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[FANFICTION] Sonic: Project Genesis


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Join High School student Nicholas "Nicky" Needlemouse as he becomes the heroic Sonic the Hedgehog to stop the evil Dr. Robotnik and his "Eggman Empire" from taking over the world!


Bet you didn't see this coming.


So, hi, here's something I've been working on for a pretty damn good while. Ten years in the making, with concept art, drafts and Twitter threads galore, I'm finally ready to show this off. This is my own interpretation of the Sonic the Hedgehog world and everything around it. I wanted to take from as many different corners as possible to create a unique (or at least what I'd like to consider such) version of Sonic. Now I can't say everything is going be ideal, but in the long run I hope I can use this as something of a way for me to break the writer's block I've had on me for the longest time. Without further ado, here's the very first chapter, right below! I hope you enjoy!


Note: To conserve space, chapters are enclosed in the spoiler function. Click the button below to get to reading!

If reading fan fiction on a message board isn't your style, I've got it double posted on fanfiction.net to make the flow a bit more natural. Click here to read there instead!



“… Benny? Benedict Beetlegard?”

Tick, tock. A wind blurs through the lobby of the first floor, the doors of the building swinging open with a slam against the wall, swinging back between open and closed. Students shake as the burst of wind breaks through the halls, almost lifting them off their feet. The moment they turn to face whoever it was, it was gone in the blink of an eye, only a trail of blue left behind.

“Ina Hashimoto?”

“James Houndson?”

Tick, tock. A bright, blue streak reaches from one flight of stairs to another, racing its way further up the building, second after second. Bouncing against the walls, it crashes through the doors leading to the third floor as quickly as it comes. It goes faster, faster and faster, speeding by other rooms. Footsteps charge through the halls with the squeaking of shoes rapidly hitting the vinyl tiles on the ground.

“Teressa Longhorn?”

“Porker Lewis?”
“P-present, miss…”

Just outside of the class, a heavy screech sears into the floors of the ground. The blur fades, transforming into a blue anthropomorphic hedgehog, clad in the school’s uniform, a pair of glasses and red boots. He sighs, his glove covered hands reaching up to fix up the strands of his fur just above his forehead.

Yeah, just in time… nailed it! He compliments himself in his mind as he reaches for the handle of the door.

“Nicky? Nicholas Needlemouse?”

The door to the room swings open. A face both familiar, yet not walks in, catching everyone’s attention the moment they see and hear him step inside.

Nicky finally reveals himself to the class.







The humble homeroom of Class 4B sat in silence, their mouths agape. They knew he responded to Nicky, but that couldn’t be him, could it? The thoughts of the students rush in their heads, questions, concerns, all of the theories bursting in the minds like a volcano. Even his own homeroom teacher was particularly shaken by the look of the once spikier, browner Nicholas.

“Nicholas...?” His teacher, Ms. Longclaw, is the first to break the silence. “You look... different. Are you ill?”

“Me? Sick? No way! Matter of fact, I’ve never felt any better!” Nicky waves off his teacher’s concern, walking towards his usual seat. “I just had my best jog yet. Shame I couldn’t make it on time, but it is what it is.”

“But you’re... You’re blue now. Something like this hasn’t happened since...,” Ms. Longclaw pondered to herself silently. But she shakes it off. “We’ll... talk about this later. Let’s get through attendance.”

Regaining almost everyone’s focus, the class quickly returned to normal, though all eyes remained on Nicky. Some were in complete awe, amazed by his newfound transformation. Others were confused, truly bewildered that this is the same hedgehog they once knew. There were even some of which were rather scornful of the now blue hedgehog, jealous of how much he’s taking this situation in stride. They continued to talk amongst themselves until their teacher was finally finished with taking attendance.

“Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, I’m certain we’ve all had quite the surprise today,” Ms. Longclaw laments. “But as your homeroom teacher I’d like to personally welcome you all to North Green Hill High. For those of you returning, welcome back to a new school year. I know many of you are eager to begin your next class, but I’d like to go over a few things before you start your day.”

The owl turns to the chalkboard as she begins to speak and write about the rules of the school, policies, procedures, as well as nearby resources. To the children there, this was little more than white noise to their bored, less than excited minds.

Nicky, however, seemed far more preoccupied with looking at the outside world around the schoolgrounds.

The blue skies, watching over the humble Emerald Town, resting just under the mountains of North Green Hill. Beyond civilization rested large pastures as far as the eye could ever see, but not nearly as far as he could run through them, he began to think.

Feeling the cool, crisp breeze of the air, the freedom of the world around him. If there weren’t important matters at hand, he’d rush right out there to see what he’s missed, especially with this newfound power of his.

But his mind races back to reality. Important matters. He feels something against the bristles of his spines. He tries to shake it off, but it doesn’t come out nearly as easily as he hoped.

“What the heck… spitballs?! Are you kidding me?! Yeeuck...,” he mutely retches, almost ready to blow out his breakfast. But he stops, his ear twitches. The snickering of another student reaches his eardrums just in time for him to notice who it was.

“Ugh, of course… I should’ve known it’d be you,” the hedgehog sighs, exasperated.


“Nice hair dye, freakshow,” the lizard bully, Anton Veruca, whispered as he smirked at yet another successful shot. “Sorry I had to ruin it for ya… not! I didn’t even think you could look any more stupid than you did before.”

“Too bad this isn’t a competition, lizard breath,” Nicky quipped back. “I’d run circles all around you, but you got me beat already when it comes to bein’ a one note moron.”

Students overhearing the conversation giggle amongst themselves. It almost catches the attention of Ms. Longclaw as she hears the less than silent sounds of Anton fuming even louder than the others could be. She presses on, however, leaving Anton back to Nicholas.

“Listen here, pincushion,” he snarls. Nicky feels himself being brought closer to Anton, the grip against his collar tight. The hedgehog wheezes for air.

“I don’t care what stupid makeover you get, you’re still that little punk that did nothing but get in my way since middle school. I’ll prove that no matter what happens, I’M the top dog around here. Y’got that?!”

“We’re not little kids, Veruca,” Nicholas grunts against the grip. “And I’m not going to let myself get pushed around by a bully like you. Besides, you could never land a hit on me anyway, you’re full of nothing but the same tricks. Always letting others do the dirty work for you, you’re all bark, no bite.”

“Quit the tough guy act! I’ll bite ya here and now if you don’t shut your trap and KNOW YOUR PLA...”

Mr. Veruca.”

The lizard gasps, releasing his hedgehog adversary. He’s in trouble now. Longclaw holds her ruler in her hands as she watches the bully with a stern, cold glaze.

“Let’s make this clear,” she spoke, moving closer towards Anton’s seat. “I don’t have the patience to put up with your… usual nonsense. It is the first day of class. You should know better than to stir up trouble this early.”

“But I didn’t even…”

No. I don’t want to hear it today,” she leans in closer towards him, her fierce stare growing more intense as she eyes her mischievous student.

“I’m going to let you off on a warning for now, solely because I don’t want to stop you from learning in classes, be it for your growth in knowledge or as a person. Everyone deserves the right to be educated. Being that your father’s such a renowned individual, it’s only fair you should learn from his example, by setting an example for your fellow peers. Is that understood?

“… Y-Yeah, teach.” Anton crosses his arms with a shrug, the glare of his teacher shaking him to his core yet staying focused on making himself look cool. It doesn’t remove the shame of having to be the odd one out for causing trouble, however.

“Thank you, Anton,” the homeroom teacher moves back to her desk. “And this goes out to the rest of you. I appreciate no foolishness of any kind. As your homeroom teacher I want nothing more than what’s best for all of you as my class, and I can’t have that if you’re all making enemies out of each other.”

Despite humbler appearances, Anton returns his glare towards Nicky, who smirks. The bully can do nothing but harshen his own scowl and wish nothing but terrible things to happen to the hedgehog.

“With everything out of the way, I hope you’re all prepared for a wonderful school year,” still speaking, Ms. Longclaw reaches for a folder on her table, stuffed with papers for the whole classroom. “Oh, but before you’re all sent off to your next class, I have an assignment for you.”

Cue the audible groaning of cranky students. Nicholas himself joining in the miserable chorus of the scorned.

“Now now, everyone, please save your roaring applause for the end, I haven’t even been able to explain it yet.”

Students begin to hand out papers between one another as the teacher explains the assignment.

“Being that this is the first day, I want to keep the fun going by letting you all reminisce on what you’ve done over the summer,” she sits down as she smiles, her winged hands locked together.

A hand raises, belonging to another student: Porker Lewis. “Wait, do you mean… everything we’ve done over the summer? A-as in… EVERYTHING everything?! B-because that… that sure sounds like a lot…”

“Not everything, Porker. Just what you feel was the most important or interesting for you over your vacation,” Ms. Longclaw clarifies. “There’s only enough room for you to write down whatever you feel resonated with you. It’s a nice, fun little exercise that’ll get your minds all geared up for the year. I’m certain the lot of you all have fun things to share with me, and I can’t wait to hear back from you when the assignment is due next week!”

Nicky tenses up as he’s handed the assignment papers. There was a lot that happened to him over the course of those three and a half months, he’s sure of it. A lot of good, and a lot of bad.

Hardly could he call it a “vacation”, though…

Before he could even start to ponder on the details of his homework, the bell rang, it was time for the real classes to begin. Other students were quick to leave and chat with each other over their own summer vacation experiences. Some still reeling over the altercation between Nicky and his old adversary.

The blue hedgehog himself would soon follow suit, leaving just moments before the class was empty, but not before he’s stopped by his name getting called out.

“Nicky? If you could stay for a moment,” Longclaw speaks up to grab her student’s attention.

“Huh? What’s up, miss?” His bookbag over his shoulder, he turns to face his teacher.

“I just wanted to thank you for standing up to Anton,” she grimaces. “You doing so gave me the courage to put a stop to his ways. I just wasn’t sure if it was right of me to do the same, at first. His father truly is a renowned fellow. I wouldn’t dare to get on his bad side, but Anton… He’s something else, I’m sure you’re aware.”

“More than just that, teach,” he shrugs with a sigh. “Dude’s been on me just for existing! Not once did he expect me to stand up for myself, so I decided enough was enough. I’m never gonna let anyone get in the way of someone else’s dreams just to be a bully.”

Longclaw opens her mouth to say something, seemingly surprised. But she laughs instead as she closes her eyes with a sigh.

“Always standing against bigger odds. It’s no wonder your uncle speaks so highly of you.”

“Hey, if I don’t stand up for myself, who else is gonna do it for me?”

“All too true… you are an inspiration, Nicholas. I can’t thank you enough. I hope your paper is as exciting to hear from as you are.”

Longclaw watches Nicky leave the room… but not before she sees him stop as he faces her one last time.

“Hey, no spoilers, teach. I’m sure it’ll all be a real hoot for ya. No pun intended,” he muses as he pulls up his glasses. “But, between you and me, can I ask you something?”

“Of course.”

“How good are you at keeping a secret?”

Noon turns to the evening, and the bells toll as the school day ends. Nicky decides to wait a bit longer to catch in the sights of the setting blue to orange sky. But it was more than just sightseeing he was accomplishing, as he turns to face the opening doors, sounding the appearance of another student.

“Took ya long enough, Porker,” Nicky says, not moving an inch from where he sat.

“S-sorry, Nicky,” Porker sighs, meeting his friend just down the stairs of the entrance. “I really tried to get here as fast as I could, but…”

“Ah, save the excuses, buddy. I’m just glad you made it outta there in one piece.”

As Porker treads down the stairs, Nicky hops up to lead a path out of the schoolyard.

“So, first day, huh? Not much happens, I’ll admit. It’s a bit boring,” the hedgehog shrugs as he walks backwards to face his pal.

“O-of course you’d think that. You know it’ll get harder the longer it goes on, r-right…?”’

“Yeah, but I like a challenge. Keeps me on my feet,” he answered back, reaching for his bookbag. He pulls out his homework assignment as the two exit the yard, just a mere block past it. “Speaking of challenges… it’ll be real hard explaining anything I’ve been through over the summer.”

“Right… I-I almost wanted to forget that all happened…,” Porker stammered. “It was horrible… Well, what happened to you, at least… I just couldn’t take the pressure. All those machines… It… It was too scary, and I couldn’t even fight back…”

“Hey.” Porker feels a hand rest on his shoulder. Before he could begin to reach a triad of self-doubt, his best friend gives him a thumbs up.

“You did the best you could. No one I know was left to tell me anything about what happened over in the Zones. I couldn’t thank you enough for the help you’ve given me. Besides…,” Nicky turns back around, his mind starting to wander into darker places itself. “… That whole situation kind of was my fault.”

“No, it wasn’t, don’t say that! Y-you didn’t know,” Porker tried to encourage his friend. “You might be the fastest on your feet, but you’re still a person, Nicky. No one person has that much awareness!”

“… Shoot, you’re right,” Nicky smiled,  mostly reassured from the self-doubt still haunting him over that event. The thought still lingered, but ignoring seemed to be the best course of action. “Thanks, pal. I dunno what’s gotten into me. But the next time I find that bully, I’ll give ‘im what- OWCH!”

