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Trophies? It goes to 50

Badnik Mechanic

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This is quite... hilarious.

As PS3 owners know, the trophy system gives your account levels which become progressively harder to achieve over time. Each Bronze/silver/gold trophy gradually contributes to your level/percentage bar (not sure if platinum trophies themselves still do however). Well once you reach level 16 you really notice the slowdown in level progression, it takes the equivilant of getting maximum trophies on several games to go up just one level.

Most people who had their PS3's when trophies first came out are usually around the level 20-22 mark, normally it varies depending on the type of games that they play and how much free time they have.

Take me for example, I'm at level 20 and have a total of 3341 trophies which breaks down as 2382 bronze, 666 silver (owww spooky!), 230 gold and 63 platinums.

It takes me a very long time to go up just one level, right now I'm sat at level 20 96% complete, once I hit that 100% mark, I'll go up to level 21.

Now for a lot of people (if I spend a while in home you can bet someone will come up to me and ask) I get a lot of "Whoa! How long did that take you!?" comments and a few compliments, but there are some people I know who are much higher than me when it comes to trophies, some people have hundreds of platinums, these are usually people who are only interested in trophy levels and play stuff like Hannah Montana or other really really easy/crappy games just to boost their trophy score.

Or they account share which isn't unheard of.

Now the system is designed to last years, and so far it's done a very good job. Trophies came out in 2008 and became mandatory in 2009, it's now halfway through 2011 and if most people are at level 20 or under, it would require someone to platinum... oh I dunno... 10? 15 games maybe to get to level 21? Then it becomes longer and longer... so it's working quite well.

Well... about a month ago someone who is one of the highest trophy counts in the world (he is ranked number 1 on mygamercards) reported that he had reached level 50. And his trophy progression bar wasn't going any higher.

The guy is called Duck360 and he is believed to be the number 1 trophy collector on the PSN (it's possible that someone else is... but very unlikely.)

it would appear as if the the levels don't go higher than level 50. Back in May Duck360 reported on mygamercards that he had hit the level 50 milestone, two days later he got 3 additional platinum trophies but was still at level 50 with only 1%. This was very strange.

Since then he is still on level 50 and 1%.

In fact if you look at the mygamercards leaderboard for PS3. http://www.yourgamercards.net/leaderboard/1/

Another person is also at level 50 and 1%

So whats going on?

Well... according to someone at mygamercards, it appears that it's a bug and most likely one that sony has in the trophy system which they don't know about.

The reason being is that the trophy system works on points, each trophy translates into points which are usued to generate your trophy level. So for a player to reach level 50 they have to have gotten around370,050 points... but... someone has worked out that to get to level 51... you need to get 2,147,483,647 points...


Aparently this might be the error thats in the PSN trophy system.

Now, this wouldn't really bug most people, they'd just keep playing games on their system... but... this error is now sorting out those who are pure whores at trophies/achievments... and those who are playing their games for fun.

Already Duck360 has announced that becuase of this error he's going to stop gaming on his PS3 once he hits his 300th platinum and go to PC gaming. Wow, that says a lot doesn't it. I don't know how many others will follow his example, like I said earlier there are a lot of people who are purely on their PS3's for trophies and that alone.

But... if you don't basically... treat getting trophies like a full time job or just deliberately play the easy games, you really don't have anything to worry about for years.


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I used to love unlocking achievements on the 360 and would spend hours just to get that extra 25g, but then I moved to PS3 and trophies and never really bothered. Goes to show that all the time and effort I put in to get a 28000+ gamerscore wasn't worth it in the end.

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What's the point of trophies/achievements anyway.

I mean. Sure, they are good to prove that you WERE there and you DID it (it = achievement need). But why the points? I haerd two guys yesterday going "Yeah, but I have 20 Platinum trophies!" "Well I have 25, beat that motherfucker" on the street and it's really annoying..

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Someone should contact Sony and see what they have to say about it. Maybe they'll fix it?

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lol well duck already has... they said that its not a known issue so they won't.

In other words, we have a few more important issues to deal with right now. They won't fix it for a long time yet.

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The level progression BS was always too complicated for its own good. Ultimately it's a number, just like the 360's gamerscore number. So I have to say it's hillarious that something like this happened. I guess Sony never thought someone would get that many trophies.

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it really isn't a big deal at all. If you make it to lvl 50 someone should go outside lol

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Yep it's a bug, and Duck360 had contacted Sony for this issue. Obviously they still haven't fixed it yet. At first I thought they would do it around E3 time but they still didn't.

duck360 isn't one person just to clear this up here. duck360 is a team. Yes the person there that posts is like the leader or say, the "real" duck360. But the duck360 account is made out of a team. That's why he's soooo up there.

P.S I'm the Super Moderator of that site! =P

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Is this thread's title a spinal tap joke?

Getting chevos usually involve doing stupid bullshit like finding all the flags or something.

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  • 3 months later...

To give you an idea as to how long it will take the average joe to ever hit level 50 anyway.

When I started this topic on June 18th 2011. I said I was at level 20 96% complete.

My trophy breakdown back then was: 3341 trophies, 2382 bronze, 666 silver (owww spooky!), 230 gold and 63 platinums.

Today I'm at level 22 81% complete.

Trophy breakdown is... 3893, 2756 bronze, 791 Silver, 276 Gold, 70 platinums,

It should also be noted that I am 1 trophy away from platinum 71, and only 4 trophies away from getting platinum on Duke Nukem Forever.

Kinda gives you an idea as to how much the progression slows down.

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I don't really see what the big deal is with this, I mean, it's just a number anyways. I mean, sure, if you made it to that level..I guess it'd be nice to keep going higher and all, but..not really anything to contact Sony or complain about, in my opinion. Especially since such a small number of people have actually made it there, anyways.

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To give you an idea as to how long it will take the average joe to ever hit level 50 anyway.

When I started this topic on June 18th 2011. I said I was at level 20 96% complete.

My trophy breakdown back then was: 3341 trophies, 2382 bronze, 666 silver (owww spooky!), 230 gold and 63 platinums.

Today I'm at level 22 81% complete.

Trophy breakdown is... 3893, 2756 bronze, 791 Silver, 276 Gold, 70 platinums,

It should also be noted that I am 1 trophy away from platinum 71, and only 4 trophies away from getting platinum on Duke Nukem Forever.

Kinda gives you an idea as to how much the progression slows down.

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