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IDW's Sonic the Hedgehog - Megathread


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2 minutes ago, DabigRG said:

...I mean, *yeah.*

Not sure how to response to this quote. I kinda understand that they have to build up this new universe. Every has to to that, but I kinda think that they are taking a bit to long for this, since they kinda first have to introduce all of that characters step by step.

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Perhaps a better approach, though not necessarily the best, would have been to hit the ground running and then flesh out everyone after the  fact. Kind of like how Unleashed did it by throwing us into this big climatic battle at the start and then filling in the details after the fact. I mean, no matter how you slice it Unleashed get's your blood pumping with that opening and shortly after the stakes and main players are introduced you get little tidbits here and there about who they are and what their aims and drives are. Sure, if you're new to the series there may not have been enough fleshing out and exploration of the characters to give you a really clear idea of some of the more nuanced aspects of their characters, but in a comic that would not have been a problem as the medium lends itself to that aspect of the story. As it was, happy as I was to read the first volume, it was just Sonic running aimlessly and solving relatively minor problems as he went about. It doesn't establish the strengths of his character at the most extreme to show you what he is capable of nor does it present you so much excitement that you want to see more no less want to learn who Sonic is. For all extents and purposes the first issue is rather pedestrian and is only really good if you are coming off of Forces and feel Flynn handled Sonic and Tails better than SEGA/Sonic Team. Mind, for fans who experienced Forces that is more than enough to pull you in at first, but for new readers it really is kind of lacking in a reason to be excited to see more be invested in the story and characters. There is no real hook besides mysterious hidden villain that means nothing if the characters didn't appeal to you. In an action adventure series that means you have to come out swinging and highlight the greatest highs especially when your characters have no past or origin story to use as your starting point. Unfortunately though, we're well past that point now and with the story slowing down again to wrap up Year One after a rather weak overall big bad face off character moments become that much more important to keep readers invested. With so many though can they really fit those in with the care they need and also move the plot forward? Flynn's a master of character interactions for the most and this next issue is supposedly larger than normal so hopefully he'll be able to make it work. Much as I'm looking forward to Year Two it would be nice to have more than bare minimum of the game characters as they should be in the games. This is a comic which lends itself to bigger more nuanced stories than a game so it should be so much more than it currently is and I for one am holding out hope that I'll be impressed once Year Tow gets under way.

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1 hour ago, Rowl said:


So far the comic is for me more of a build up of the new IDW Sonic universe. It could get interesting later on, but the only thing I can do now is just wait and hopefully not so long. 

That's usually how a first year goes. I mean I'm just going to say it starting isn't really Ian's strong suit. Mega Man wasn't anywhere near the level it would reach on its first year (though personally I still enjoyed it more or less), the Post-reboot comics had a lot of the same issues people have with the IDW book but it, IMHO anyway, ended up being way waaaaay better than the previous continuity. 

But even still I have to say if the first year hasn't even remotely entertained some folks there's nothing wrong with just not reading it. I know this a controversial opinion but if you aren't feeling the book you don't have to read it especially since it's very unlikely it's ever going to get to the same point Archie was.

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1 hour ago, Kuzu the Boloedge said:

Ya know, I think there is a fine line between genuine criticism for the sake of improvement and just expecting something bigger than it is.


I think some people should come to terms with the fact that this isn't Archie, and it's never going to be. The sooner people understand that, I think it'd be a lot easier to enjoy this series. 


Its just not great dude, i' wasn't expecting much and I'm disappointed. I think it will get better, heck if it gets more books it will assuredly get better. But as of currently its not that great, and not because it isn't archie .Because basic  things just aren't that good. And people wanting basic shit to be good, isn't wanting the comic to be archie, its to want.... basic shit

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I think personally, my issue is that the comic just doesn't feel really fleshed out enough. Like, if you're an Archie fan, we had to spend 30 issues trying to get a new universe set up and established again which also tied into a 30 issue long saga based on Unleashed as well. Then you're thrown into a Classic adaption which is pretty boring and can be summed up as "yep, it's the classics but we've got some fan-service jokes now". Then after that, we finally began getting back into the interesting stuff that was based on a mixture of games and originality again, only to end up back to Square 1 with IDW needing to set up a series again.