POW! An unexpected uppercut knocks Nicky back, landing right on the ground. His bookbag falls to his side, as well as the contents of it.

“NICKY!” Porker yells, but even he’s struck with fear as he realized who threw that punch…


“How’s that for awareness?!” The bully laughs, mocking the stumbling hedgehog. Nicky’s glasses also fell, making it harder for him to see. Papers float down to the sidewalk, and the dingle-lingle-ling of a fallen ring were all to be heard beyond Anton’s laughter.

“Ugh…,” groans Nicky. “You… were waiting for that one, weren’t ya…?”

“W-what’s your problem, Anton!? We were just trying to get home!” Porker quickly helps Nicholas grab his belongings. “Jumping us in the middle of a walk is just… just…”

“Just what, nerd? Rude? Mean? Whatever it is you’re gonna squeal out of your mouth, I don’t wanna hear it, bacon lips!” Anton slowly approaches Nicky, cracking his fists, then his neck.

“I’ve been waitin’ a long time for this, blue boy,” the bully’s got his hold on Nicky again, raising him up from the ground, once again by the collar. Nicky tries to break free but struggles against how tight the grip was. “How dare you try and make a fool outta me in front of everyone?!”

“L-L... Leave him alone, you jerk!

“How about you put a sock in it, swine?!” Anton yelled, snapping his fingers. Two more lizards grab him by the ankles, snickering as they watch him struggle. “Looks like you’re already the bonus beatdown for my li’l bros. Meet Hud, Tod and… wait, where’s…”

“Mad’s out getting’ sis, bro. We went over this,” Hud yelled at his older brother.

“I thought I was getting Migu!”

“You were supposed to, but whose bright idea was it to get you into detention?! You dunderhead!” Tod also joined in with yelling, it was starting to get to Porker, helpless as he might be.

“Y-you guys sure do… talk a lot…,” he tried to quip at the bullies… but that only seemed to make them angrier at the pig instead.

SHUT UP!” All three of the Veruca brothers shouted at the less than fortunate Porker. However, Anton’s attention returns to Nicky.

“It’s about time I get to finally pummel you in the ground like the animal you were meant to be!!” His tail began to whip and lash against the air, Anton grins as he was finally ready to show the hedgehog his place…

…but he wasn’t there.

“What the… where’d he go?!” Anton panicked… suddenly hearing something that sounded like… a buzzsaw?

But that wasn’t quite it. The sound seemed to get louder from afar…


“Hey, this isn’t the forest… who’s chopping wood around here?!” The bully lizard looked to his left, then his right… he wasn’t sure where the sound was coming from, until…

“The only one gettin’ chopped here… is YOU, Veruca!”

A ball PUNTS right into Anton’s chest, sending him straight into the ground. His body hits the concrete pavement, sliding as he groans. The ball headed straight for Porker and Anton’s little brothers.

The ball cruises around the ground, circling the three, around and around and around. It was moving so fast, the three in the circle almost couldn’t tell it who it was.

As the ball moved around and around, Porker could feel himself being lifted off the ground, with the others. A small tornado began to form with the speed the ball was moving, using the wind to raise everyone into the air. Both Hud and Tod were having a hard time trying to keep holding on… Inevitably, they let go, screaming as they head off to the air. They land on top of their brother, still in a daze. Porker also fell down, but lands on the nearby patch of grass on the sidewalk.

And with the fight over as quickly as it started, the blue ball screeches to a halt and jumps into the air, uncurling itself to reveal it was Nicky all along.

“C’mon, Porker, the longer we stay here, the more likely they’re gonna come to. Grab your stuff and hold on real tight to me! We’re up, over and gone!”

With little more than a slightly hesitant nod, Nicky is at once joined by a very weirded out Porker, who made sure to grab his belongings… not before he immediately starts praying for dear life at the speeds Nicholas was running.


In a supersonic second, the pair of friends would dash off into town, the blue speedster hightailing it somewhere safe, cheering all the while. The screams of his pig friend would slowly bring the Veruca family back up in a moment’s time.

“Whuh?! Huh?! Where’d that brat go…?!” Anton looked around for any sight of Nicky and Porker, but to his dismay, they were gone, with only a speeding trail of blue in the distance to show for it.

“NGAAAH!! This ain’t over, Needlemouse! THE NEXT TIME I SEE YOU, YOU’RE DEAD, YOU HEAR ME?! DEAD!!

“Sheesh, what a sore loser…,” Hud chimes to his other brother. Tod nods.

“Grr...,” Anton growls, his face growing a fuming red in anger. “I’LL GIVE YA SOMETHIN’ TO GET SORE OVER! C’MERE YOU LOUSY PUNKS!”

“Uh oh! Run for it, he’s angry…!” The brothers were quick to realize the error of their ways.

Turning heel on his brothers proved their point, as he gave chase to his screaming siblings on yet another failed attack.

Miles and miles away from the school, Nicky finally screeches to a halt. He pants, the adrenaline wearing off after a long run. Porker, very shaken, lets go of his friend.

“Phew! What a rush! That’ll show him not to mess with us, right Porker, ol’ buddy?” Nicky stretches his arms and legs, looking at his friend.

Porker was less than enthusiastic about the experience.

“W-w-w-w-w-WHAT WAS THAT?!” He yelled, still in shock. “Y-you… fast! So fast! I mean, you were fast before but… holy heck, that was… that was INSANE!

“I know! Pretty cool, right?”

“I mean, yeah? No?! I don’t know how to feel, I almost threw up my lunch! I feel like my life just flashed before my eyes!” Porker grips his head with his two hands, panting as he tried coming to terms with just how FAST Nicky went from point A to B. “And that ball move, that was you?! How’d you do that?!”

“I gotta be honest with you, Lewis. I don’t know,” Nicky shrugs, sheepishly. “I was just really in the moment. Anton’s just so busy trying to GET to me, dude, it… it ticked me off, so I had to do something. I couldn’t just take his crap like I have every other time, like WE have.”


“… Okay, maybe not the point. All of what I did, I just did what came naturally to me. That big bully couldn’t stop themselves from causing a scene with his folks, so I did what I thought I could do best, and somehow, it just… came to me.”

The two friends remained silent for a moment.

“… Are you gonna give those moves names?” Porker asked.

“Oh, dude I thought you’d never ask,” Nicky jokes. “But I’m in a ‘throw darts on the board and see what sticks’ process right now. I was thinking, ‘super spin… thingy?’ Or ‘ball charge’ or something.”

“How about, uh... dash… spin... attack?” Porker suggests. “It’s… r-really simple, kinda stupid…”

“No, no... This… this works. This totally works! Porker, you’re a genius!” Nicky gives his friend a hi-five, who abashedly takes it open in return. “That’ll be my Super Spin Dash Attack from here on out! I can even call it the ‘spin dash’ for short! You’re a lifesaver, bro!”

“But you just saved my life, I should be saying that to you…”

“Learn to just say ‘thank you’, Porker. It’ll save you the trouble.”

Porker watches his friend approach a door in front of the house: his home. Before he could say anything, Nicky turns around as he pulls out his house keys.

“Yo, P,” Nicky calls to Porker. “Think you can get home from here? I could getcha over there in a sec.”

N-no! No, it’s… it’s fine. I can walk…,” Porker sighed. “I think I’ve had enough excitement for today. Anton’s the kind of guy that knows how to keep folk like us on our toes, for sure. But I swear I’ll be fine! I promise.”

“Suit yourself,” Nicky shrugs.

“… But before I go… how do you feel?”

“Me? I’m fine, most of the exhaustion’s on the mental, really. Nothin’ a quick fixin’ and a nap can’t solve.”

“N-no, I mean… how do you feel? Like… your body. All that energy… is it good for you?”

Nicky perks up as Porker clarified what he meant. He thinks about it for a moment.

“… So far, I’m not dead, so who knows. If all else fails, I got folks I can rely on to keep me in check,” he responded. His face seemed to rest on the thought of the energy Porker spoke of. He knew what it was, yet he had little to no idea how capable of controlling it he was. The burst of speeds he’s been feeling felt amazing, but he was in possession of a power he knew nothing about, using it all willy nilly ever since the incident.

It'd be a miracle if anyone truly knew what happened to him. But he couldn’t keep the past hidden forever.

Coming back to his senses, Nicky notices a particularly shy looking Porker.

“O-oh, that’s... good. I hope they’re able to help you out,” the hog laments, thinking to himself as he sees he’s no better than Nicky’s other dependents. But Nicky shoots down the wrong idea.

“That means you too, Porker. If ever this power takes hold of me, I want you to be there to bring me back to Earth, y’know? You’re a real one.”

“R-really? You trust me that much?”

“Tsk tsk,” Nicky leans on the door, wagging a finger. “Wouldn’t be lettin’ you stand here on my porch if I didn’t, would I?”

“Thanks, Nicky,” said a remotivated Porker. “But I can’t keep this conversation going any longer. Mom and Dad are gonna get upset if they see me out too late again.”

“Don’t let me keep you waiting, pal. I’ll see ya soon.”

The two share their signature handshake. Back-to-back, palm to palm, a lock on one of each hand, and a unified fist bump on the others. With that, they give their goodbyes.

“B-bye Nicky, tell your uncle I said hi!”

Porker leaves the Needlemouse household for Nicky to suddenly realize that his uncle was still inside of the house, waiting for him to arrive.

“… Shoot. Uncle Chuck…!”

Nicky quickly unlocks the door to his home. He tends to spend far more time outside than in, but always makes sure to reach home before his uncle’s imposed curfew of 8 PM sharp. With his bag and school coat set to a hanger against the wall, he closes the door behind him and sighs.

’The only one getting chopped here, is you?!’, Nicky thought to himself. ‘Ugh… Sweet Mother of Gaia I need better material. What kind of one-liner was that?! But I guess now’s probably not the time. I bet Uncle Chuck’s worried sick about me.’

As soon as he makes a turn to the kitchen nearby, he’s met with a stern-faced elder hedgehog, his complexion far more faded in comparison to his nephew, and a greying mustache to boot, Uncle Chuck greets the now returning Nicky.

“I was VERY worried sick about you!” He shouts. The sound of his voice was enough to startle Nicky enough to get bristles in his fur. “Sonny, what were you off doing out there?!”

“I-I’m sorry, Uncle Chuck, I swear, I didn’t mean to…”

Nicky explaining himself was cut short by his uncle giving him a warm hug. Nicky sighs, just happy to be home.

“I missed you too, unc.”

With explanations out of the way, Uncle Chuck warms up to his nephew again after having such a long first day. He works the pot, making dinner for the two of them: carrot stew with garbanzo beans and rice. It wasn’t Nicky’s favorite, but he was in a pretty good mood for something hearty to help ease the conversation.

“Pretty exciting first day you had there, nephew,” Chuck says as he fixes a bowl for him and his nephew each. “Those Veruca folk sure know how to wring their way into making anything a problem for anyone.”

“I’ll say,” Nicky agreed, taking a bite out of his food. Forgetting to blow on it, he’s met with hot food right to the tongue. “Ow!”

“I know you’re excited, but don’t eat so quick, Nicky.”

“He just couldn’t stop trying to get on my nerves, and for what?! I’m doing my best to try to get through the day and here comes Anton Veruca, the so-called ‘number one punk of South Island’ just raining on parades like anyone’s business!”

Chuck watches his nephew huff and puff as he spoke of his bully. He closes his eyes as he takes a bite out of his meal, blowing it first.

“That family there is a cursed one, Nicholas. I wouldn’t trust anybody there for a second. Not even the boy’s father is immune to being downright awful,” Uncle Chuck warns. “Unfortunately for Green Hill’s society, he’s the chief cop around these parts.”

“Huh? Aren’t cops supposed to be good?”

“There sure is a lot you don’t know about the world yet, sonny,” he chuckles to himself. “But you’re learning, and I’m glad you want to give yourself that freedom. Means you’re becoming an adult.”

“You kidding? The world’s so beautiful! I get to see it all in no time flat, I don’t even have to pay for tickets!” Nicky eagerly boasts about his new power, giving his uncle a thumbs up for his approval.

“’Fraid things don’t quite work out like that, Nicholas. Especially with all this energy you’ve got at your fingertips now, and I don’t mean your youth.”

“Huh?” Nicky looks up at his uncle, both confused and curious. Whatever it is he was implying, the blue teenager didn’t quite understand it.

“I mean I finally figured out what happened to you, kiddo. Why you have the speed and strength you do now, to move so fast. And especially why you’re about as blue as I was.” Uncle Chuck’s face gets strangely serious. It almost puts Nicky to a stop just from seeing it.

“… What do you mean, Uncle Chuck?”

“I’ll lay it to you straight, Nicky. You’ve been imbued with high amounts of Chaos Energy.

Nicky drops his utensils in shock. “What…?!”

He almost couldn’t believe it. He knew the man that did this to him was awful, but the way his uncle was putting it, it makes it seem like this is a far bigger issue than it first appeared.

