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where did respect


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i have always been mind bolggled when reading through comments,replies,or just any thing in general i always find arguments/bad comments because there opinion does not exaclty match there's or because they don't like there opinion. it's just an opinion don't start a pointles fight over over people speaking there mind or stating a opinion. but in reality this kinda thing will never go away. i hope i'm not the only one that feels like this.


Image removed, because we don't condone even joking discussions of suicide here. ~Tara

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You're gonna need to put more work into that OP so that people, uh... know what we're talking about. I get you don't like people not liking opinions and stuff... but where do we go from there?





and also I can't tell if that Stewie is poorly photoshop or if Family Guy has gotten far worse than I've realized

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From what I can tell, the post is about not respecting people's opinions and how rude it is to question it?


Opinions can be challenged all the internet wants to. You can't just jump on into the Digiworld and say "oh lol hitler did nothing wrong" and expect people to not jump on you for saying it. Yes, hyperboles in comparison to some of the discussion content, but that makes the thought of being irritated with people disagreeing/arguing with you over something even more trivial. 


I know that there is a boundary to just enjoying things for what they are, but if you cannot back up your claims with reasoning and explanation then of course you're going to be questioned for it. If you didn't think that's how it works to begin with then you're setting yourself up for being irritated at Youtube comments or not knowing how to take criticism (or both).


..At least, I think what I wrote is in response to what the point of the topic was?

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I think that if this is what the topic is about, I agree. People have a right to their opinon as well as a disagreement to an opinion, However, it is true that they can be respectful in how they disagree. 

   Just because one person thinks that monkeys are best painted blue, doesn't mean you have to agree with them. now how you respond though, is crucial in respect. not saying that you can never reply disrespectfully either. 

Reply #1


" Look, Monkeys are BORN brown, and have always BEEN BROWN . I guess blue is a nice color to some, but I think it harms the welfare of the monkey, it will make it less camoflauged and also will be unhealthy to have so much paint on their fur. "

    This is matter of fact, but it is respectful as well.

Reply# 2


What is your  problem? when on EARTH have you ever seen a blue monkey? you out of your mind?? I have no idea where idiots like you come from, but serioulsy, this is the STUPIDEST and most IDIOTIC waste of posting space ever, get a life!

   While the statement here is basically true, it is very rude and disrespectful. The odds that the first opinion making person will even consider what you are saying is very low. 

so in this part I would say, we should try to be respectful when agreeing or disagreeing with some one else's opinion

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If I disagree with your opinion, I'm going to contest it.


This is what we call "debate".



Also can someone add "go" to the end of the title?

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While I won't deny that things get rather heated here from time to time, it's not exactly helpful to anyone if you can't give specific examples.  With that said, I think Azookara said it best.  This is a discussion forum, intended to provoke discussion.  That means opinions are going to be constantly challenged and debated by design.  Yes, some people can be quite shrill about it, and even say some pretty nasty things, which the staff are usually quick to pick up on, but the fact is that this board was made for discussing, debating, civilly arguing, conversing, and any synonym thereof.


In the case of comments, especially, I think you have to understand this forum's sense of humor.  Of course, I do think members go too far with that, sometimes, as even I have times where I'm like, "I know if I post this, no one's going to even attempt to be civil about it," but nine times out of ten, there is no malicious or defamatory intent.


If you have a problem with the way a member acts, I suggest you consult them or a moderator about it, as making it a public affair isn't exactly...you know... respectful. (Irony of ironies)


Also, I'm moving this to the Member Feedback forum since that seems more like the appropriate place.


Also also, while I normally would close a topic like this, I'm going to leave it open a little bit because I like that we've so far been able to discuss the matter in a civil manner.




Also can someone add "go" to the end of the title?

But what if his intent was to end the sentence with "graduate from college?"

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The only time I see this kind of behaviour is when someone is somewhat 'baiting' (if that's even the word you can use to describe it). It's very rare that I see people instigating arguments for no reason, and when it does happen, the mods get involved.

As Tara said, things do get heated around here sometimes, but it's the internet. No matter where you go, there will always be heated situations. The best thing to do is just ignore it. If someone is being rude/argumentative/aggressive towards you for no reason, just report them to a moderator. :)

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i have always been mind bolggled when reading through comments,replies,or just any thing in general i always find arguments/bad comments because there opinion does not exaclty match there's or because they don't like there opinion. it's just an opinion don't start a pointles fight over over people speaking there mind or stating a opinion. but in reality this kinda thing will never go away. i hope i'm not the only one that feels like this.


Image removed, because we don't condone even joking discussions of suicide here. ~Tara



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