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Dear Internet: Grow Up


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"Dear Internet: Grow Up"

Sorry to burst your bubble, but.........it won't. It simply just won't. See GIFT.

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God forbid they're clothes reveal too many polygons.

But being serious, was she not expecting backlash? If there's a place you'll find nerds who love their animated tits, it's the internet. Not saying that justifies being a dick about it, but was she not aware of this?

On the subject of sexification, I think it doesn't hurt anything if used lightly. If it's something like DOA with breasts flopping everywhere and skirts flashing panties, then it's pretty ridiculous.

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When I saw the title, I was immensely disappointed to find that it wasn't about a game in development that involves a protagonist waging war against stupid internet memes.

Honestly, I can't say I've paid much attention to sexual stereotypes in videogames. You know, besides the obvious ones - you know it's kinda sad when bringing a woman into a major role for anything other than softcore tits is actually considered relatively refreshing. But while it certaintly is done explicitly for sex appeal on some occasions (and again, the offenders here are obvious - looking at you, Itagaki), I actually feel for the most part it's less about blatantly fetishising the female stereotype so much as simply aiming for the look which is bound to sell more, yet in all likelihood turn out to be ultimately generic. Women aren't exactly alone in that regard, what with ugly borderline-bald space marines with chests the size of fridges being all too prevalent in the market themselves, but I can definently see why the girl gamers would take more offense. Being depicted in skimpy apparel for no good reason besides money is hardly dignifying - most male gamers, on the other hand, would take being ripped to the nines as a compliment if nothing else.

The point I'm trying to make is that, honestly, I think she's looking at this the wrong way. For the most part, it's less of a point about fetishism and more about characters being incredibly bland and generic, male or female. It's something both sides could stand to benefit from, and when it gets to such a point that sides even need to be decided based on gender I just think it's a bit silly.

EDIT: That said, it would be nice to see some actual girl gamer perspective from someone here at SSMB. I kinda feel like a twat talking about female portrayals in games when the only ones posting so far are guys. =<

Edited by The Cheese
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I want to believe that the prime source of that kind of bile is in fact, adolescents and teenage boys, who honestly really do need to grow up. The thought of adults, functioning members of society, typing stuff like that revolts me.

Still, as a dude who likes girls and dudes, I gotta say video games do a pretty good job of delivering the sexay on the male front too. I don't mind exploitation when it's deliberate and doesn't pretend to be a reflection of reality.

I hate guns, but I still like shooting polygon humans with polygon bullets. I support fair gender relations, but I still like the polygon humans to look pretty.

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Problem is the internet gives a voice to everyone including herself. Not that I agree with peoples comments and I don't 100% agree with her either. What about other stereotypes in games, racial and personality stereotypes and so on?

Next she will be bitching about Anime and Manga, While she is right about Lego being largely aimed at boys (which is very true), only for her to bitch when Lego bring out sets aimed at girls, she bitches at that because its "too" stereotypical, too girly, its like you can't win with her.

Why doesn't which complain about bigger issues and broader issues? Instead of just crappy tropes and easy targets like pop culture?

Also all her video seems to focus on Negativity rather than anything positive about women in today's society. Its biased and one sided.

But what the fuck do I know? I am just a guy with a dick. sleep.png

These days I actually feel bad for being born with a dick and being heterosexual. sad.png

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These days I actually feel bad for being born with a dick and being heterosexual. sad.png

Whoa there! Let me put the lid back on that can of worms you just opened.

Having a nice day? I'm having a wonderful one.

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The thought of adults, functioning members of society, typing stuff like that revolts me.
I hope you brought a barf bag, then. This goes a step further than that. Not only does there exist a community where people have the utter gall to speak that kind of thing to female gamers face to face, in public, but they even try to justify it by saying - and I really must emphasise that I'm not making this up - that it's part of the fighting game culture, and that it wouldn't be the fighting community without sexism.