“Chaos Energy... you mean, like... ‘Chaos Emerald’ energy? I thought that stuff was all fairy tales!”

“I’m afraid not, m’boy. The Legend of the Chaos Emeralds is far more real than even you realize,” Chuck shakes his head in remorse. “I’m sorry I had to lie to you all those years ago, I just never thought it would have to come to this. The time was never right, and I was certain something like this would never be a problem for you to endure.”

Nicky could only stare at his uncle in awe, no longer even capable to finish his dinner. But before he could speak, his uncle speaks up again.

“But there’s no way this could’ve been a mistake. Someone out there’s looking for the Emeralds and might’ve already exposed you to even just a fraction of their power,” Chuck’s face grew discomforted. “It’s the only way you could’ve turned out the way you have. Do you know who did this to you?”

Nicholas nods, slowly.

“Yeah, I know who,” Nicky responded, looking at his uncle. He waits for an answer.

“Ivo Robotnik.”


With the name of the culprit revealed, what does Nicky have in store to tell his uncle? What does Uncle Chuck know about Ivo and the fabled Chaos Emeralds? Two fates connected to one man, in search of legendary power... Dr. Robotnik is revealed in the next chapter: "Pilot, Part 2"!




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Another day, another chapter! With only less than a week to Sonic Frontiers releasing, I figure I'd pick up my own pieces and give you the next part of this story. It's my own little way of keeping excited for the new game. Fair warning, not everything from the last chapter is gonna be addressed here, but trust me, all the mysteries from here and beyond will be revealed! ...well, if you guys didn't already know them, haha. 

No need for me to delay this any longer, though. Enjoy the new chapter! And here's a link to the FF.Net version, just in case it's a bit too wordy for the spoiler box! 


"Dr. Robotnik… No. No, it couldn't be. He's been out of practice for so long... How could someone like HIM get a hold of the Emeralds, let alone you?!"

Uncle Chuck seemed in total shock with the scenario presented. His nephew wasn't sure how to respond to his reaction. Nicky never knew about the man before the incident but knowing that his uncle did is sure to raise some questions.

"What do you mean out of practice?! Did you know the guy?" Nicky asks, but his uncle was even quicker to retort.

"… Unfortunately, yes, very much so. He and I have had… history." Uncle Chuck starts to grimace against the word "history," he seemed in visible pain as his mind recounts uncomfortable memories of his own past with Robotnik. Scooting up his chair against the dining table, he looks at his nephew with a look of both genuine curiosity and concern. "But I'd rather you go first. What you've been through is far more recent, and therefore my biggest concern."

Nicky was tense to agree to such a term, but his uncle wasn't the only one that wanted to know what he'd been up to. He nods, ready to explain.

"It all started just when summer vacation was about to begin…"




The sound of the alarm bells rings out across the academy. It was only just briefly drowned out by the loud cheers of the students around school, music and footsteps echoing the halls of North Green Hill High. The fresh summer breeze smacks against the smiling faces of teenagers all ready and waiting for the months long break after a grueling experience.

"An internship, huh?" In the soundwaves, a question enters the ears of one such student as it exits from the mouth of another. Nicky, the brown hedgehog, looks to his friend Porker Lewis, watching him stammer on as the two friends trek the halls. "I-I dunno, Nicky, I never thought you'd want to take up something like that so soon… You only just got through a year…"

"It's never too late to take up opportunities, Porker. Besides, I'm always up for doing something exciting," the hedgehog responds to his buddy. "Especially after the garage band gig I had back in middle school kinda went south… fast. Poor Vector's vocal cords were never the same after he tried to hit that high note at the talent show."

"Didn't you win second place that time? What'd you do with the money?"

"I got these bad boys."

Nicky points down to his boots. They were supposed to be red and white, but Nicky's excessive use of the shoes brought some dirt into the whites, giving it a more muted brown color.

"They look kind of worn out... S-sorry," Porker watches Nicky's boots, worried about the state they're in.

"No worries, buddy. Besides, you're right, but new shoes just don't cut it for me. Nothing that comes out these days seems to handle my speed as much as these ones do. Which is why I'm taking up the internship."

"To get new shoes?"

"Yeah, maybe help out wherever I can around the house, too," Nicky reaches his arms back against his head, never minding the spines. "My uncle's out on some important stuff somewhere in the United Federation, so it'll just be me for a bit. Figure I could do something to keep myself busy that isn't just running around all the time."

"You're still gonna be running around though…"

"Tch, no duh. It's what I do! Besides, maybe this might even be an opportunity for me to run more. This 'Eggman' guy did seem like he wanted to 'bring out my best potential,' if I get to paraphrase that email he sent me."

"Sounds cool… But I hope something like that is safe," Porker began to worry, he stops in his feet as the thought of this all being something more than just an internship began to rise. "I just don't want him to hurt you or anything… because what if he does? W-what if he-"

"I'm gonna stop you right there, Porker. I'm not going to let you start one of your tangents," the hedgehog student cuts off his friend, worried of what he could say. "If I do that, I start getting those ideas in my head, even after I've convinced myself that everything about this is 100% safe and at least 90% legal. The other 10% ain't my problem."

Porker was still concerned about all of this, the thought of someone potentially trying to prey down on students as enough to get him to quiver, but Nicholas was right. The more he dwelled on it, the more he'd start blurring the lines between fiction and reality. And he already knew his own imagination was more than capable of running off the rails.

"I-I'm sorry, Nicky… I just… I'd just hate to lose one of my only friends."

"Trust me, bro. You won't. I'll make sure of that."

With the promise made, Nicky sees Porker leave the building as the two wave and make their separate ways. The hedgehog remained one of the last students to stay in the building, as he makes a turn towards the stairs, heading to the upper levels.

From there, Nicky heads towards one of the science labs currently in use. He hears something break.

"Blast it all! What good is the lousy equipment here if it can't handle a little bit of stress?!" A gruff voice boomed out of the room, even audible from the hallway Nicky was in. Curious, he peeks inside, silently opening the door as he watches what happens.

"I'm sorry, sir, it's just that this school can only do so much with our supplies! We get so little funding, and…," another voice speaks up, this one softer and much more familiar to the student. Nicky gets a closer look to see that it's his science teacher, Ms. Doris, a rather meek anthropomorphic ferret in a lab coat. She looked to a human man about twice her own size, towering over her as she watches him move around the lab.

The human, a bald-headed man with a mustache reaching beyond both ends of his cheeks and a beard just under it, wearing glasses under his protective goggles and a suit covering his lab coat, walks around the room as he reaches for something resting on a table nearby…it appeared to be a large, egg shaped… thing?

"Nonsense! Save your excuses, Doris. I know full well of the faults of your educational system," he grabs something from his coat: a remote. Pressing a button, the thing that looked like an egg appeared to lift itself into the air, if only slightly. Nicky watches it, amazed.

'Holy heck… that thing's flying! How?!' Nicky stands by the door in thought, watching it move about the room.

"It's bound to crack under pressure at any given moment, held together by duct tape and the hopes and dreams of whatever lies in the great beyond. Just about even the slightest misfortune to it could cause industries both public and private to collapse. Long before I was even the age of your students did I understand this was true then, and still true now," he presses more buttons as he speaks, guiding it over to the mess made by the accident. "Nevertheless, I've learned how to clean up my own accidents. I'll pay for the damages as well."

The floating "egg" positions itself over the chemical hazard, an odd, blue liquid that seemed to bubble from the sheer heat it was exposed to. But in a matter of seconds, a laser light zooms from the core of the "egg" reaching from the highest point of the mess, and the lowest. After that… it was gone. The broken glass, the spilled chemical, all gone in an instant.

Ms. Doris claps, amazed. Even the eavesdropping Nicky was amazed by the machine's cleanup work.

"W-wow, Mr. Eggman, this technology of yours is incredible! I'm amazed you've decided to stick with veterinary work of all things! You look like you'd earn a Nobel Prize award!"

"Hoho! Genius as great as mine goes duly unrecognized, fellow science associate," Eggman smiles, appreciating the compliment. "But please, call me Dr. Eggman."

"Of course, sir. P-please… if there's anything else you need…"

"No, no, that should be all. I believe I'm expecting someone in a moment's time."

"Really? When will they-"

An alarm buzzes in the room, coming from the egg-shaped device. It found something- no, someone right by the door.

"INTRUDER IN PREMISE," it bellowed, unlocking its sides to reveal active tasers on two ends, approaching the intruder in question, Nicky.

"AAAHHH!" The hedgehog screamed, zipping his way face first into the wall behind him. He lands some feet away from the door, completely in shock. The door behind it slowly opens out further, the two adults in the room at the door. Plastic hits the floor as Nicky's glasses stumble off of his face, his mind in a daze.

"… Oh! It's just Nicky," Doris sighs, happy to see a student of hers. "He's a student of mine. He wouldn't hurt a fly. Why would it label him an intruder?"

"This drone is still a prototype," Eggman spoke as he grabbed the drone, returning it to its default mode. "It detects heat signals, not individuals, so just about anything could be an intruder to its lousy detection systems. It's a bit of a pet project of mine, so working out the kinks is still my goal. But I wouldn't dare leave without it. It's multipurpose!"

"Are you alright, Nicky?" The science teacher asked as she looked down, concerned.

"Hah…," Nicky pants, reaching for his fallen glasses while looking at the two adults. Ms. Doris he was completely familiar with, and as such had no qualms with her, but the bald man before her was a total mystery. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine… Sheesh, give me a heart attack, why don'tcha…? I thought that thing was gonna kill me!"

"No, no, of course not!" The doctor attempts to reassure the student. He gives the egg-shaped machine a soft pat on its surface. "Killing is never part of its programming. It'll just jolt enough of a voltage to knock anyone out at its highest level, is all. It's my security drone!"

"That's not very reassuring…," Nicky gives a heavy sigh, finally calm. As he climbs back up to his feet, he watches the doctor laugh heartily.

"Hoohoho! Trust me, dear boy, it'll never hurt you so much as long as I'm around," Eggman fixes his glasses, looking at the hedgehog. He reaches his hand down to him for a handshake, smiling wide. "My name is Dr. Eggman. I'm certain you've heard of me?"

Nicky hesitated for a moment, finally realizing who he was dealing with. This is THE Eggman that he applied for. Without wasting another second, he brings his own hand to meet the doctor's.

"Only for about a week and a half, sir, but it's a pleasure to finally meet ya!" The two hands shake in a firm, friendly grasp. Eggman's grip was noticeably weaker than Nicky's, but the doctor still seemed just as eager. "You already got my name, doc."

"I believe it was Nicky, wasn't it? Wait…," Eggman ponders for a moment, taking a try at remembering Nicky's full name. "Ah, yes! Nicholas Needlemouse! The one student brave enough to take up this opportunity! A pleasure to have you aboard!"

"Pleasure's all mine! I'm always up for something new, so I'm as psyched for this as you are!"

"Yes, good, good! Ms. Doris has told me much of you. You already live up to that attitude I've heard so much about! So youthful and ambitious… I'd love to explore it further." Eggman lets go of Nicky's hand, ending the handshake as he once again fixes his glasses. "But I'm afraid we'll have to do it elsewhere, at my own offices. I want you to know what you're dealing with for this program."

With a nod from Nicky, it was his signal to the doctor that he was more than ready to start the program. But before he was ready to leave, his science teacher spoke up.

"Wait just a moment, s-sir!" This gets the doctor to stop in his tracks, also ready to leave. He and Nicky wait to listen to what she has to say.

"I've already given you Nicky's emergency contact information, right? Be sure to call that number if ever something were to go wrong… O-or you could call here, too. Much of our school staff are already pretty well acquainted with Nicholas. He's never too much of a bother and seems to enjoy helping out."

"C'mon, teach, you don't gotta give him my life details or anything…," the hedgehog runs a hand through his spines, a little embarrassed. He decides to give his teacher a thumbs up and his best smirk. "But trust me, I'll know what to tell him, and what to do whenever something goes wrong."

"I'm certain you will. Have a good summer, Nicky! Be sure to tell me all about your experience when you get back!"

Nicky waves his science teacher goodbye, as he faces the doctor, waiting against the wall. Eggman simply gestures a hand forward on the path ahead, smiling.

The two exit the school building, Eggman doing his best to keep up with the teenage hedgehog. He started to sweat a bit as he raced behind the student, the distance between them growing as the leave.

"N-Nicky, wait! Hold on! Good grief… the youth these days…"

"Yo, what's with the slow-mo act, doc, I wanna get started!"

"Not without knowing where you're going first, you- …bright young scholar." He catches his words as he catches his breath. Nicholas swore he meant to say something else but opts to ignore it.

"Here, I'll get us our ride."

Eggman digs through his pockets to grab the remote that powered the drone. Pushing buttons, he seems to activate something. It remained a mystery to Nicky… until he hears something that sounds like a rocket in the air, whizzing past the roof of the school building.