And to be clear - I don't hate IDW. I'm still picking up the issues every month, there's been a few stories I've liked, and even a character or two I like (Primarily Whisper), but it feels like Ian's now running with the same problem as the Shattered World Crisis is - only in reverse. Where there, the new universe was being established really slowly and spending a lot of time showing off a lot instead of making it digestible, IDW is instead running too fast to try established this new universe which is based on all the games plus Forces but not quite and still trying to fling in original elements, and even on top of that, we're running one thing to the other without time to make it digest. 

Part of my confusion also comes from two large elements. First off - I still don't really like any of the original characters. It doesn't help that a primary reason that everyone was running around trying to justify the loss of Archie's cast - not just the Freedom Fighters, but villains like Breezie, the Egg Bosses, and allies such as Razor is that it would be a clean start based on the games, and that would allow those who had gotten really sick of Archie's cast to get back in, which is fair enough. It stings that Archie's cast got the basic "fuck off" farewell that it did, but whatever...

...but all of that feels kind of invalidated to me because we've spent the last 12 issues now trying to scurry around and introduce this new universe altogether that is closer to the game's canon, which IMO is kind of a bad thing because continuity is so screwed up for that series and is now actively harming the series as it's now not only discounted the casts of SatAM, AoStH, and Archie, but even forgotten game characters including Mighty, Ray and the Hooligans. 

Yet on top of the above, it's still bringing in original elements from very early into the series and still not really making them digestible, or giving us a lot of time to get to know them. Tangle's been around and had focus for only one issue, Rough and Tumble were IMO - really forgettable and a pretty bad attempt to have a gang fill in for the Hooligans. We've just met Rough and Tumble's boss and for now, whilst he has a cool design, he's only been around to basically snap Eggman into his villain role once again - which to be fair, maybe he'll have a bigger role, but we don't really know yet.

For all of Archie's failings, not only did we get back-up stories to introduce the majority of the Egg Bosses for example, but it was timed so Eggman's Dozen followed it up very soon after so we could get a full arc with Eggman spotlighting and the group as a backup cast so we could get to know them better and develop them up as long-standing villains. Even a lot of the new villains and characters got a full arc to themselves to showcase their personalities and schemes instead of just the one issue they get in IDW. Breezie for example is one of my absolute favourites in Archie Post-Reboot, and all she had was Champions, yet she was that much of a fun, scheming tycoon villain that had rivalries with the Freedom Fighters and bounced off so well with the main cast that she stood in for a really good counter-piece for both Sonic and Eggman, a neutral side who was in it for themselves.

It feels like right now, for IDW's first year, and first arc, we've instead got a set of good ideas but not enough development or usage of them. Instead of taking one idea and developing it, it's got tons of ideas but immediately drops it to pick it back up about 10 issues later to do something else. Like Tangle, we met her in Issue 4, and didn't see her again til about Issue 10 or so and at that point, she had to get a ton of potential screen-time taken away because it was a finale and featured everyone. Same for Whisper - who's really unique but is forced to have her arc and interesting stuff placed on hold because of the overlying story. We see her shooting a dirty look at Shadow, implying something for the future, but with Eggman back in action, who knows how long it could take before we see it.

But my major issue, to be frank - is the connection to the games. Because so far, it feels like it's been nothing if not limiting. We know for a fact that IDW will not be canon due to all the non-game factors appearing. That then begins to mean that we've established a game-centric universe for no real reason other than just retying the characters back to their game versions, but that's whatever. I find it counter-productive to wipe a universe with the excuse of tying it into game-canon only to immediately spend the first year recreating a new universe with unique characters again, but whatever.

But then you add on top of that - the fact that several of Archie's best characters ended up immediately locked out entirely because of the game focus - I.E - Ray, Mighty, Bean, Bark, and Nack - and then things begin looking more dicey. Because not only are we now sitting with a confused continuity that's basically the game's, but not quite, but it's still trying to bring in original characters relatively often, and it's trying quickly to differate itself from the games, so I'm confused why this was done. Like sure, you could argue it was to be an easy introduction for those who didn't read Post-Reboot Archie, but I'd also assume that soon after the comic gets bloated with original characters again, those people who liked the games and read the comic due to game-ties would drop off again.

I don't think it's just the "first year" of IDW being a thing either because I loved Archie Mega Man, which did a lot of the same, being tied to the game universe at first, but then taking everything, expanding it, and giving it new twists. Time Keeps Slipping and Return of Dr. Wily are still two of my favourite arcs in the entire run because of the unique alterations to the story while remaining faithful, so Idk why I haven't been feeling IDW's attempt yet.