While I will reiterate the portrayal of females within the games themselves isn't necessarily fetishism so much as playing it overly safe in the design department, sadly I still have to maintain that the community built around these games is complete and utter scum. Which... I guess is what this topic was about in the first place, wasn't it? Hmm.

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I hope you brought a barf bag, then. This goes a step further than that. Not only does there exist a community where people have the utter gall to speak that kind of thing to female gamers face to face, in public, but they even try to justify it by saying - and I really must emphasise that I'm not making this up - that it's part of the fighting game culture, and that it wouldn't be the fighting community without sexism.

While I will reiterate the portrayal of females within the games themselves isn't necessarily fetishism so much as playing it overly safe in the design department, sadly I still have to maintain that the community built around these games is complete and utter scum. Which... I guess is what this topic was about in the first place, wasn't it? Hmm.

I do remember when Extra Credits did a topic on that one. Makes me a little depressed. I'd say something defending word choice with regards to what is intended by their use as opposed to what they actually mean - but honestly I don't wanna justify any of it. It's just despicable.

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What about them? Yes there are a lot of shitty stereotypes about every marginalized group, can people not address one of them without having to address all of them?

Okay, and? Is there some reason anime and manga are free from criticism?

Oh wow. Hey, maybe the solution is to actually produce and market a wide range of things to both genders instead of having "real legos" for boys and a separate set of stereotypically "girly" legos for girls.

Yeah, never try to fix anything unless you're attacking the biggest problem possible. All those doctors are wasting their time treating other diseases when there's this cancer thing out there.

A channel focusing on misogyny and sexism in media spends its time talking about the misogyny and sexism in media? What a fucking shock.

Y'know this is exactly the shit I was talking about. It's you, you are the shithead.

e: And yes I realize I'm kind of skewering my previous point and being the guy calling them klan members, but to see the exact shit I was talking about, a goddamn hat trick of stupidity, just 10 minutes after I posted it...well, fuck.

Surely you can see that their is inequality on both sides not just women, that was trying to say, yet you want to label me a sexist pig, go ahead seeing as already called me a shithead. dry.png

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"Woman isn't just a sexy body, she got feelings" is not just a problem of games or internet, it's problem of entire mankind. And every time I see or talk to nicely looking girl - it's my problem too.

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If a girl's cleavage or full breasts are exposed for artistic reasons, I don't mind, makes me realize that breasts are not always the enemy, now if we are talking women characters who are massive sex-demons, no.

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To be fair about that Batman boxart, Catwoman was always ​about the sex appeal, being the sexy temptress cat burglar who spends a good deal of her interactions flirting with Batman. Harley does not have that excuse, however, and her regular outfit outside the Arkham games covers pretty much everything except the face. Not that this stopped The Creeper from crushing on her on sight in the animated series. (Speaking of which, the Creeper not turning up in Arkham City despite Jack Ryder showing up in-game is a huge missed opportunity, seeing as how the Creeper even scares the crap out of the Joker himself. But that's a whole different topic.)

As The Cheese mentioned, the sexual stereotypes are somewhat inconsistent. Guys want sexy babes, girls find that stereotype offensive, but when men are ripped to the nines, the men want to be that as well. Sure, both men and women have no issue with being good-looking, but when you start removing clothes and getting into stereotypes, well, that's where the trouble starts.

Disagree or agree with Ms. Sarkeesian, but the people insulting her are just stupid. And then there's the guy who claimed sexism is inherently part of the fighting game community, he deserves a table in the face for that comment. No good community should need sexism or anything like it - to say otherwise is sheer stupidity.

Edited by Masaru Daimon
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To be fair about that Batman boxart, Catwoman was always ​about the sex appeal,
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As a teenager, I see people who use the Internet for the greater good, or for their sick (yet not questionable) pleasures.

I'm someone who uses the Internet to watch movies, TV shows, watch Youtube, write here, and download music.

I'm sure what the "other" people use the Internet for.

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