Slowly landing on the ground, the rockets blare louder as something lands on the ground. It was a gray machine, almost in the shape of an orb. The machine looked like nothing the hedgehog's seen before, not without it being behind a television screen. Whatever it was, it resembled a spaceship from the way it looked alone, with rockets on the back, wings on both ends and a singular glowing light at the front. But a closer inspection revealed what it was in better detail. It had a seat, a steering wheel, and a cup holder. Nicky comes to the logical conclusion that this is the ride Eggman was referring to.

"Huh… Cool car… I think?"

"This is no mere car, Nicholas. This… is my personal Egg Mobile! My number one vessel of transportation! Pretty sleek, eh?" He gives the vehicle a fine slap on its side. "This baby can do it all! It's modular, so it serves just about any purpose I want to give it! Deliveries, construction, it even has a built-in adaptive wheel hydraulic system!"

"Oooh, sounds like you wanna be a hit with the ladies! You ever got their attention?"

"No… No, I… no." The doctor sighs, his mustache appearing to droop a bit. "… Nevertheless, let's not delay this any further. We're off!"'

Eggman jumps into the seat of the Egg Mobile. Starting it up, he hears the engine purr. Nicky stands by the custom automobile with a curious look.

"Hey, doc? This car's only got one seat. Where do I sit?"


Something grabs on to Nicky… a large crane claw pops out of what would best be described as the trunk. It adjusts itself, then moves towards Nicky, picking him up by the chest, with a firm grip. Nicky yelps as he's lifted up and dragged closer to the side of the car.

"Sorry, but I haven't made a second seat function yet," Eggman looks to Nicky as he fumbles about against the claw's grip. He pays little mind to it, however. "Never thought I'd needed to, and I'm not much of a fan of sharing. Still, I won't let you die, so just hang on tight!"

"WOAH!" Nicky firmly grips onto the claw that binds him as he and the doctor zoom off into the horizon, flying into the air. He was far less panicked about being in the air than he was the doctor's somewhat reckless driving, zooming his way through high rise buildings and railings.

"Lousy airborne obstacles… how do you live with these things everywhere?!" Eggman looks back at Nicky, still holding on for dear life.

"Watch where you're goin', man! Your driving's all over the place!"

"Relax, I know what I'm doing!"

"Hey, hey, eyes in the skies, doc- WATCH OUT FOR THAT FLICKY!"

"AAAAHH!" The doctor pulls his vehicle up in the air, gaining altitude. He just barely avoids a bird flying towards his direction, with the flames of the exhaust just nearly catching its feathers. Eggman sweats as he looks behind him, the Flicky safe and sound.

"Stupid good for nothing bird…," he mumbles to himself under his breath, just before speaking up louder for Nicky to hear him. "Enough of this. I see now that this level of altitude is perhaps the safest way to travel about. We'll be there shortly."

'Some genius this guy is… Okay, okay, maybe that's a bit too harsh. But I hope his plans aren't as reckless as his driving.'

With the breeze of the skies enough to calm the duo down, the two begin to make their way towards the mountainsides of South Island.

A large overhead door opens, the shining light of the sun basking its way into the entrance of a large facility. The area itself seemed to also light up as the roaring engines of the Egg Mobile thrust their way through the sounds of automated machinery working around the place.

Dr. Eggman lands his vehicle safely in a carefully placed parking spot. With no need to drive any further, the doctor shuts the engine off as he leaves the Egg Mobile safely. He grabs his belongings and releases Nicholas from the crane's grip.

"Well, that certainly was an experience…" the doctor grabs his car keys and presses the lock button as a glass seal covers the driver's seat. The Egg Mobile gives the signal of its current state with a pair of beeps. "Collateral damage was avoided, so that means I won't have to go through the efforts of making a tune-up or suffering the complaints of property damage. Hohoho, lazy Sunday, here I come!"

Nicholas lands on the ground, panting as the doctor spoke. He couldn't believe just what he'd been through… He would have at least thought Eggman would value the surroundings of others around him a little more but wasn't sure if that were the case or not as he got up.

"Dude, what was your deal?!" Nicky shouts to the doctor, ticked off. "You could've hurt somebody! You didn't think just for a second that maybe you should've been more aware of what's in the air?!"

"I was VERY aware, thank you very much! It's their fault for getting in MY way, NOT the other way around. I'm not going to be pushed around by a teenager, so do you want this scholarship or not?!" The doctor shouts, enraged. This brings Nicky back to his senses, becoming aware of what was at stake.

He sighs, finally realizing his error.

"… Sorry, doc. I'm still a little hot on the heels. Not used to bein' carried by a crane five hundred feet in the air and all," he shrugged, a sheepish grin forming on his face as he tries to apologize to the doctor.

"Hmph, I thought you would've liked a bit of excitement."

"Yeah, when I know I can walk out of it alive…," the hedgehog groans, watching Eggman make his way towards a number pad on the wall. Pressing a combination of numbers, he stands back as a door slides open, revealing an elevator.

"Nevertheless, I accept your apology, Mr. Needlemouse. I suppose I should be more mindful if I want my vehicle to remain in tip-top shape." Eggman walks inside of the elevator, turning to face Nicky again. "Come with me. We have much to discuss about our future together!"

With a nod, the brown hedgehog follows the doctor into the elevator.

"So, where we headed?" Nicky asked.

"To the rest of the facility. I'll give you a little tour of my own personal headquarters… on this island, anyway."

Nicky seemed bewildered by the thought that this was his own base of operations- one of MANY, in fact. But before he could say anything else, the elevator begins to move down after the push of a button. It dragged its way down from story to story, passing large rooms filled with boxes and heavy machinery.


Nicky stared at everything passing him in bewilderment, just amazed by the sheer technology at disposal here. He almost started to question if this guy was really a veterinarian at all but was interrupted by Eggman speaking up to him.

"Impressive display of my tools, isn't it?" The doctor smiled. "But you'll get an even better look behind you."

Slowly, the hedgehog teenager does as the doctor suggested, and the amazement before grew triple. He began to realize that this wasn't just a simple factory. It was a whole fortress, bigger even, filled with the machines seen from before, working around the clock. The whole setting still seemed to be a work in progress, with scaffolding and steel bars all over. But as soon as Nicky blinked, patches of what were once unfinished sections were completed in an instant.

"Wh… what IS this place…?"

"Welcome, Nicholas… to the Egg Brain Zone! A work in progress."

Nicky glances as he drew closer to the glass window of the elevator, hands and eyes pressed firmly against the glass. He's no techie, but even he couldn't help but admire the view and every little trinket doing their part to make this place a reality.

"I've only just given this place a name, you see. It took me a few tries, but I've managed something I'm proud of. Much better than the name 'Clockwork Zone,' of which was the running project name, mind you."

"Dr. Eggman, you're freakin' awesome! How long did this take to build?!"

"Just little under a month. It's a lot of elbow grease and hard labor, but it's amazing what you can do with technology at your side, isn't it?"

The elevator continued further down the facility until it reached a stop. The doors open to reveal a conveyer belt just some feet away from them, functioning as a moving walkway. The doctor steps on it, and motions for the teenager to come with him. Nicky steps on the walkway to follow Eggman but pauses.

His ears twitched. He hears something. It sounded like something hitting against metal… banging? It was loud and distinct, completely different from everything else moving about in the facility…

"…Hey, doc. Did you hear that?"

"Me? No, nothing out of the ordinary, at least."

"I swear I was hearing something hittin' against something else… like it's getting punched or something. What was that?"

"It's 99 percent likely to just be part of the ongoing construction work. Come along, now, we don't have a moment to lose."

Nicky complies in silence, but his mind still thinks.

'…Could it really be my imagination…?'

The walkway activates, and the pair move onwards through Eggman's base, sliding from hall to hall. Eggman clears his throat as he watches his machinery

"I suppose now that we're together in my own chambers, I should properly introduce myself. 'Dr. Eggman' is merely a moniker for my business duties."

"Wait, so it's not your real name?" Nicky looked to Eggman, quizzically as he raised an eyebrow.

"Ohoho, heavens, no! My real name is Ivo Julian Robotnik. I've simply chosen 'Eggman' as a public identity because it… bettered personal morale." The veterinarian chuckled, fixing his glasses. "Sticks and stones and whatnot."

"You mean people used to make fun of you with that name?"

"… Unfortunately," a sigh escapes his mouth. "But it's given me plenty of insight over time, with years of thinking, planning, and finally, understanding. But first, a question for you."

With the press of a button, a translucent screen travels down beside them. From one side of the hall, a projector kept a similar pace, showing a slideshow of sorts to the other side. On it, a picture of an egg in a cup.

"What ARE eggs? Do you know?"

Nicky was incredibly perplexed by the sheer unexpectedness of a question like that. Dumbfounded, even. He turns to the screen, then back to the doctor, then back to the screen again, just absolutely confused about what Robotnik could've had for breakfast to make him ask a question like this.

"… W-what? I-I mean… I dunno, dude, they're just… eggs. A lotta them we eat in the morning…?" The hedgehog scratched his head, hoping the answer he stuttered out of sheer surprise was at least somewhat correct.

"Yes, yes, they've their more mundane role in our society pretty clear," the doctor handwaves the response, well aware of that answer. "We use them for all sorts of foods, drinks and delectables. But I need you to think deeper about this, Nicholas. Do you know what eggs are?"

Foot tapping on the moving ground, Nicky rubs his chin as he got to thinking… but suddenly, it hits him, snapping his fingers with the realization.

"Babies, right? Like, just before they're born?"

"Yes! Exactly! Eggs are the very first stage… of life!" Ivo grinned, getting really excited about this all of a sudden.

"Almost all things living hatch from an egg of some sort. From the greatest of dinosaurs to even the smallest of bugs, the egg is the very start of legends, of history! We care for it, cherish it, sometimes even consume it, as the egg is the great unifier! It is built to build new life, everywhere one is hatched!"

Nicky swears the man was starting to lose it. He almost wanted to say something, beginning to look a lot more worried as Ivo continued on, much to his dismay.

"It is also why I've donned the name 'Eggman' since discovering this fact of life. To understand life, I had to become this 'egghead' people have long made fun of me for. Putting my knowledge to good use to better understand these essential building blocks that make up our very reality. Because then, I realized something… If I wanted to understand life, I had to go where life is understood the most. So, I decided to become a doctor, as they go where life is needed."

"Yeah, but you're like… a veterinarian, right? The most you work with is animals and stuff."

"You couldn't be any more right," the doctor agreed. His smile grew even wider. "Helping them is a key part in finally understanding just what moves them, what moves all of us. It's not just about what keeps us alive that lets us cherish life, you know. Sometimes… it's about what doesn't. And between that order and disorder, lies balance."

Robotnik's ramblings weren't helping Nicky's favor on questioning the doctor's sanity, but all this talk about life and death and… eggs were enough to really drive it home for him: this guy's off his rocker. The sheer obsession over these topics seemed incoherent, especially to the youngster, but he's gotten on Eggman's bad side just about enough already. Risking it again would be costly.

"… But I've said enough. Sometimes I get so ahead of myself and my research that it makes me lose quite track of things a bit, hahaha!" Eggman leans towards Nicky, raising an eyebrow. "Any questions?"

'Too many.' The student thought to himself, but before he could open his mouth, he's interrupted by the immediate stop of movement.

"On second thought, hold on to them. We're here." The veterinarian motions for Nicky to follow him once more. With little hesitation, the hedgehog follows him along to yet another door, this one scanning one of the doctor's eyes. The door slides open from both ends.

"Right this way. The real work is about to begin!"



The two make their last stop in a room unlike any other. In it, a large machine stood front and center around several cabinets, a large desk with a computer, wires connected to just about every visible nook and cranny there.

"Wow," the hedgehog looks up at the machinery, his amazement still yet to falter. "What do we have here…?"

"This is my latest and greatest invention yet!" Eggman moves his hands forward to present the machine. "I call it the 'Life Egg!' Patent pending."

Looking closer, Nicky realizes the form of the machine. At its very core, the shape of an egg could be visibly seen. Large metal pieces, best assumed to be the outer shell of the doctor's contraption, were connected by plugs and wires all scattered about the floor. By far it had the most complex design of anything he's seen here, and just about everything seemed extremely intricate so far. But something else seems to catch his fancy…

Just above the machine, electrical circuits run to an orb containing something familiar. A peculiar blue gem rested inside, glowing faintly as it sits idly. It looked amazing, almost jaw dropping with its perfectly natural cut. Nicky felt compelled to get a closer look, his eyes drawing near to the crystal as he started to reach a hand out for it, almost mystified by the sheer awe of the glowing stone. He moved closer and closer, just barely making it to where it rested, as he-

"Hello?!" The snapping of Eggman's fingers brought Nicky back to reality. Eggman groaned, pressing a button near his desk. The machine shuts down, and the gem dims with it.


"I can't believe this! You're daydreaming before I even get to begin explaining what needs to be done! Pay attention!" The doctor sits down in his chair, arms resting in a locked position by his keyboard. "Kids these days…"

"Sorry doc, it's just… I dunno what's up with it... that rock in there. I couldn't stop starin' at it... The light it gave off, it was… it felt different. You mind tellin' me about it?" Nicky smiled, looking to the doctor as he grabs another chair, sitting in front of his desk.