I keep feeling like it's just trying to be too many things at once and then don't really have time to give the things I enjoy in it so far. Like, I love parts where it uses the game as a basis, but then veers it into a new idea, or meaningful interaction, like Sonic and Amy's interactions in Issue 2 where Amy's crush is still in full bloom, but she is that serious about helping others that she's keeping a tight lid on it, or Issue 5's idea of having Eggman gain memory loss and become good, or even the concept of Whisper - this silent assassin who seemingly got caught bad during Forces' story and is now taking payback by scoping Eggman's bases during the aftermath is brilliant, but then these cool ideas sort of get bogged down with the ones that don't get enough time or development. 

Rough and Tumble don't have anywhere near the memorable or comedic chemistry that Team Hooligans had, which had it set up well with a hyper and practicaly insane child in Bean, a loud and temperamental leader in Nack, and the silent straightman with Bark. Instead, the two of them are just kind of punks, and just generally uninteresting ones at that. Same for Tangle. She was getting tons of hype and buzz before Issue 4 released, and then she just kind of faded as a one-off before making a random appearance again in Angel Island's battle arc where at that point, she doesn't get much screen-time due to how much there is to juggle. 

My issue, I feel - is Ian was too confused on what really do focus on during the first year. Did he want to build a universe again from scratch, or did he want to take it easy and make a smaller story to build-off the aftermath of Forces? Did Ian want to take time to introduce original characters at the start, or did he want to spend his time introducing the game cast ready for the conclusion of this arc and then maybe focus on the original stuff later? In the end, it feels like he tried to do both and ended up not having nearly enough time to make them interesting. 

First impressions matter heavily, and I honestly feel like Tangle, Rough, Tumble and a few others ended up somewhat harmed in terms of character because they were so hastily introduced and added without a arc to back their stories off. The only exception being Whisper because she's showing at least a few shades of her story having begun in Forces and we can somewhat infer details from that, even if she really needs to have that expanded to mean anything.

As for what I would've done, I probably would've cut all the original details out from the first year. if you wanted to do this story with Metal Sonic, use the first year to establish the aftermath of Forces, and re-establish the game cast, as well as Eggman's memory loss to set up Year 2. Rough and Tumble aren't required at all for the character introduced in Issue 11 so cut them. Unless you have a plan for introducing Tangle with a solid arc instead of a one issue appearance, cut her. Maybe keep Whisper because her arc ties into what the first arc is setting up - the aftermath of Forces.

Afterwards, when Metal Sonic is defeated, then introduce the new villain who's snapping Eggman out of his memory loss, as this original character now becomes a sign of things to come with the second year focusing on expanding things a little further than simply the games. Then have Season 2 include actual arcs focused around Rough and Tumble, and Tangle. Have them be apart of the main characters/villains of a given arc, and give them an arc to build things up and develop a little so we can then have a proper basis for them in later stories.

All that said, I wouldn't say I don't like IDW, I'm still enjoying the majority of the issues, even if some of them can also come off feeling like just kind of fan-service and one-liners in an issue or two so far. I do have optimism that they'll improve things and refocus their efforts in Year 2 to maybe find a better balance. I know personally, between the 30 or so issues of the Shattered World Crisis and the 12 issues of Metal Sonic, I really kind of want IDW Sonic to take a IDW Turtles approach of having their arcs condensed to four issues and focusing on a solid part of the storyline. 

IDW Turtles has been balancing a number of storylines since Issue 50 - An invasion from space, aftermath of Issue 50 itself, Splinter changing and become estranged with his sons, the Turtles needing to deal with not being able to rely on Splinter's guideance any longer, Bishop's war on mutants etc, yet IDW Turtles very cleverly gives all of the plotlines time to breath and develop because instead of having them all tumble together in one long arc, they're giving mini-arcs that alter and change the story while leaving it open for a conclusion or continuation later and that allows them to juggle and develop different storylines at different points. I would love for IDW Sonic to play around with doing that as I feel like that would heavily help it manage it's stories better and give them all time to breathe. 

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1 hour ago, Rowl said:


Not sure how to response to this quote. I kinda understand that they have to build up this new universe. 

That's exactly it.


