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Eight Legged Freaks


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Once again I've found myself in abit of a predicament. My stepmum has an irratating habit of leaving the downstairs toilet window open, its very small room with litterally just a toilet and a small sink in it. Since my bedroom is downstairs if I need a piss (I'm being very blunt here xD) at night I HAVE to use the downstairs toilet lest I wake everyone up by going upstairs. I've gotten into a routine of MAKING DAMN SURE the downstairs toilet window is closed the second everyone else goes to bed so moths and spiders can't get in. Today is the one day I forgot to check. Half hour ago I went to use the toilet and BAM FUCKING HUGE AS FUCK BEASTWAT OF A SPIDER IN THIS FUCKING CLOSTROPHOBIC TOILET ROOM JESUS CHRIST. So I've ran back into my bedroom like Sonic on acid and now I can see that its moved from the toilet into the hallway (I have glass panels on my bedroom door). The legs on this thing aren't even that big, but its body is stupidly huge. And garunteed by the morning it'll be hidden somewhere which its bound to show every goddam time I need a piss at night. Why is it always the beast-sized spiders that show up when its least conveinient (well, its NEVER conveinient). Also, my bladder is gun' s'plode ;_;. What do I do? (Also share your spider related stories to give the topic a point xD)

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We actually have a flyswatter in each of our bathrooms in our house for just this occasion.

The big ones we get in this country are reeeally fast though, I need like, a sniper rifle esque thing designed to take out spiders xD.

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Haha oh God, that's rough. Spider's are fucking gross, I don't care what anyone says, they're friggin' creepy. I'm lucky I don't get much bug problems in my house, we get ants occasionally but nothing too bad.

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In New Jersey we have cave crickets, also called spider crickets. Technically not a spider, but they're freaking huge and look like giant spiders. They also jump like four feet (no exaggeration) high. I've seen them in people's garages just waiting to fling themselves at you. They like any cold environment, like a cave I guess.

I have more of a roach problem where I live, the other month I had a waterbug crawl up my arm, you know the big ones with the shiny brown shells? I shot it down with Raid and the help of my cat. We usually just get the small ones, maybe this one was adventurous. I wish we had a spider or two around here to eat these bastards up.

Edited by Ezra the Badnik
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Eh, kinda makes you wanna slap some sense into folks, doesn't it?

The most I have to worry where I'm at are ants and roachs, but I get few of those in my dorm.

Still, spiders are just freaky. I may design a robot exactly like them in the future, just to keep folks at bay. :P

What kind of spider was it? I know it wasn't a Black Widow, they're too small...or was it?

Edited by ChaosSupremeSonic
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I rarely let Spiders into my fortress. But when they do get in, I almost freak out, but I make sure to keep my wits about me, as I know that I need to kill it before it can find a place to hide. If it is able to hide, then I won't ever be able to know for sure where it is, and that is not an idea I like. Unfortunately I failed, as I was cleaning some fuzzies out from under my entertainment center, I saw an ugly brown spider lunge at my finger. I pulled it away and the beast retreated back under my entertainment center. Now it's out there, in my room somewhere. I don't know. I hope it stays there and never moves. Because really, I don't know if it's keen on biting, or if it's poisonous or not. Sometimes I find myself turning the light on randomly at night, and looking around, or brushing at my arms because I think a spider is nearbye... I got the phobia really badly...

The only Spider I am cool with is the Daddy Long Legs, which are quite common, but harmless. They just look like dots with 8 long hairs that they use to walk with. Despite that, I wouldn't ever touch one, and they still creep me out, but I let them live, unlike other arachnids.

Speaking of Arachnids, Scorpions freak me out almost more than Spiders do. But thankfully the only scorpions on my town are in pet shops... I hope. My mom brought a dead scorpion home in a cup once, after working at this crazy arabic Doctor's house, which apparently has all sorts of crazy animals in the back yard that aren't native to our country. She said the scorpion was alive when she got it... I asked if she was insane, and why she thought I would want such an evil animal for. The thing was no bigger than my thumbnail though.

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Rule for scorpions:

The bigger the claws (And probably the scorpion as well) the less poisonous and dangerous.

The smaller the claws or the creature itself, the more lethal it is.

Don't know how accurate I am with this, but I do know that the more dangerous scorpions are the smaller ones.

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The big ones we get in this country are reeeally fast though, I need like, a sniper rifle esque thing designed to take out spiders xD.

It's not a rifle per say, but you could probably check one of these out...


I used to have one, it's essentially a dirt cheap plastic springloaded gun that fires a fly swat, it's a fairly cool novelty as well as being deceptively powerful, a stationary house spider would be easy fodder. You can usually pick them up pretty cheap from novelty stores and the like.