"NO!" The doctor shouts as she SLAMS his fists against the table, making Nicky jump in his seat from the surprise yell. Robotnik's snap also made him come back to his senses, clearing his throat as he returns to his position prior. "That's… still a part of a personal project of mine as the Life Egg is still incomplete, much like everything else here. Work needs to be done. But that's not important."

Hands pressed on the keyboard, the doctor types and clicks away at his computer screen, bringing up an application for Nicky himself.

"What is important is you, Nicholas. You are an essential part of this program I've enlisted you for, and you've got quite the many feats to show for it."

"Well, heh, I don't mean to brag… or maybe I do. Guys like me only come once in a lifetime, y'know?" The hedgehog smirked as he shrugs, ever the gloater of his own achievements.

"… Yes, of course." Eggman stares at his understudy, absolutely impassive on that matter. Nicky's bragging was going to get to the better of the doctor, but he pressed on. "You've many talents that you… certainly have made clear about in your application. But what I'm most curious about is your ability to run."

The hedgehog perks up again. "Oh, that? Man, that's nothing, I get praised for that all the time. Even won a few titles in competitions around South Island!"

"No, no, it's SO much more than that," the doctor grins enthusiastically. "You're the missing piece that my Life Egg could very well use!"

"Really? What's a guy like me gonna do with your science experiments, Eggman?"

"Quite simple, actually. You are going to be the link to truly power this machine up to its fullest potential! I'll have to make something to siphon the required energy, something for you to run on- a treadmill. And from there, we reach perfection!"

'Wasn't this about reaching MY potential…?'

Nicky almost wanted to blurt this out, a detail that the doctor so sorely seems to be missing from his explanation, but he swears he's on thin ice when it comes to pestering him about his… odd choices. Instead, he raises a hand to ask a question.

"Sounds like a game plan, Robotnik, but are you sure something like this is the only way?"

"Oh, I've made other attempts at powering it up. But not even extreme air durability and the might of a million arms could break ground. My best hope is that speed could be the key…"

Eggman looks at the student's face. He sees worry, uncertainty. Almost as if he seemed ready to back out of this plan at any moment. That is, until he speaks up again.

"Now don't you worry. I'm not going to through you at the machine in an instant's moment. Much like you I want this to be a slow and conducted process. That's why for the next month or so, I'll simply just test your vitals after every run. Give you a few things to run around as well, just to make things interesting for you. How does that sound?"

…Nicky still wasn't sure about this. The doctor's at least making this timely, yet something… something just doesn't sit right with him. But he's come too far to back down now, and he really wants to help keep things afloat while his uncle's away. And he couldn't do that without the money.

"I'll do it." Nicholas nods.

"Thank you, Mr. Needlemouse. Your generosity is ever appreciated."

The two shake hands again. Somehow… the shake feels even looser the second time around.

"That'll be all for now, then. I'll see you next week, at the same time. Also, be sure to grab a drink and some snacks! You'll be here a while."

Gathering himself together, Nicky finally leaves the doctor's office. With nothing more than the rather difficult air to breathe through and the thoughts in his mind, he sets course to make it home. It was as easy back out as it was going in, and leaving the facility proved to be of minor issue. The silence of the facility was all that was left to accompany him as he left for the elevator.

Yet as soon as he pushed the button to leave, his ears twitched.

It's back. He can hear the banging again. But why does it sound like… there's more of it…?


The doctor's one heck of a guy, but even I can't help but feel like everything he's doing is all for some greater motive... Just what is his endgame here? How vital is someone like Nicky to him, when not even Nicky himself is sure what's going on? The greatest plans of one, and the greater fears of many, shine their light in the final third and act: "Pilot, Part 3" in the next chapter!


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  • 4 months later...

Hey, back for an update! Sorry for the delay, but making this one was a bit harder than I thought it would be... Still, this is the last part of the beginning of this story! It's a pretty hefty chapter, too, so you're gonna wanna grab a snack for this ride! I did my best to get everything I wanted inside of this one without much of an issue, but here's hoping I succeeded somehow! 

Can't keep you waiting here forever though, so here's the final chapter (of the beginning)! As usual, FF.Net link here.


Five weeks. It's been five weeks since Nicky started the program.

For the past month, with every encounter he's had with Eggman, he's been running as he was demanded. During the first week, the doctor had Nicky run a few laps around one of the more open areas of his base, amazed by the sheer speed. By the second week, Eggman lived up to his word, having designed a treadmill fit for the hedgehog to run for as long as he needed to for the sake of powering his Life Egg. It wasn't like any other treadmill, however, instead being modeled after the loop-de-loops found all around South Island's more natural areas.

Every so often, he'd get tested on how well he was doing. From the results alone… Nicky couldn't tell how much more of it he could take. Blood pressure and heart rates grew after every endurance run. Used water bottles piled up on the floor over the growing hours. But for all of the sweat shed, the miles upon miles of running, and a lot of Dr. Eggman's less than encouraging shouts…

…Nothing seemed to be working.



"Alright, that's enough," said Dr. Eggman, stopping the machine. Nicky skids to a stop in the treadmill wheel. He plops down to the ground, trying to catch his breath. "You seem to have had quite the workout there, dear boy. I hope you haven't given up yet because I'm not stopping either! We still have more tests to go through!"

Nicky, in spite of his weakened state, replaced his tired, panting face with one of sheer surprise. His usually exuberant personality taking a hit for the worst, knowing that he would have to put up more with being the doctor's guinea pig. The fact that for a whole MONTH results haven't changed wasn't helping. His mind races after the countless attempts made in such a short amount of time and the more he thought, the more he remembered, his helplessness instead grew to anger.

"WHAT?!" The hedgehog bellowed as he rolled back up to his feet in fury. "What do you MEAN more tests?! We've been at this for a month! A MONTH! NOTHING'S CHANGED!"

Eggman jolts, his understudy's yelling completely catches him off guard. He tries to flip the script back to Nicky…

"W-well, maybe you just haven't been trying hard enough! You've still yet to reach your own true potential in my machine! Just hold your horses and be patient, I'm certain we'll get somewhere!"

…but Nicky fires back.

"With all due respect, I've been patient long enough! I know progress when I see it and your machine's a dud, doc! Maybe if you'd at least tried to improve the design or throw it in the dump for a better one, we'd actually get some real results!"

"My machines are perfect in EVERY way! I don't need do-overs! I've made sure to calculate how you handle your dynamic speed within every scientific possibility, that's what the field tests were for!"

"Yeah? Well, look where that's gotten us! Testing this, planning that! You treat me like I'm more a part of the machine than I am myself!"

Nicky's words strike a chord with the doctor. He seemed bewildered by the hedgehog's words, staring at his understudy in silence. Perhaps he's come to the realization that something is wrong? It gives the hedgehog the chance to continue, under his slow and tired breaths.

"I'm tired, Robotnik… My body's aching and my heart feels like it's on overdrive! I'm willing to play the part of the battery for a bit, but if this is nonstop work without giving this battery some time to recharge, then what you've got here is a torture device in the making."

"I…," the doctor stops on his words, trying to think really hard about what to say. With a heavy sigh, he fixes his glasses, his eyes closed underneath. "I suppose you're right, Nicholas. As much as it pains me to admit it, perhaps I have been wrong about this process. But my grievances stop there. Time is of the essence and dwelling too much on one ordeal alone stalls things for too long. And I do feel as if I haven't been utilizing your abilities to the fullest yet."

Nicky breathes out, a wave of relief rushing through him as Eggman finally seems to see eye to eye with him.

"Finally, doc! Glad to see we're the same page here," He cheered, leaning on the machine with an arm. He uses his free arm to snap his fingers, signaling an idea. "Tell ya what, Ivo. We break for a bit, then when we're ready, we give this stuff everything we got, one last time. Sound like a plan?"

"Yes, yes, indeed! A splendid idea, my exuberant understudy! And I've got quite the fancy for a fixing right about now." The doctor rubs his hands together.

The pair agreed to take this moment to stop for a lunch break. Nicky had packed an assortment of fruits, some trial mix, and a bottle of water. Dr. Eggman had crafted together a submarine sandwich, topped with cold cuts, lettuce, tomatoes, cheese and to the hedgehog's lack of surprise (or lack thereof), some deviled eggs. During their meal, Nicky takes an opportunity to speak up.

"Yo, doc. Can I ask you a question?"

"You may ask, yes."

Nicky rolls his eyes. 'Oh, brother. Forgot I'm dealing with a genius here.'

"That conversation we had on my first visit… about you wanting to find what makes animals tick. Does that stuff tie into any of your veterinary work?"

"Why, of course! Truthfully speaking, it's a little bonus to my regular work." The doctor fixes his glasses, setting aside his lunch to enlighten Nicky. "It's nothing extreme, but I've noticed things while compiling data made from my research. A few samples from some wildlife conservations here and some bloodwork from house pets there have led me to some amazing discoveries."

"Oh yeah? Like what?" Nicky looks at the doctor, eyebrow raised.

"Between the lines of genetic code within all of the general biosphere, something connects us. I've searched far and wide to get answers, and the closest I've gotten was that little blue trinket locked into my machine there."

Nicky looks to the direction Robotnik points. The gem he was eyeing some time ago, still resting in stasis.

"That jewel seems to hold the answers I seek. But whenever I've pressed upon seeing what it was, all it could do was give me more questions," the doctor scratches the temple of his bald head, pondering on the gem. "It seems immensely powerful. Its smallest doses can level this entire base, or this entire ISLAND, even!"

"For real?!" Nicky gasped. "So, what's this thing doing here, knowing that we've got a weapon ready to go off at any moment?"

"For starters, it's not a weapon. Not unless you'd want it to be. I've simply been using it as a battery for my inventions, nothing more. This here is the only one that hasn't broken down, and it's taken a lot of trial and error on the part of myself and others to make sure it wouldn't end up a failure."

"Guess that's where those other methods of yours come in."

"And you right after, dear boy." Grabbing a napkin, Eggman wipes his mug clean, a smile making its way on his face. "Rest assured, this attempt won't be like the others. Something has to go right, and I'll make sure we see to that. For the future of this world, it must!"

"Future,' huh?" Nicky raises an eyebrow, curious. "I'm all for making the world a better place, but it's gonna take more than just some special battery to make it happen."

"Oh, of course it will! The jewel's just to bring us one step closer to not only revamping the environment of our planet but making it the greatest place to ever exist! With the secrets to life discovered, we'll be awarded finely, and everyone'll want to be a part of it! We'll become pioneers of a brand-new era! It's irrefutable!"

As the doctor rambled on, Nicky squints, settling back to his thoughts for the time being as he finishes his lunch.

'He's got that crazy look in his eyes again… did the others ever get this same spiel? He says he wants to help and heck, I almost wanna believe him… but I can't shake the feeling that he's a lot more selfish about this than he'd want to admit.'

The doctor laughs, heartily. It caught Nicky off guard, but over the past month he's grown so used to his rather eccentric behavior to be any more surprised.

"Hooohohoho…!" He finishes. "Aah, I really needed that… a winner's laugh never lets you down, Nicky! You should try it sometime!"

"Eh, I'll pass. Though with a bit of snow-white hair, you'd be great for holiday parties!" Nicky points finger guns towards his coach. The doctor wasn't amused.

"Hardy har har. Quit fooling around, it's time to make progress!" Setting his lunch aside, Dr. Eggman returns to his computer. Typing furiously against the keyboard, he readies himself.

The stage was set. Nicky returned to the loop-de-loop and watched Robotnik power the machine up once more. With a stretch of his arms and legs, he's ready to go.

"Hope you're about as hyped as I am!" Nicky grins. "We'll have this puppy up and runnin' in no time!"

"Without a doubt. All of our hard work has led to this very moment, and soon, the world will know greatness!" Dr. Robotnik was also getting excited, rubbing his hands together. "Get ready to put the pedal to the metal, Nicholas, because we're going all the way!"

"They don't call me the Brown Blur for nothin'! Ready when you are, doc!" Nicky ducks, with his hands on the ground and one foot ahead of the other, Olympics style.

As Eggman clicks and taps away at a few more settings on the computer, the jewel resting at the top of machine would begin to shine, an audible hum coming from the machine giving Nicky the green light.

"All systems, go! GIVE IT YOUR ALL!"

"Here we… GO!"

Nicky's off with a burst of speed! He ran and ran as fast as he could, his ears flicking as the sound of the hums of technology all around him grew louder, stronger. His running start alone was enough to set the Life Egg into 15 percent power. Readings showed that Nicky's gotten up to 25 miles per hour, even better than before. Eggman grins, amazed so far with the progress made.

"Yes, yes! We're already at a 5 percent peak increase! But we need my machine at full power, so start breaking a sweat!"

Nicky pants, watching nothing but the path forward. This was already becoming quite the exercise and he's only just gotten started. But he had to kick things up a notch. A smile on his face as his feet keeps him moving on the surface of the loop-de-loop treadmill.