58 minutes ago, Sonic Fan J said:

For all extents and purposes the first issue is rather pedestrian and is only really good if you are coming off of Forces and feel Flynn handled Sonic and Tails better than SEGA/Sonic Team. 

Pretty much. But then, that's a hurdle one is bound to stumble over with series.

And that's If the latter even bothered you that much.

Holy Filibuster, Batman!

3 minutes ago, Ryannumber1Santa said:

I think personally, my issue is that the comic just doesn't feel really fleshed out enough. Like, if you're an Archie fan, we had to spend 30 issues trying to get a new universe set up and established again which also tied into a 30 issue long saga based on Unleashed as well. Then you're thrown into a Classic adaption which is pretty boring and can be summed up as "yep, it's the classics but we've got some fan-service jokes now". Then after that, we finally began getting back into the interesting stuff that was based on a mixture of games and originality again, only to end up back to Square 1 with IDW needing to set up a series again.

And it didn't even get THAT far--that interesting stuff was mainly just solicits and covers.

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1 hour ago, Ryannumber1Santa said:

Rough and Tumble were IMO - really forgettable and a pretty bad attempt to have a gang fill in for the Hooligans.

Rough and Tumble don't have anywhere near the memorable or comedic chemistry that Team Hooligans had, which had it set up well with a hyper and practicaly insane child in Bean, a loud and temperamental leader in Nack, and the silent straightman with Bark. Instead, the two of them are just kind of punks, and just generally uninteresting ones at that.

Gonna clarify this right now: Rough and Tumble were definitely NOT intended to replaced The Hooligans, who are even name dropped in the very same issue as if they're frequent antagonists. In fact, it really wouldn't shock me if Mr. Flynn had a potential "The Hooligans Meet Rough n' Tumble" story idea in the back of his head.

Compared to Tangle(who I'll get to in a minute, don't you worry), Rough and Tumble's role was rather obvious even in news articles: Issue 3 is a Sonic and Knuckels story and they wanted two dynamic baddies for them to tag team against. They also left the door open to have them come back for a rematch later, with the plans of Dr. Starline providing a greater narrative that could also benefit from having two lackies to work under him.


1 hour ago, Ryannumber1Santa said:

 Like Tangle, we met her in Issue 4, and didn't see her again til about Issue 10 or so and at that point, she had to get a ton of potential screen-time taken away because it was a finale and featured everyone.

Same for Tangle. She was getting tons of hype and buzz before Issue 4 released, and then she just kind of faded as a one-off before making a random appearance again in Angel Island's battle arc where at that point, she doesn't get much screen-time due to how much there is to juggle. 

Unless you have a plan for introducing Tangle with a solid arc instead of a one issue appearance, cut her.

Now this, I've actually agreed with, but with a key perceptiveness of the real issue--the misleading nature of Tangle's presence is squarely on IDW.

Mr. Flynn has generally been pretty upfront about the fact that she's just meant to be a fun side character(or at least for now?). Heck, there's even an episode of the Bumblekast where he admits to being a little concerned about just how much attention she's been getting when she hadn't even debuted yet, much less gotten much limelight.

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10 hours ago, Shadowlax said:

While again, I'm not one to agree with Dash Speed, but shadow actually can't?

It’s funny you say that and yet Dash Speed, of all people, gave me a more sensible response over it by comparison.


The value of shadow is that he like, does stuff. He takes initiative to do things himself, he's done nothing. And you can't have shadow around doing nothing, I would have preferred he just... didn't show up untill they had a story about him they could have him chew up some scenery.So no, there's a point where he actually cannot afford to share focus.

He isn't the only character in the comic, and instead of shoving him into year one. They should have waited, there are plenty of other characters who should have gotten shine over shadow.

This is a level of Shadow fanboyism that I don’t think Ian cares for, nor should he. Shadow fans already get a bad rep of this shit as it is.

And yes, there is a point he can afford to share focus, all the time. Having him in a minor role isn’t going to hurt him in the slightest, and if you have a problem with them having Shadow share, that’s a personal thing you’re going to have to deal with.

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51 minutes ago, Conquering Storm’s Servant said:


It’s funny you say that and yet Dash Speed, of all people, gave me a more sensible response over it by comparison.

This is a level of Shadow fanboyism that I don’t think Ian cares for, nor should he. Shadow fans already get a bad rep of this shit as it is.

