarity with distinction, holding fast to the general running musical theme throughout JP/EU CD of having one distinct musical motif for a zone and making them stand by themselves without the degree of sameyness that the US soundtrack has. Quartz Quadrant GF/BF US sounds exactly like it tried to mimic JP/EU's consistency with it's variations on one musical theme in different time periods and failed spectacularly at it because it didn't make it characteristically and distinctly different enough to make it sound anything more than plain samey.

People talk how the US vocals are "embarrassing", but yet the Japanese boss theme and others get away with it because "it's Japanese"? Seems like a bit of a double standard to me.

Difference is, the JP/EU Boss theme actually suits Eggman's bombastic and whimsical boasting, which is a large part of his character and always HAS been a large part of his character, making it suit him to a tee. The US Boss theme sounds like dysonant repetitive tunage with a Robotnik laugh I wouldn't be surprised hearing coming from SatAM Robotnik, who character-wise, has absolutely nothing to do with game Eggman.

it seems to me as if you're slamming it simply because it isn't the Jap/Eur soundtrack.

Ah, the typical strawman against the JP/EU soundtrack appreciators, saying that the only reason why they like it is because of it's Japanese origin.

it's been used though to discredit the appreciator's of media originating in Japan, trying to claim that the only reason JP/EU lovers like it is solely because of where it originated from despite no one even vaguely hinting that that is the case, you know, said likers thoroughly explaining why they have the preference.

Edited by Verte
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JP/EU Palmtree Panic Present and Good Future were still far more characteristically different than US Quartz Quadrant Good Future and Bad Future. Namely, JP/EU Palmtree Panic isn't a shameless aping of the Present theme, it stands by itself because it uses different instrumentation, different tempo and different sound effects as well as distinctly different composition in various places. Quartz Quadrant GF/BF US cannot say the same because there's absolutely no difference when it comes to tempo and instrumentation.

It's an expert mingling of similarity with distinction, holding fast to the general running musical theme throughout JP/EU CD of having one distinct musical motif for a zone and making them stand by themselves without the degree of sameyness that the US soundtrack has. Quartz Quadrant GF/BF US sounds exactly like it tried to mimic JP/EU's consistency with it's variations on one musical theme in different time periods and failed spectacularly at it because it didn't make it characteristically and distinctly different enough to make it sound anything more than plain samey.

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Difference is, the JP/EU Boss theme actually suits Eggman's bombastic and whimsical boasting, which is a large part of his character and always HAS been a large part of his character, making it suit him to a tee.

I probably wouldn't have minded that so much if it weren't for the insertion of the track's lyrics.

For the record I can't recall any boss track beyond Sonic CD's JP/EU soundtrack that actually tried to paint Eggman as "whimsical". Sonic 1 in particular was pretty menacing.

Ah, the typical strawman against the JP/EU soundtrack appreciators, saying that the only reason why they like it is because of it's Japanese origin.

it's been used though to discredit the appreciator's of media originating in Japan, trying to claim that the only reason JP/EU lovers like it is solely because of where it originated from despite no one even vaguely hinting that that is the case, you know, said likers thoroughly explaining why they have the preference.

You'd have a point if it wasn't that hoggy's post fits that assessment to a T, and it explained jack shit of what you elaborated on, perhaps because Scorch's post wasn't directed at you to begin with, and it would have made him somewhat of a hypocrite considering he stated himself that he likes JP/EU's soundtrack.

It goes both ways though, considering I can list a colorful slew of people who literally give the US fans, and it's soundtrack, no mercy in terms of letting them appreciate the work of it, and the laughable elitism and holier-than-thou attitude displayed by a big amount of supporters of the JP/EU soundtrack which is apparently the holy grail of holy grails.

In terms of fan bases, the way I see it, JP/EU has pretty much always been in the least need of defending their opinions. The stigma and notoriety of the US soundtrack as far as I'm aware has never seen members lambaste the JP/EU soundtrack, because it's hard to deny the fact that it's still good music altogether. It's just a matter of context sensitive preference.

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The Japanese soundtrack is better cause I said so.

I can't believe the amount of defending that's having to go on here. ._.' I mean, I like the US soundtrack, but not a lot. It just doesn't fit the game as far as I'm concerned. Too dark and dreary, to much guitar and I always like Sonic music to edge in the way of pop and funk. YMMV

Edited by Blue Blood
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Ah, the typical strawman against the JP/EU soundtrack appreciators, saying that the only reason why they like it is because of it's Japanese origin.

it's been used though to discredit the appreciator's of media originating in Japan, trying to claim that the only reason JP/EU lovers like it is solely because of where it originated from despite no one even vaguely hinting that that is the case, you know, said likers thoroughly explaining why they have the preference.

I never said that now, did I? Nowhere in my above post did I say that hoggy liked the Jap/Eur track because of it originating from Japan. As Asagi pointed out, I'd be a hypocrite for saying something like that, since I've already made it perfectly clear in my original post that I do have some degree of respect/appreciation for the Jap/Eur track, and that I often find myself alternating between that and the American one on a regular basis whenever I play the 360 remake.

The point I was trying to make, is that hoggy, as well as several others I've seen throughout the web, seem to hate the American OST solely for being a replacement track, not because of the fact that it didn't come from Japan. Even back in the day, when the game was first released, critics were given a Japanese copy of Sonic CD first, and then gave the US version a lower a score, solely because of the soundtrack change (as stated in this interview).

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Count me in as ones who prefer the JP/EU tracks, not because it's where it originated from, which I find pretty ridiculous for anyone to say. XD

As many people said, the music fits the atmosphere much more than the US. Even if it didn't, I still find most of the US music to be somewhat uninspired. There are definitely some gems such as Stardust Speedway Good Future and......

Oh, and when someone insults Tidal Tempest Present US - then it gets personal.


What this guy says. This one has great taste. XD

Also the Bad Future track is awesome.

Edited by canderson
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