'C'mon, legs. Don't fail me now…'

Left, right, left, right. Nicky's speed got faster and faster, the rhythm of his feet moving just as fast as the pounding of his heart. He was beginning to sweat, breathing in and out slowly as he felt his body cramping from the tension. His eyes darted between the path ahead and towards the machine's direction.

The gem was still shining, but the light it exuded seemed brighter this time around. All the clearer that he seemed to be making progress… the jewel's mystifying glow seemed almost encouraging around all the dull machinery, a strong burst of inspiration shaking through the mind of the hedgehog.

'The gem… why does it feel like it's speaking to me? And it wants me to keep going…? Wait, wait. Why do I think a shiny rock's trying to communicate with me?! Unless… Is there really more to this thing than I thought…?'

Lost in his mind, Nicky didn't realize that he was already hitting breakneck speeds. What was once a pretty impressive 25 mph average speed grew triple the amount, reaching up to 100... and still increasing by the second.

"Life Egg power capacity at 40 percent," Eggman cheered. "Keep it up, Nicholas, you're at your best yet! Come to think of it… this is the best you've done, ever. Something isn't quite right here…"

The doctor spins around in his chair, turning towards his computer as he quickly types against his keyboard, curious of the state of Nicky and the machine he's connected to were in.

"Interesting… you're definitely growing far more in tune with the Life Egg's energy output than before… More than I anticipated you would be. Could it be…?" His attention quickly turns to the next most beneficial part of powering his contraption: the blue gem glowing at the top.

"Oh no… Nicholas, hold on, something's wrong!" Eggman hops out of his chair, facing his understudy as he witnesses something new happening: the sudden addition of static sparks that seemed to be coming from his feet, still in motion.

With each running step Nicky ran, he grew in power, the young teenage speedster blissfully unaware of the feats he was pulling off. Every moment Dr. Robotnik blinked, he saw the hedgehog's lower limbs became more and more of a blur. To account for this, Nicky's body arches forward, holding his arms to his sides, his legs moving around more and more like the wheels of a car, but running at a speed well beyond the maximum of any vehicle ever manufactured.

"270… 310… 340… egad, hedgehog, you've exceeded limitation! This is faster than, dare I say it, anything even ALIVE! Nicholas, you need to slow down!"

The hedgehog could barely make out what the doctor said. Muffled echoes of his voice surround his headspace, as Nicky would begin to see things far, far beyond his usual vision.

The faster he ran, the greater it felt like he was somehow less in tune with his body, but more with his spirit. He was so focused on the path ahead that he didn't notice the world around him beginning to change into something new.

In the blink of an eye, a soft light shrouds his focused view. Once faded, the light reveals that the lab's sights were now replaced with a strange world of shifting checkered skies, ramps and tube highways that stretched through infinity, gigantic orbs, and structures of things he could barely understand, constructs he's never even seen before anywhere else on Mobius, on Earth… or anywhere near his home planet at all. The more aware he was of the world he saw, the more he wanted to question it, but his drive to run only compelled him to do so more.

While running, he sees it, just off in the distance in front of him. The gem that called to him now with him in this strange, chaotic realm. Seeming to guide him through the odd realm. It was inching closer and closer with every mile made, Nicky was even more mystified by it now than ever before. Something about the place he was in made it glisten more here than it ever had in Eggman's machine.

It was beautiful.


His train of thought stopped, Eggman's voice getting too loud to ignore. It was enough to snap back to a semblance of reality, even if only for a moment. Nicky speaks up, struggling to keep his mind between the two worlds he was running through.

"H-Heh… Take it easy, doc…," Nicky coughs, a smile on his face. His voice sounded strained, his body using up so much energy in running that he couldn't bear to speak much. "I-I dunno what's goin' on… but I've… I've never felt more alive…! Y-you focus on your doohickey… I'll do what I do best…!"

Eggman quickly remembered the task at hand, his sheer surprise at Nicky's speed almost made him forget to check on the current state of the Life Egg. He turns around to see its metallic exterior coated in a piping hot orange color, almost as if it wanted to fall apart at any second. Its power capacity has hit 2000 percent, well above and beyond the successful power rate. It was almost enough to give Eggman a heart attack.

"N-NO! The machine's going to go caput at this rate! NICHOLAS! YOU HAVE TO STOP, NOW!"

Nicky doesn't respond.

All that mattered to him now was getting faster, moving faster, beingfaster. The world he and the jewel were in seemed to be closing in, feeling a bit tense the longer Nicky stayed. But he persisted. He was getting closer by the second as things around him became a blur.

'Almost got it…,' He reaches his arm out, drawing closer and closer. The gem's light grew, but it didn't seem to bother him as he remained focused on the path ahead.

In the outside world. he was moving at speeds thought humanly impossible, blistering around and around the treadmill. At this point, he was moving so fast that he had to keep his arms and hands behind him. His legs and feet were so much of a blur that they were beginning to resemble a mobius strip bending about. His top speed now seemed to average at around 650 mph, still increasing.

The longer this went on, the more the room around them would begin to shake, barely able to hold the locked-in-place wheel treadmill together, and the entire base could possibly follow soon after. Alarms go off, one by one as the room would be drenched in the reds of the signals. Strangely, electric sparks began to fly… but they weren't coming from the any of the machines.

Eggman panicked, pressing just about every button imaginable in the available vicinity, heart racing as he hurried to save his precious inventions, and Nicky as a bonus. The effort he made was enough to shut everything off. With a sigh, he was relived that he was able to salvage his devices… or so it would seem.

Nicky was still running even after the forced stop, now spinning around the treadmill at his own accord. The sparks were abundant, Nicky's entire body covered in a bright, unstable energy. Within any moment, it seemed like something was going to explode.

"H-how?! How is it still going…?! Wait… it's not the machine that's running…" Eggman's face grew with dread as he moved things around to try to protect himself. But in the midst of doing so, he realizes what was really going on.

"It's him…! NICKY! WAIT! N-NOOO—"

BOOM. The energy finally releases, sending a shockwave out through the lab. Energy crackles and bursts as the room shakes one last time. It felt as if an earthquake passed through the entire island with just how much power Nicky was holding in. The room shook and shattered with several machines toppling over and breaking apart.

Eggman yelled as he felt himself becoming caved in by his electronics, bracing for impact from all over. Debris began to build up over him, but his quick thinking saves him, the pieces that moved just barely keeping this accident from being anything fatal.

Eventually, the airspace of the whole of South Island grew silent. Even the world below the Egg Brain Zone stopped in its tracks as the wind crashed leaves into the air and threw some of the ocean water on land. People were worried, but unaware of what could've caused such a phenomenon to occur.

Back in the lab, or what remained of it, Dr. Robotnik forces himself out of the rubble. He coughs as he swats against the air, gas fumes and chemicals leaving a toxic smell all around. It was a sight to behold, all of his precious machinery ruined.

"HACK! Hurghh… Nicholas… NICHOLAS NEEDLEMOUSE! What have you DONE?!" The doctor's worry was immediately replaced with fury. He seemed more upset with the loss of many a tool and contraption than he was concerned with the fate of his understudy. But before he could take his anger out on him, he had to find him first.

It wasn't hard, however, as conveniently the hedgehog laid out in the open, away from most of the destroyed parts and pieces of Eggman's handiwork.

"There you are… Just what have YOU gotten us into?! You've ruined everything! My entire research lab's been DESTROYED because of you! I won't be able to fix this in enough time to… to…?"

Eggman was about ready to strangle Nicky, having never been more furious than he was now, his face fuming red. But before he went in for the grab, he noticed something peculiar.

Upon closer inspection, the gem that Eggman found rested right in the palm of the young student, who remained unconscious and unaware of all of the destruction he inadvertently caused.

What else was new, was that he and the mythical stone seemed to be the same color… Nicky's natural browns were now an electrifying blue, still lingering with the same static energy from before.

It was enough to make him stop and think. Really, really think. In the process, he reaches out for the hedgehog… Gone was all the anger and rage, now replaced with contemplation. Calculations. Plotting. Before long, an idea sprouted. It seemed so obvious, as if it were staring him down and yelling at him right in his face. Fixing his glasses, he muses a thought as he set himself low towards the unconscious body of his understudy.

"Hm. No… No, I won't be able to fix this at all…," he said, picking up Nicky and the emerald with him. That same, unusual smile he's given before starts to creep back on to his face.

"…But you will."


Time comes to pass once again. A lonesome Nicky wakes up in a cold sweat, breathing heavily. He tried to look around for wherever he could be at this exact moment, but it was hard to move and even harder to see.

'Ugh… Some trip. One moment I go on some wild wide in who knows where, the next I conk out and now I'm stuck in some tight, crampy space… and I HATE crampy spaces,' he groans, struggling to break free from the dark corridor he was locked in. 'Need t' get outta here quick before I go stir crazy…'

Using his legs, he gives the walls around him a good kick. It doesn't budge the first time, but after a second and third time, one of the surrounding walls broke down to reveal the greater area he was in.

It was a large room, filled to the brim with nothing but storage… No, that wasn't quite right. There were boxes and monitors all around, but those paled in comparison to the sheer number of familiar-looking contraptions. Nicky takes a look back from where he just hopped out from. A large container with a yellow button on top.

"Wait a second… These things… I remember these! They were all over that Egg Brain place the doc's been hangin' out at! But what was I doing in one? I…" The hedgehog wanted to press further but stopped in his tracks. For whatever reason, he felt a sneeze coming on. "I-I… Ah… ACHOO!"

His sneeze seemed to have garnered quite some attention around the dark room, the sound of banging coming from just about every corner. Left and right, up and down, whoever else was inside of those containers were all screaming for help and weren't as capable of breaking free as Nicky was.

"M-more?! Hang on, guys, I'll help ya out!" Nicky sniffs as he readies himself into a running start. The moment he sets his foot on the ground, he's off at blazing speeds!

"Here I goooOOWOAH WOAH WOOOAH—!" Nicky unexpectedly runs into a wall face first at the speed he was going. His glasses drop to the ground as he pulls himself away from the wall, dizzy.

"Oof… Is it me, or is this place a lot smaller than I thought?" Shaking his head, he tries to readjust, reaching for his glasses. Once he came back to his senses, he finds out just how far he went. The capsule that kept him prisoner a good distance away from where he was now, with a large trail of skid marks on the floor just to show him how fast he was trying to stop.

"Wait a sec… it IS me! I just made it from one end of the room all the way to the other in no time flat… I know I'm fast, but that was crazy!" Nicky spoke to himself as he could still feel the rush of speed from the dash across the room. It almost made him forget that there were others here that needed help.

"Shoot, right! The others! I can't waste another second keeping you all caged up like this."

Nicky reaches for the nearest container, eyeing a large yellow button on top. He rubs his chin, conjuring up an idea. He takes one foot up, then the other, to climb on top of it. Pressing it down, he feels the doors of the capsule pop and fall apart.

"Yeah, you're all safe now! No more being treated like caged up…," Nicky cheered, but stops himself as he finds out what was inside of the container. "…animals?"

As if a sense of irony rushed over him, imprisoned inside of the metallic cage were animals for sure. Nicky immediately recognized them from being of the local South Island fauna. Ricky squirrels, Flicky and Pecky birds, Pocky rabbits… they were all here. Huddled together, they were all scared and shaken, stuck in unfamiliar territory.

"… Okay, this just got weird. Someone's been taking out of the wildlife back home? Are… are these capsules ALL from the wildlife?!"

Nicky's curiosity washed away, and in its place, a mix of worry and anger began to grow. Determined to find out for himself, he stands atop the container with the animals he just freed and makes a mad dash across the room to press against as many of the containers around him as possible.

One by one, the contents of the storage capsules were revealed. Nicky stops to check each one, quickly popping them open.

"Animals here… Animals there… This one, and this one, and THIS one…! Oh no… No, no, NO…!"

Much to his disdain, each and every reachable capsule was loaded with animals. And with the streak he was making, it was safe to assume that all of the ones he didn't make it to so far were stuffed with more.

"What kind of sick monster would do this?!" Nicky grips his fists as he screams, furious. As an ear of his twitched, he heard something that sounded like large gears moving. From a door above his head, a large claw drops down into the room. It turns around as it reaches for one of the capsules that Nicky hadn't realized he missed in his effort to free the prisoners. The animals inside of the capsule banged against the cage, hoping someone could free them.

"Oh crap! Hang on!" Nicky zooms towards the claw holding the cage, in an effort to stop it and free the animals. But it was too late, the claw already grabbed the container and brought it upwards. Nicky jumps up, latching his hands to the foot of the capsule as he's dragged up with it. He looks down to the animals freed from their cages, glaring back at him with concern in their eyes.

"Stay there, little guys, I'll be sure to save all of your friends! Bet on it!"

The door between them shuts, Nicky holding on for dear life as the claw travels through another, larger room. It was loaded with several giant machines, each one here seemed to be functioning for a different purpose. One machine seems to be building wheels, another painting metallic shells and replacing the dull gray coating with bright reds and blues. More machines continued the process, but with different shapes and sizes.

"What… is this place…?"