And yes, there is a point he can afford to share focus, all the time. Having him in a minor role isn’t going to hurt him in the slightest, and if you have a problem with them having Shadow share, that’s a personal thing you’re going to have to deal with.

Oh wow you didn't read what I said

I literally said that shadow should have not been around and gave shine to other characters and then gotten a story later that worked for him. Can you read, i'll break it down slow if you want.  I am saying my favorite character should be removed from the story , to use characters who would fit better in the story. I'm saying my character does not need to be around all the time. But you are so absorbed by the idea of a hypothetical shadow fanboy, you couldn't even read the words on the page.

" Not all characters are good for all stories, shadow works in stories where's doing more stuff. Save him and use someone else "

" YOU FANBOY :WJHPDHoah uoghouh"q"

Like dude, this is actually said

How do you interpret me literally saying shadow shouldn't be around and they should focus on other character as rabid fanboyism, did you look at what I said? And then you have the nerv to be like " Ian shouldn't listen to you " one, why do you think you have the authority on that. But more so, you saying that to the thing that I said means the opposite. By advocating Ian not listening to me, means shadow would appear more and just be around.

This is ontop of some weird implication that I have an issue with shadow sharing, maybe just maybe my issue is that he does nothing and not just him, various other character and maybe I'm not fond of characters doing nothing. But apparently liking good story telling is rabid fanboyism, and willingly ready to sacrifice the character you like to possibly tell a smaller and better one is that too.



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2 hours ago, DabigRG said:

Holy Filibuster, Batman!

Sorry I do have a tendency to be a little (read a lot) long winded when I'm addressing certain topics. You should just be glad this is a forum though and that I'm a slow typist. If you met me I person you'd have to deal with me taking around two hours or so to get to my point. 

Not to veer too off topic though, let's mix things up with a new question.
Going forward, we already know that Eggman, Dr. Starline, Rough & Tumble, and Silver are going to play roles in the plot and that Tails is at least tagging along at the start, so with that knowledge who else would you like to see partake in Year Two's current implied story. Me personally, despite Amy being usually my go to choice and Tangle entertaining me with her on panel antics, I actually think if we're truly focusing on the return of Eggman that the only other characters to make sense would be Shadow, Rouge, and Whisper. Shadow and Rouge simply because of the events of Issue 6 and Whisper as it would be an opportunity to explore her character and background from the war.

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4 minutes ago, Sonic Fan J said:

Sorry I do have a tendency to be a little (read a lot) long winded when I'm addressing certain topics. You should just be glad this is a forum though and that I'm a slow typist. If you met me I person you'd have to deal with me taking around two hours or so to get to my point. 

Actually, I was responding to the guy criticizing the new elements.

5 minutes ago, Sonic Fan J said:


Not to veer too off topic though, let's mix things up with a new question.
Going forward, we already know that Eggman, Dr. Starline, Rough & Tumble, and Silver are going to play roles in the plot and that Tails is at least tagging along at the start, so with that knowledge who else would you like to see partake in Year Two's current implied story. ]

Off the top of my head, Omega.

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Just now, DabigRG said:

Actually, I was responding to the guy criticizing the new elements.

Oh, my bad. I guess it was more than little presumptuous on my part.

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1 hour ago, Shadowlax said:

Oh wow you didn't read what I said

Then you missed my whole point from the start.

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3 minutes ago, Conquering Storm’s Servant said:

Then you missed my whole point from the start.


No I didn't

You accused me of some shit that was the exact opposite of what I said, and would have been clear if you would have read

Be humble and Take this L

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1 hour ago, Shadowlax said:

I literally said that shadow should have not been around and gave shine to other characters and then gotten a story later that worked for him. Can you read, i'll break it down slow if you want.  I am saying my favorite character should be removed from the story , to use characters who would fit better in the story. I'm saying my character does not need to be around all the time. But you are so absorbed by the idea of a hypothetical shadow fanboy, you couldn't even read the words on the page.

It sounds an awful lot like your argument was "Shadow shouldn't have been in this arc, because he deserves an arc where he's even more important", even though he's already one of the most influential characters in this arc (even if that's a low bar to clear).

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3 minutes ago, Diogenes said:

It sounds an awful lot like your argument was "Shadow shouldn't have been in this arc, because he deserves an arc where he's even more important", even though he's already one of the most influential characters in this arc (even if that's a low bar to clear).

