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Sonic, master of weaponry

Rey Skywalker-Ren

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Chill out gal, you aren't no bad cookie, just misunderstood, you need to stop taking every disagreement to heart though! No one is out to hurt you or anything, but you should listen to our points, like we listen to yours!

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I promise. I also promise to ask for help when I dont understand.

Yeah, and sorry for being too tactless. I honestly wasn't trying to hurt your feelings, but I think I just made things worse.

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I do agree that I put him on a pedestul and it scares me because I hate when others do it but I do it as well. I am the very thing I hate. I never meant to make people fustrated and I promise I will listen. 

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Sonic is the sort that likes a challenge, which is why he will drive in a car when races are involved, so that it's a fair fight.

On the flipside, there are some things even his super speed cannot do, and so it makes sense he will make use of weapons when he absolutely has to.

However, I see him overall as the type who enjoys a challenge and prefers to rely on his own speed rather than any other sort of power. Hence why I think that despite his apparent ability to make use of Chaos energy, he does not bother harnessing it - he's perfectly content to let that be Shadow's thing.

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Sonic's pretty broken if you think about, his super speed applies to other fields of combat since he has the reflexes and agility to manipulate his body to perform abilities that make him proficient in any area of combat by just accelerating his arm and leg in super speed, like the flash. Sword Skills, Melee Skills, maybe even Fire Arm Skills since he can probably perceive hyper coordination naturally. Chaos Ability wise, he might be as strong as Shadow in molding Chaos Matter, but skillfully I think Chaos Manipulation requires more than just physical power but perfect mental control, Sonic's a spastic and restless creature with no patience in using distinctive powers powered by mental and emotional control, all of his abilities require high speed acceleration and hyper activity. Shadow so happens to be the most proficient character of Chaos Control because his personality is disiciplined and strict, while Sonic is the opposite.

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Sonic's pretty broken if you think about, his super speed applies to other fields of combat since he has the reflexes and agility to manipulate his body to perform abilities that make him proficient in any area of combat by just accelerating his arm and leg in super speed, like the flash. Sword Skills, Melee Skills, maybe even Fire Arm Skills since he can probably perceive hyper coordination naturally. Chaos Ability wise, he might be as strong as Shadow in molding Chaos Matter, but skillfully I think Chaos Manipulation requires more than just physical power but perfect mental control, Sonic's a spastic and restless creature with no patience in using distinctive powers powered by mental and emotional control, all of his abilities require high speed acceleration and hyper activity. Shadow so happens to be the most proficient character of Chaos Control because his personality is disiciplined and strict, while Sonic is the opposite.

Sonic also has the ability to adapt to any energy source such as the wisps and shields. Which reflects his adaptive nature. 

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