Something caught the hedgehog's eye as he viewed the assembly lines. More unconscious animals were being dragged into the room he was leaving. They were out of the capsules but were instead heading towards the assembly machines. It was enough to make Nicky's heart drop.

"H-hey! Put them down! Leave them ALONE! LET THEM GO! STOP! STOOOOP!"

Before he could react to the scene below, another door opens, the claw dragging him and the capsule he held on to into another section. It drops them both off right in the middle of another room. The claw then turns around and returns to doing whatever other function it needed to do, leaving the room in the process.

Nicky lets go as soon as he was dropped off in the room, dusting himself off. Getting a better look around him, this room was just about as dark as the one he first found himself in earlier. He could barely make out the desks and corkboards surrounding them. It'd be completely silent if not for the banging against the container still keeping the animals at bay.

It was about time to inspect this machine, the student figured, but first he needed the animals to cooperate.

"Psst," he leans in close to the capsule, assuring the critters with little more than a whisper. "Everything's gonna be okay, guys. I'm here to save you! Just gimme a sec, alright?"

He swears he could still hear the creatures shake and whimper from within the contraption, but at least they weren't banging anymore. The last thing he needed to do was catch unwarranted attention.

It was time to inspect the machine and see what, or who, was behind all of this. The feel of the container was metallic and bulky, it seemed almost impenetrable at first glance. But Nicky's strength alone was enough to bust himself out of there, likely meaning that it wasn't quite for him, but for the animals that have been kidnapped and taken from their homes.

Around the corner, he spots some text marked on its side. It was hard to see, but the words "Emergency Encapsulation Unit for Wildlife Preservation" rested just above the black and yellow taping near the bottom of the capsule. Underneath it, a logo comprised of two bold letters.

"Hm, what's this…," Nicky thought as he read the logo. "E… G? Oh no, you've gotta be kidding me! Seriously?!"

The culprit? None other than Doctor Eggman, his company marked on his product: "EG - Eggman Guardian Enterprises."

The hedgehog felt a little bewildered he hadn't caught on to the doctor's tricks sooner. He wanted to try so, so hard to keep pestering him about everything he was doing. The base, the banging, the gem, the bad air and all the machines, all the EGGS, EGGS, EGGS! They were ALL signs! Nicky wanted to put his faith in the wrong person because that's all he could've done. He wanted to believe that Eggman had the best intentions, that he wanted to really help the world, but…

No, no, this wasn't the best time. He's already starting to sound like Porker. Any sooner, he'd start blaming himself. Nicky decides to save the energy for being disappointed in the doctor's actions instead.

"Ugh, I KNEW he was a whack job, but taking from the wildlife in this many spades is low!" Nicky groaned, clenching his fists. He starts to spark with small flashes of electricity, too mad to be completely aware of them. "When I get my hands on him, I'll…"

The sudden sounds of humming stop him from describing the egregious actions he'd take against the doctor. He started to feel the floor under him shake.

"W-what the…?!"

His emotions caught him off guard as he and the capsule were lifted into the air, revealing the floor he stood on was a platform and it was raising him up. He had a feeling that he was going to get the answers to all of his questions going upwards.

Nicky feels the platform stop after a few moments, now surrounded by curtains blocking his view. If they were to open, it'd be an opportunity to be seen. The hedgehog swallows his pride and decides to wait until the right moment to strike at the doctor to demand answers.

Beyond the veil, a large screen with several shadowed onlookers projected in view, each in a different location and a different name. One grumbles amongst the chatter between each other.

"This had better be good, Eggman. Your crackpot ideas have been turned down time after time. Surely this one will be no different."

"Oh, I do hope he's not trying to make a scene out of this…," Another sighs.

"Him? Wasting an opportunity like that? Fat chance."

"Settle down, everyone, settle down. I'm sure that Eggman has something worth catching our attention, even with the lengthy delay. He'll be due to show up any moment now."

As if on cue, the lights quickly shut off. The room darkens as separate lights dance around the room. Drums roll as a voice speaks out from within. It seemed synthetic, much like everything else around him.

"Ladies, Gentlemen, and all others in between! It's the moment you've all been waiting for! Your presence is now graced, by the esteemed ringleader of Eggman Guardian Enterprises himself: Doctor Eggmaaaaaaan!"

The center of the room reveals a hole, and through it, none other than Dr. Eggman himself rises through it, wearing his Sunday best: a black suit with a matching top hat, a red bowtie, and some striped pants. He holds a cane to his side, smiling as he tipped his hat down, the lights meeting to shine on him.

"Hehe… Welcome, welcome, my esteemed guests and viewers from the Doctor's Organization Guild," He greets the watchers viewing from their screens. "I'm so happy to see you've all made it accordingly! And what an opportunity it is!"

"Get on with it, Doctor," One of the D.O.G. viewers spoke up. "We've no time for your nonsensical prattle as you've done many a time before."

"Hm, and here I was thinking I'd be the most eager about my own projects. I haven't even started yet!" Eggman shakes his head as he taps his cane on the floor, machinery moving around at his command. "But don't you worry, it won't be long."

Eggman's guests watch in a shared, but mixed, silence. Some were tired, some a bit intrigued.

"As we all know, fine people, life starts from the humble egg for many creatures. The egg is birth, life, creation. That resonates with me. It's given me my calling. But lately, I've been thinking of something more. Tell me, dear viewers, why is the birth of life so magnificent, when living it becomes a struggle?"

The doctor's met with no answers from his associates. They were more bewildered by such a question than anything else. Not helping matters is that the uninvited Nicky, peeking behind the veil of the curtain, was left dumbfounded in silence.

'Dude can't go a second without talking crazy…,' he thought to himself.

Eggman continued. "Well, I'll tell you why. Life is hard. It's a 100-meter race with hoops and obstacles, an unyielding trek of suffering. Constant, constant suffering. Our societies bicker and debate over who needs what more and how much, over and over again. It's all so chaotic and annoying, it's enough to drive anyone mad!"

They were still lost on Robotnik's ramblings. One thing, however, catches all of their attention the moment it springs into view.

"So, I've thought about it for a while. 'Chaos. What neglects chaos?' Why, the answer was so simple, so clear: Order."

Nicky gets a better look at what Eggman was talking about, and almost wanted to gasp, stopping himself to not reveal his presence. What lied before him was more familiar than anything else he's come across since.

"With this, allow me to introduce my prototype Egg Drone." The doctor reaches for the egg-shaped robot that Nicky's run into the same day he met him. "Modeled right after the real deal, this old pet project of mine has given me real vision to a real dream! More improved machinery, advancements of the modern age! And with this, I can bring order to a new era. A reality where we control what life holds, where WE command our destinies!"

"I… I see...," yet another of the viewers sounded out. "But what does that little machine have to do with what you've gotten us here for?"

"Like I said, it's only a prototype. But it's an important steppingstone for something even bigger. THIS is what it's really for!"

The doctor spins his cane and points it behind him. A scale model viewing of a large, futuristic city sat behind him, rotating around and around to let the viewers get a good view of it. Gigantic factories, skyscrapers and flying cars were seen, as well as a large, bustling amusement park behind them. Much of the scenery had his name, face, or company logo plastered on it.

"TADA! I present to you: the Eggtopia Project! Home to the soon to be best darn theme park on the planet, EGGMANLAND! My great paradise of order! My grandest dreams given form! Everything you could ever want or need is here, powered by my genius intellect and designs!"

Gasps of absolute bewilderment of the model display came from the viewers. They expected many things to come from the doctor, but this was hardly any one of them.

"T-This is insane!" A shocked D.O.G. member speaks.

"Incredible, isn't it? My orderly utopia can change the ways we perceive life and healthcare as a whole! Why worry when you can leave everything in my hands? And if you'd let me, I'd like to begin progress in several worldwide locations. I've already pinpointed key areas around the world as suggestions on where my brilliance could be potentially adapted to next."

A digital map displays itself behind the doctor as locations all over the planet are marked with planned locations for Robotnik's big project. From as far as the United Federation to even the likes of Shamar and Holoska, each continent had some sort of signpost with his smiling face on it placed down where he wanted his so-called utopias to be.

But one thing stood out to Nicky: A signpost was spotted on the map of South Island, right where Green Hill's tropics would be. Nicky grits his teeth in a silent fury.

'That jerk, he slipped that right under our noses, too?! He's gonna pay… He's GOTTA pay!'

"Wait," one of the D.O.G. council members spoke up again. "How's something like this going to be built at any rate? You'd hardly have enough manpower to get something like that made in your lifetime."

"Hoho… That's where you're wrong. I've got my manpower right here!"

Lights shine around the room to reveal what appeared to be animals. Ladybugs, chameleons, bats, and moles with helmets. But at a better glance, they were anything but. They were all attached with rockets and tools, their eyes lifeless and almost toy-like.

"My word, doctor! This is your workforce?! It's… it's all machines!" A member of the council expressed their disgust, but their words don't seem to send out the same way to Eggman, who answers.

"Precisely! However, this is but only a fraction of it. I've much larger numbers around my facilities."

Another council member speaks up, clearing their throat. "…You'll have to excuse me, Dr. Eggman, but I do have this burning curiosity itching at me the longer I put it off."

"Hm, and what's that?"

"What powers these workforces you inhibit? Surely if you can make numbers this large without scraping off your budget, you must be going for a fully reusable and cheap resource?"

The question was knocking Nicky around silly, and holding it in, with everything he's seen so far, felt taxing the longer he watched in silence. It hurt, like he was holding his breath in for too long. He couldn't take another second of it anymore, pushing the curtains out of the way to reveal himself to the doctor and his viewers.

"HE'S USING ANIMALS!" Nicky shouts, grabbing everyone's attention.

"What?!" They gasp. Shock and awe filled the room as the council chattered amongst themselves, the revelation of both Eggman's use of animals and the person behind the curtains.

Eggman watches Nicky's dramatic entrance, chuckling. He already knew full well who it was and seemed to have been anticipating him all this time.

"Ah… making an early visit, I see? I wasn't expecting you to be back to your senses so soon. Alas, no better time than the present. Ladies and gentlemen, meet my latest and greatest creation: Project Genesis, the apex of rebirth!"

Nicky jumps to the top of the capsule, pressing down on the button to free the animals inside. He would later jump down to meet the doctor, approaching him slowly, but threateningly.

"You… You're a liar! You lied to me! You're lying to these people, to EVERYONE!"

"All in the name of the business, boy! And you're too valuable an asset to lose!"

"BUSINESS?!" Nicholas shouted, absolutely insulted by the doctor's callous words. "You're gonna try and bulldoze places around the world into a freakin' theme park?! Is that what this was all for? Just so you could spit on people's homes and call it a day?! ALL FOR THE SAKE OF BUSINESS?!" Nicky got closer, his body sparking up with electricity again. Eggman sweats, remembering full well what happened the last time he was close enough to see that happen.

"What is the meaning of this?! Eggman, explain yourself IMMEDIATELY!"

"Grr… I don't have to explain anything to ANY of you!" Eggman scoffed at the council, fuming red. "I'm just trying to make the world a better place!"

"By experimenting on living beings and stuffing them into your INTREPID machines?!"

That strikes a nerve with the rotund veterinarian, his face getting redder by the second as he turns to face them, slamming against his keyboard in rage. "MY MACHINES ARE NOT INTREPID! THEY ARE WORKS OF ART!"

Growling, he grabs hold of a remote, pressing buttons like mad. His glare fixates at Nicky as he holds his cane, shaking it at the young hedgehog.

"You stubborn, traitorous blue rat… I've expected better from you. We could've had it all, but noooo! YOU just HAD to bumble it all up! I'll show you to know your place as your superior!"

Cranes fall from the ceiling and firmly grab Nicky's limbs, lifting him up into the air.

"HEY!" Nicky screamed, caught by surprise. He struggles to get out, moving just about every chance he could get, but with little avail. Two poles resembling tesla coils pop up to Nicky's left and right. The audience gasps.

"Now then, where were we…? Right, I suppose we're jumping ahead with the presentation. Might as well get to the good part." The doctor shrugs as he directs his cane to Nicky, still struggling to break free. "Project Genesis is my ultimate power source. Many attempts were made before to perfect the idea, but him? He's not only met my needs but surpassed them exponentially!"

"Sickening…," one of them comments. "Do you realize how many codes of conduct you're breaking?! None of these twisted experiments should be performed on animals, let alone Mobians!"

"Forget 'conducts!' Forget 'rules!' This is EVOLUTION! I am NOT going to be like Humpty Dumpty, wasting away by sitting on the sidelines and waiting for others to intrude on my life! When I see an opportunity, you'll bet I'll do ANYTHING to take it!" Eggman snarled back at the viewers before turning his focus back to Nicky, now angrier than ever.

"As I was saying… as my ultimate power source, this project shall help guide the path to building Eggmanland in no time flat. He could power the entire thing without breaking a sweat, and as soon as I crack his code, this planet will stand atop the shoulders of the progenitors of creation! Now witness! WITNESS ITS POTENTIAL!"

Eggman presses the button on his remote again, sending an electric shock through the cranes holding on to Nicky.