Spiders are awkward little pricks though, best make sure you take them out first time because you sure as fuck wont be getting a second chance.

Edited by FeathersMcGraw
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Three words: Matches are better.

Four words: Never play with fire. :lol:

Edited by ChaosSupremeSonic
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Four words: Never play with fire.

Five words: This chain is freaking epic.

Six words: Enough of this spam already >:U -Jake

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Ugh, spiders. >< Don't mind seeing them online or behind something, but will freak out when I see them up close.

One of my buddies is arachnophobic and my other buddy would often link him to spider videos to freak him out. I feel bad for the guy, but I can't help but laugh. Ahh, good times.

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I cannot tell who is more afraid: them of me or me of them? The only black widow I ever saw was sealed in a glass jar, and I intend to keep things that way. Arachnophobia is an interesting concept, since so few people in the world seem to lack it. I would rather stare a snake in the face than have an arachnid crawl on me. According to my private research, most spiders are quite timid, particularly the deadly brown recluse (which only seems to bite if it is forced into contact with someone somehow, like putting on clothes that the spider decided to reside in). That same research also uncovered details about one breed of deadly spider in the Brazilian jungle and another in the Australian outback which are not timid and have been known to attack people. Therefore, I will never visit those areas.

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I think that lots of people this mentality that makes them go, "OMG it's a spider! EEEEK!" rather than full blown arachnaphobia. To be scared of spiders than can be harmful is perfectly understandable, much as it's understandable that people can have phobias of anything. But the sheer number of people in this country that freak out at the sight of a spider no larger than the head of a thumb-tack lead me to believe that it's a trait they learn.

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But the sheer number of people in this country that freak out at the sight of a spider no larger than the head of a thumb-tack lead me to believe that it's a trait they learn.
It's the venom that kills you, not the sheer size of them. It's not uncommon for smaller spiders to be much, much more lethal than the bigger ones, so it's not entirely unjustified to be frightened of the smaller species out there, particularly when you're not personally familiar with the ones that are poisonous, even if not to a lethal degree.

Speaking of big spiders...


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I know very well that size is not always indicative of how dangerous a creature is. Go take a look at the blue-ringed octopus! I specifically stated "in this country" (England) because we don't have any venomous spiders here. So for everyone to be freaked out by something so tiny that they know is harmless gets on my nerves. It tends to seem like a behavior you learn from others.

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I detest spiders. Small or big, they scare the crap out of me often, my mother especially.

My dad, though, LOVES spiders. When he was younger, he had a tarantula as a pet and actually walked around the city with it on his chest. Scared everyone off, to say the least. XD

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I'm not too bad with spiders. These are the ones I get frequenting my house and have to deal with...

These guys, European House spiders, I usually try to relocate. They are the UK's largest spiders, with females having leg spans of about 4.5cm. Males are slightly smaller. I don't want them crawling on me, but I'll happily relocate them when they are in the house. They are the fastest (in terms of running) species of spider in the world.


These, Cellar Spiders, I usually kill, because they are a pain to catch. They are always in the top corners of the room and if you knock them down they disappear because of their colouring and fragility. So, fuck it, I just grab them in a tissue. We get tonnes of these in our bathrooms. They piss me off.


This is a Mouse Spider. And they are small. They move fucking quickly and escape into spaces you can't reach. They thus are my biggest pet peeve. Sometimes they are very red/orange. I don't see them often but I rarely manage to catch them.


I'd much rather have spiders in my house than insects. I hate thinking about the life cycle of insects, imaging that every fly or beetle was once a horrific maggot-like creature. Makes me want to chuck up. Crane flys are my biggest hate. These require heavy duty artillery in the form of a rolled up newspaper. I stamp on them on the grass too. Hate them. Hate them. And when I find the larvae or the pupa, I stomp on them too. And I LAUGH. We call them "scallywags" in our house. Why is their mission in life is to get in your hair??? Ugh. Horrible drunken things.


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Arrow, the top one was what I saw in the first post. When I lived in Wales we used to get LOADS of them. Why did you post pictures the pictures in IMG tags though? I wish you would have just linked to them, you scared the shit out of me XD

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Oh, geez. I'm okay with insects, but spiders?

Every time I find one in my room, I haul the vaccuum up from downstairs so I can kill it from a distance.

It used to be worse, though. I had to get my parents every time I found one. I feel like a wimp, admitting all this.

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I found a few cross spiders (=garden spider)from our backyard this summer. Fortunately, the spiders here in europe are neither big nor poisonous. I let one of those rascals bite me once and all I felt was a little pinch. I like to feed them with flies sometimes. :P

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