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Tales From Space: Mutant Blob Attack

Badnik Mechanic

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Mutant Blob Attack is a sequel to a not so great game called 'about a blob.' It's a downloadable title which was a Vita launch game, however I think you can also get it on Steam.
And holy shit this game is amazing!

I got this for free with PSN+ and to be honest, I wasn't expecting that much, only bothered to download it as it was barely 150MB and wanted something to pass the time whilst waiting for Qi to start. But after loading it up and playing the first stage I was hooked, you know how sometimes you get a game, you start playing it and you just forget why you're doing what you're doing or what started as a quick half an hour gaming experience turns into a 3 hour marathon? This is one of those games, think how Mario, Sonic and other great platformers just suck you in, this is one of those games.
The game is basically a B-Movie or an old monster movie, you play as 'the blob' who manages to escape from a college science lab. You then slowly slither around the school absorbing objects getting bigger and bigger so you can absorb larger objects which allow you to progress further into the stage.




In the first world you're barely the size of a small cup, but by the second world you've grown to the size of a car and are able to absorb people as well as the military that try and destroy you.
The game is a platformer and if you're a fan of percision platforming, timing your jumps just right as well as mastering a stage then this game is definately for you. But as with games like Sonic, you can speed through each stage once you learn it, this also helps to increase your overal score.
Music wise, I love the music in this game. It reminds me of classic science fiction music from old movies. Visually the game looks great the colour sceme isn't the brightest or most vibrant around, but it works. Again, think old movies, not digitally remastered, but old film movies.
There was however one thing I hated about this.. however, I later discovered the problem was me. There are stages that use tilt controls... NO WAIT COME BACK! These stages were hell for me to control when using the vita, but thats because I was playing it completely wrong. I was tilting the Vita unit like a car steering wheel, when what I should have been doing was holding it flat like a table and gently tilting the unit. After I did that I had much more control and it was quite amazing just how well and responsive the game was to the Vita's motion controls. But there is only 1 motion stage in each world, the other stages are just platforming with the analogue sticks.



One thing that I really love about this game is that each world introduces something new but it doesn't become a gimmick, the stages themselves last long enough for them to engaging but don't ever drag on to the point of boredom.
The game was free for PSN+ users last week, I'm not sure if it still is but definately download this. It's a really good game, in fact it's probably one of the best titles on the Vita or at least a very strong challenger for the title.

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I think it's just Vita. The Wiki page says you can also get it on windows and OS so it might be on steam too but I'm not sure about that.


It is on Steam, and it's 75% off too! Only £1.37.


If you don't have a Vita, go for the Steam version, but for me, it just feels like it was build for a handheld/mobile device, this might just be me though.

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The concept is pretty similar to Katamari! Looks fun, but it's only on the Vita, are you sure? sad.png

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When PS+ Vita came out, I had all the titles activated on my account, but I only ever downloaded Gravity Rush and Jet Set Radio.

Looks like I have another reason to dig out my Vita now.

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I got it at launch, absolutely fantastic little gem.


These guys are doing Guacamelee next:



"a metroidvania style action-platformer set in a magical mexican world"


The concept is pretty similar to Katamari! Looks fun, but it's only on the Vita, are you sure? sad.png


There is About a Blob, on the PS3 (and Steam) to which this one is the sequel... sort of.


Similar theme but with a couple different gameplay mechanics and local coop.

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I got this game a short while after launch and I have agree that it is an awesome game!


As a designer I'm always looking for games with a little more art than others, but also fun at the same time. I'd played the demo of the original game, but didn't want to pay the full amount. I think the reason I bought the vita one was because it was a lot cheaper and I needed some games for my Vita.


The game is highly addictive, but also easy to pick up and put down when you have a lot of work to do, but need a 5 minute break. The game offers a lot of challenges, even from near the beginning. Although it can be fairly easy in the first few levels, it requires you to master the game to be able to complete some levels 100%, although I don't tend to be a perfectionist with games these days, I do think it's essential to add these challenges for the hardcore gamers.


I love this game for its design. It doesn't try too hard to invent an incredibly detailed universe like some of the major titles out there, but it gives us just about enough to be visually appealing. It has the feel of some of the modern day vector based animations, which I am a fan of. It feels like a slightly grown up version of Loco Roco in the way it plays, taking advantage of the technology available on the console. Although this can be confusing or irratation occassionally, it does make you feel as if you're getting more for your money, because a lot of the vita games still don't take advantage of all the gizmos it has to offer.


I haven't completed this game yet because I got stuck. But anyone looking for a fun game to play, I would suggest this to. It's good value for money, runs really smoothly and I feel it has been polished off to a high standard. For student game designers, I suggest studying and referencing this game for its art style and game mechanics if you are searching for positive game examples.

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Never heard of this or played this before, but seeing the title of this topic and the title of this game makes me remember an old adventure game called Space Quest 5: The Next Mutation of which I'm strongly fond of.

It was quite a wonderful and hilarious parody of Star Trek, released in March of 1993. I would highly recommend it to anyone who is willing to study and appreciate the evolution of point-and-click sidescrolling adventure games.

And yes, it does feature a confrontation with a giant slimy mutant blob at the very very end of the quest... But I wouldn't want to give away spoilers. Feel free to search it up yourself. You won't regret it, I assure you. Some great laughs. ;)

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