"Let me go, doc! This doesn't— GYAAAAAAAH!" The hedgehog screamed, in a pain the likes he's never experienced before. The onlookers were watching in disgust on all corners. Even the freed animals seemed shaken by all of this.

"Hehehehe… HAAAHAHAHAHA! OOOHOHOHOHOHOHO! That's right, hedgehog! Sing! SING! Your power serves me! It shall pave the way to greatness! BECOME WHAT YOU WERE MEANT TO BE!" Eggman laughs, finally going off the deep end.

Nicky screamed louder and louder; the pain too great to bear. It was overwhelming, the energy coursing through him in ways that felt unnatural. Every second he spent getting shocked felt as if he were getting stabbed through his very being. He was starting to lose his sense of reality from the sheer torture, teetering between life and death. Yet in spite of all of the pain, even with his restraints…

He couldn't let it end like this.

He'd sworn to the doctor that he was never going to be treated like a machine, like some science experiment. He had sworn to those that he cared for that he'd be safe and sound. He'd sworn to the hundreds upon hundreds of animals Eggman's kept locked up in capsules that he was going to save every single one of them from the twisted genius' clutches. And if he gives up right now… he'll never keep his promises. The ones he swore to himself to keep.

Nicky's screams of pain begun to change as he chuffs and pants, shifting from a need to stop the pain to an unyielding force, yearning to break free. He clenched one of his fists.

"No…," he spoke between gritted teeth. His eyes dart to the doctor, their natural browns now replaced with a more electrifying, chaotic green color. "I'm not gonna be anything you say I am… I'm MORE than what YOU want me to be!"

"W-what?! What are you doing now?!" Eggman gasped. "Stop resisting me! Accept your purpose!"

"All you wanted was to just make a world all about YOU. You and your big ego just never knew when to quit… I already know what my purpose is… KNOCKIN' SOME SENSE INTO YA!"

Nicky growled, fighting against the doctor's torturous machine. The energy that pulsed through the cranes was released back through them, Nicky returning the energy to the source. It causes a nearby machine to explode. More followed in a chain reaction from the overpowering surge Nicky released.

"NO!" The doctor screamed, so focused on the tech he just lost that he hadn't realized that the hedgehog was gone in the blink of an eye. A blue wind dashes around the room, destroying more and more around it. Explosions set off in the area, Nicky screaming as he sped around the room faster than anyone else could see him do it.

"STOP! MY MACHINES! NO, NO, NO! Curse you, Nicholas… CURSE YOU!" All Dr. Eggman could do was wish for nothing but pain and misfortune upon what would have been his greatest achievement yet. But before he could make a move to retaliate…

"Dr. Eggman!" The council administrator shouts through the wreckage, speaking to the doctor as his room is destroyed. "We've collected enough footage of this meeting. Your illegal ethics and methods have been reviewed. You've sworn against following our codes of conduct despite our warnings. Your maddening 'projects' are a threat to wildlife and mankind alike. Consider yourself permanently terminated as member of the Doctor's Organization Guild effective immediately."

"DON'T YOU DARE! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MUCH I'VE SACRIFICED FOR THIS?!" Eggman shouts as he stands near the screens, fuming.

"We've seen what you've done! We've seen MORE than enough! We want nothing to do with you any longer! Goodbye, Dr. Eggman. You're through. May we never see you again."

The revelation hit the rotund scientist like a car crashing into a wall. He just got fired. He could only become more infuriated, slamming against his computer keyboard like mad.

"Ngh… Stupid fools! You want to make an enemy out of me, too, eh?! FINE! If I can't be this world's liberator… then I'll make sure there's no one else LEFT to liberate it! You'll all come begging for mercy from me! ALL of you!"

Screens shut off one after another, either through disconnection by the making of the guild, or through Nicky's rampage around the room. Regardless, his stance remained as his tantrum continued.


Nicky's rapid running around the room brought some walls down to collapse, giving him an opening to leave through a hole from the explosions. The freed animals in the room follow his path out of the room and through the mountain paths of South Island, free from his clutches as they head to the jungles nearby.

Nicky was too focused on running as far as he could to realize that the doctor was still cursing him from afar, yelling and tearing at his mustache.

But it didn't matter. He needed to run as far away from the maniacal doctor as he could. He sets a course for home.


"… And that was it. That was the last I saw of him. Can't remember much else of what happened after I got outta there that day, but my buddy Porker came to the rescue as soon as he saw me out on the streets, completely exhausted. I'll guess that the adrenaline rush I was runnin' on after trashing Eggman's junk went kaput after I stormed outta the place."

Nicky's uncle sat through everything, having heard his nephew describe every detail of his journey. He gives a deep, heavy sigh. The older hedgehog was silent, trying to find the right words to say but each sentence came and went the moment he opened his mouth. With time, however, he speaks up.

"I'm… I'm sorry I've never given the chance to warn you about him sooner," Uncle Chuck apologized. "What you've went through… no hedgehog- no, no being deserves to go through what he put you through. Using you, just as he's tried to use others in the past. There isn't a day where I don't regret crossing paths with that man, and now he's still causing more problems. I was a fool to trust him, and an even bigger one to tell him the truth about the Chaos Emeralds before you."

The elder hedgehog stands, hands resting on the table as he moves his seat behind him. He grimaces, looking back at a regretful history.

"My foolishness cost our partnership, his sanity, and my brother. If I had just known what would have happened, letting the right knowledge get into the wrong hands…"

"Hey, c'mon, unc. There's no need for you to beat yourself up over what happened back then." Nicky also stands, approaching his uncle. "Besides, I don't think you had anything to do with him being crazy. Dude's a whole mess all on his own."

"It's more than that, Nicky, I… I've cost you so many important things in your life. It's a total betrayal to everything your father would have wanted me to do."

"So, what, you just gonna dwell on it for this long, Uncle Chuck?" Nicky raises his voice, his own way of bringing some sense into the despairing elder. "What Eggman did was unforgivable, but you're just as much a victim to his nonsense as I am, or the wildlife is, or dad was. There's nothing we can do about what happened then. The only thing we can do is work with what we've got NOW. I'm still breathin', I've got all this crazy super speed at my feet, and you've got all sorts of cool uncle experience. So, how's about we quit mopin' and figure out how we can send ol' Egghead packin'?"

Charles had to stop and think, looking at his nephew. He laughs, getting the encouragement he couldn't bring himself to find after so long.

"H-haha… wow, I… I really needed that, sport. You're real good at givin' this geezer a kick in the right direction, eh? Just like your old man…" Fixing his glasses, he gives his nephew one good look. No longer filled with solemnness or pity, but determination- believing in making things right again.

"Say… Tell ya what, Nicky. I just remembered something. Come with me." Uncle Chuck moves to the kitchen's entrance, motioning his nephew to follow him. Curious, the young speedster follows along.

The pair follow a trail to the garage, Nicky's uncle speaking up.

"You remember what life was like for your pop, right?"

"That sky mail stuff? What, you're not tryin' to get me to join in too, are ya?"

"Mm, no, not quite like that," his uncle answered, reaching for a set of keys. "There's another side to this story I never got to tell you, but I figure you're old enough to start learning about how to make your own path in life. It's good to let you know what else your father did."

Using the keys, Uncle Chuck opens the door to his garage, flipping on the light switch to reveal workbenches, construction tools and paint buckets all over the floor. A long rug rested right on the center, in need of some cleaning. It was a usual sight for Nicky, having used the place to practice with his old band. But with his uncle here, something did seem different.

"Your father Paul was a mailman first, but a fierce defender of the Mobius continent second. He'd travel all the way from South Island to back home on Christmas Island to protect our land from harm's way. Years ago, your father and I, we became some of the first of the modern age to witness the true power of the Chaos Emeralds. We don't know where they came from, but their mystical glow led us to the discovery of ancient temples made in their honor here, in our very own part of the world."

Uncle Chuck bends down around the rug, pulling it away from the garage's center. Nicky gives his uncle a helping hand to reveal that part of the floor of the garage was miscolored- a metallic greenish tint distinguishing itself from the rest of the concrete ground.

"Thanks, sport. As I was saying, Paulie and I were some of the first folk around the island that swore to help protect the temples. This included some of Paulie's coworkers and friends: like Joe, the second half of 'The Twin Sonics.' With how fast they made deliveries, they often joked one of them would end up breaking the sound barrier. We were also joined by the Longclaw family, who knew their way around the temples hosting the Emeralds."

"'Twin Sonics,' huh…? Dad really knew how to pick some—" the younger hedgehog's musings screeched to a halt, hearing that name.

"Wait, wait, rewind… LONGCLAW?!" Nicky's realization caught up to him quickly, learning that his HOMEROOM TEACHER was part of a family of guardians for Chaos Emeralds was a surprise. But the fact that she seemed so familiar with the conversation he had with her in private explains so much.

"The very same. The Longclaw family have a history of studying the Emeralds' origins, and they were kind enough to shed knowledge of their power to the rest of us," the elder hedgehog smiled, much to Nicky's disbelief. "Unfortunately, I couldn't keep up the task forever, as around the time I had to head out to university. A part of me truly wishes I hadn't, as from there, I made my most fatal mistake."

"Robotnik." The younger of the hedgehogs answered, catching on right away.

"…We've done incredible things together, and we were going to invent things for the good of the world… or so I thought. I never knew that he was out there pulling strings to find the Emeralds himself. Told me they've been an issue that's keeping his folks up at night for decades. The generous fool that I was, I offered to help him. But little did I know, he planned coordinated attacks in secret the moment he knew where I came from- using designs I helped make, no less. By the time I made it back home to warn everyone, it was too late. Joe had been caught in the crossfire, fatally wounded."

Uncle Chuck continued to speak, reaching for a knob on a wheel, spinning it with a bit of force. In the process, the green part of the ground would lift itself slowly, gears moving around the garage to reveal a large shroud surrounding the area of the platform.

"After a months' long battle, your father had enough and decided to end the secret war right where it began: Ivo's home base, floating up in the air. Using his plane, he took the fight to the skies. With the power of the Emeralds surging through him, he broke through the sound barrier with a sonic boom causing a major disruption to the doctor's ship. Mysteriously, he disappeared that day. It's been wracking at my mind since, but even stranger: the plane survived."

Uncle Chuck couldn't turn the wheel any longer. The insides of the lift revealed a large green biplane standing in the center. It's gone through a bit of age with rust seeping around but was well maintained despite its lack of use. Nicky stared at it in awe.

"It's still a mystery to me to this day, but I've made sure to keep the plane in as much shape as I could. It was an unbreakable bond for your father and Joe. A symbol for keeping the peace. And it made for some gosh darn good delivery service, not even these newfangled mail websites could compare."

The uncle faces his nephew, his demeanor becoming a bit sterner and firmer around the youthful hedgehog. Nicky stares back, his uncle's change in tone shaking him up a bit.

"I've thought long and hard about continuing Paul's legacy myself, to finish what I've started," he sighs. "But I'm old. Any one of us left to survive this battle is no longer fit to fight it. However, Eggman started something new as soon as he got you involved. He brought this old fight to the new era. Maybe this time, things can be different. So, I'm giving you the plane."


"Surprised? Like I said, I'm an old 'hog now, nephew. He's seen me before, he knows all of my tricks," Uncle Chuck holds the shoulders of the teenager. "But you? You're unpredictable! You're amazing! The Chaos Energy that runs through you is far beyond anything even some so-called genius can understand. With enough help, maybe you could be the one to put these age-old problems to rest. I may be old, but I'll be givin' it my all with you every step of the way to stopping that madman for good."

"…Y'know what? Yeah, you're right, unc," Nicky smirks. He rests his arms to his side as he stands by the plane. "I'll stop Eggman. And I think I got some ideas to go with it."

"What's that, nephew?"

"This plane… she got a name?"

"Far as I can remember, no," Chuck answers with a shrug. "But she's yours to fly now, so I suppose she's also yours to name."

"I'll call 'er 'The Tornado,'" Nicky decided, confidently. "With a fresh coat of paint and everything, she'll be givin' Robuttnik the wake-up call of a lifetime!"

"I like the sound of that. We've got the whole weekend to ourselves, that's more than enough time to make The Tornado yours!"

Uncle Chuck was eager to get started with his nephew's ideas. But once he got a good look at him, he noticed that Nicky seemed to be forming a sort of clarity in his eyes, his mind was made up.

'Just you wait, Eggman… I'll knock you down and make you pay for what you've done! From here on out, SONIC's comin' atcha at MACH SPEED!'

Sonic clenched his fist, making his ultimate decision. The fate of South Island rested on his shoulders; but he was more determined than ever to take up the challenge. He grins.

It's go time.


THIS IS IT. Nicky and Robotnik have chosen their fates, but only time will tell what happens next when they meet again... Next time, Nicky preps up to stop the mad doctor, but a new character makes her debut at North Green Hill High, and she wants EVERYONE'S attention! Whatever could be in store for the students there is sure to bring the spotlight! Be sure to check in when the first installment of the "Enter: Sonic" arc begins, next chapter!


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