I mean if you misinterpret what I said to fight some weird shadow fanboy boogieman, I guess it would sound like that. But to help you out, i'll elaborate.

" Shadow shouldn't have been in this arc, he does nothing of importance and prescience doesn't really do anything besides fanservice, and I would preferred that they used that time with out shadow to tell a better story. And him being around doing the fanservice isn't actually that interesting and doesn't really do much for the narrative and he isn't around long enough for it to mean anything. All it does is dilute an already pretty diluted narrative with another character who did not need to be there. "

There we go, Bonus I also feel that way about blaze, and rogue. I don't think they did much. And you couldn't probably have told a more interesting story with them not there, infact it probably would have been interesting with it being heroes classic mix of homage , that it was only characters who had only appeared in classic games + the newbies in the stories. A first year focusing around them, the main 4  + the chaotix and the new people would have been cool. And then year two could have focused on adventure folks

If you need clarification on what I mean, ask instead of assuming a shadow fanboy boogieman and trying to sass me. Maybe do that maybe.

Side note: Like if you liked a character and wanted them to be more prominent in something... that's ok? Like I want that for a few characters  , that includes shadow , in general. But that's not my issue with the story, is actually the opposite as explained above. And you trying to present that as a sort of a net negative desire in itself is kinda disingenuous.

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I'm going to remind everyone to discuss this series in a civil manner.  Specifically, pot shots like this-

1 hour ago, Shadowlax said:


-aren't acceptable.

Going by just the last page, I feel like there was something of a miscommunication here.  Please calmly restate your points and try not to be passive aggressive about it and be sure to argue in good faith, please.  No tossing around accusations and no tossing around "derp you can't read."  Have fun, be cool, discuss cartoon hedgehogs like rational adults.  At Chuck E. Cheese's.


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4 hours ago, Shadowlax said:


Its just not great dude, i' wasn't expecting much and I'm disappointed. I think it will get better, heck if it gets more books it will assuredly get better. But as of currently its not that great, and not because it isn't archie .Because basic  things just aren't that good. And people wanting basic shit to be good, isn't wanting the comic to be archie, its to want.... basic shit

I never said it was great, just nowhere near to the "OH GOD, IT'S AWFUL" levels people are making it sound like. Like, I understand wanting things to be better than they are now, but the worst thing you can say is that it's just extremely basic.

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8 minutes ago, Kuzu the Boloedge said:

I never said it was great, just nowhere near to the "OH GOD, IT'S AWFUL" levels people are making it sound like. Like, I understand wanting things to be better than they are now, but the worst thing you can say is that it's just extremely basic.

Oh I think those people are... wildly exaggerating to say the least. In a world where the horrors of some of the pre-reboot Archie and sonic the comic exists, this is ok. But it isn't the best, and i Think it being extremely basic to its detriment is a good description


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Shadow is weird, because he's way too dynamic of a character to play a supporting role. Hence why when he does, it feels...odd. So I can understand a bit why that would be a point of criticism beyond just blind fanboyism. Most of these characters have never had any major role and are mostly just supporting characters to begin with. But Shadow has explicitly been a leading character in almost every appearance he makes. Not that he needs a super important role whenever he shows up, but can you really imagine him playing a similar role to the Chaotix if he was around?

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5 hours ago, Kuzu the Boloedge said:

...but can you really imagine him playing a similar role to the Chaotix if he was around?

Maybe if he didn't have better powers than Sonic the Hedgehog, I could imagine that.


But he does, so I can't.

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Depends on what you mean by playing a similar role.

If you mean play a more minor role, the problem is that when he is a minor character people think he should be left out regardless of how much he contributed. Otherwise, it’s not hard to imagine.

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Maybe it's because I'm not the biggest fan of Shadow but I thought his contributions in the arc were more than enough. He got to do his whole Brooding shtick and act all cool and vanish into the ether as he always does. I'm not really seeing the problem.

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11 hours ago, Shadowlax said:


There we go, Bonus I also feel that way about blaze, and rogue. I don't think they did much. And you couldn't probably have told a more interesting story with them not there, infact it probably would have been interesting with it being heroes classic mix of homage , that it was only characters who had only appeared in classic games + the newbies in the stories. A first year focusing around them, the main 4  + the chaotix and the new people would have been cool. And then year two could have focused on adventure folks

To be fair, Blaze did more than Shadow or Rouge did. 

Probably would've did more with them absent.

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