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TEXTUREPACK: SonicCraft for Minecraft


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Oh hey, it's Sonic's birthday today? Well, I wasn't planning on doing this, but it's playable at this stage, so what better day to make the first release?

Spoiler'd for screenshot size, as usual:










Stuff I've yet do do as of this update:

- Find better textures for Birch, Chests, Workbenches, Gravel, Hatches, Beds, Doors, Bedrock, TNT (maybe), everything farming related, reeds, cactus, levers, record players (and note blocks by proxy), wool, mob spawners, tallgrass, redstone wire, mossy cobblestone and bookcases. Suggestions are more than welcome.

- Fix armour colours, if not find someone to make some new armour looks from scratch.

- Overhaul most of the item gfx

- Turn the torches into Chaos Drives. As of now, I've set Mystic Cave lanterns as placeholders.

- Turn netherrack into Red Spheres from Sonic 3's special stage

- Perhaps make railway curves look a lot less square

- Fix the bed gfx - they're invisible in item form right now for some reason

- Turn chickens into blue flickies, and edit the arrow gfx to use blue feathers instead of white

- Turn spiders into Grabbers, and texture other mobs if I get ideas for them.

- Add custom sun/moon textures, splash page

- Turn signs into "Sonic got through..." signs. Might even add a face on them if it doesn't clash with the writing on them.

- Customize the GUI.

- Anything else that helps complete the pack and makes it stand out.

Download it here!

Edited by Blacklightning
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Oh hey! I've been using a Sonic texture pack like this for a while now. It's funny though cause it's also called SonicCraft. But what it does is make everything look like green hill zone. And if you're underground it's marble zone. The grass textures are pretty good, it's basically a big overhaul. Anyway, as for your texture, I like the underground ones, and a few of the others. I think the grass could use a little work, otherwise it's not bad looking.

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Oh hey! I've been using a Sonic texture pack like this for a while now. It's funny though cause it's also called SonicCraft.
You mean the one that hasn't been updated since Alpha? Or am I thinking something else?

Anyway, here's some screenies of some stuff I've been working on since the last release:






Still wish I could think of something better than the current flat-coloured stuff I've got for the chests/workbenches/record players without overusing monitor textures. Might consider using an Egg Capsule in place of the chests if by some miracle I can scale them down or sprite them from scratch well enough to fit.

Also let me just say I'm hotly anticipating the Piston update for the sole reason of the obvious "Piston = coloured spring" texture edit right now.

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Pistons have some really bizarre texture orientation going on - why did Notch think it was a good idea to use the rim of the piston as the same texture as the pushing arm? asdfkjhfdalkjadhfs

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ARGH! My texture pack is called SonicCraft as well!

More on topic, some really good ideas for textures going on here-it all looks very organized and it seems very fitting to Minecraft. Good work! :D

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Wow, Great job on the Texture pack! I was never really to fond on texture packs that go too far away from the original design of textures but recently I Switched to a Sonic Texture pack that only changes wood and grass and I Love It! I'm Definitely going to use this for a while!

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Just a word of warning, the last release will probably have some mis-aligned textures (most notably on cakes and beds) on the current version of Minecraft due to some... quite frankly, completely arbitary changes Notch made to terrain.png's layout in 1.7, in addition to stuff like Pistons that have blank textures right now. I promise to release the newer version that fixes this once I figure out how the fuck chicken textures are laid out (anyone got a template? =\).

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  • 2 months later...

The 1.8 update has given me a good excuse to start working on this again.



Let's just say I'm enjoying the new explosion effects far more than I should.

A 1.8 compatible release will be online most likely tomorrow. It'll still have a lot of Minecraft stock textures that I haven't replaced yet, but at the very least it'll be functional.

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Another quick update I managed to slip in before this release. I've replaced all the stronghold blocks, so they should look a fair bit like underground Marble Zone now. I've never actually seen a stronghold before so I can't screencap it in context, so here's a lazy bunch of blocks I threw together with 20 seconds in Creative to show the textures off.


The download link in the OP has been updated now - unless I've neglected to change something really fucking important it should be completely compatible with 1.8 now, though I doubt I missed anything essential.

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Fun fact: when I originally started this pack, I intended to turn Birch trees into giant mushrooms to represent Mushroom Hill.


Now that Notch has added actual giant mushrooms, that's no longer necessary. Not terribly happy with how it came out though - the shading on the original MH mushrooms prevents me from tiling them properly, and since I'm no good at shading myself I'll have to make do with this flat-coloured crap for now. One thing that did turn out well for me, though:


That's not a moon!

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Ever wanted to shear a sheep with a Crabmeat claw? Well now you can, because that's exactly what the shears are now.

Also pictured: Oil Ocean's sun. Not that I really have much to choose from - I think it's actually the only stage in classic Sonic history that has a visible sun in it. Just porting it as-is actually drained a lot of the colour out of it ingame though, presumably due to some hardcoded brightness effect or something, to such an extent that it turned into a solid white blob. I had to darken it several times just for the colour to show again, and even then it seems a little desaturated - should I darken it more?

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OH YES CRABMEAT CLAW. You are a absolute genius.

Anyhow... I not sure. The sun in real life doesn't appear yellowy during the day anyway, but really, it's up to you.

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Hm... looking through what's to to come, I have had an idea...

See, I was working on a Sonic texture pack (Now canned looking at this piece of awesomeness) and I actually skinned the zombies into Metal Sonic troopers.

A slightly better idea I had though was...

Blue Wisp Squid. Oh yes. It was one of my best ideas from my version of the texture pack, and I'd happily let you use it. Anyway, keep up the good work! This is certainly my favourite texture pack!

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...
Great texture pack! Im using it now! Though my sun and moon havent changed.
I never said I updated the existing pack with the shown textures - I'll specifically make that clear whenever the zip is updated.

Incidentally, since Minecraft has finally gotten out of Beta, if nothing else I'm probably obliged to re-update the texpack to working order. Everything is now, at the very least compatible with the newest version of Minecraft, plus a few small things I've done in the meantime.


I've updated the sand texture to look more Sandopolis-y. It doesn't tile quite as well from above, but honestly I prefer this over the old one if only because it incoporates the entire tile this time, unlike the old one. In other news, I've decided to continue the Badnik tools theme I started with the shears.


This is the new bow, which some of you might recognise as a Buzzbomber's ass. It doesn't animate like the original bow yet, but to be honest I'm really not sure how you could implement a drawback anim short of just making it turn red or something. It's a real damn shame that I can't texture mobs very well, because with the way Skellies hold these things I could easily have removed their arms and legs to turn them into genuine Buzzbombers themselves had I any real talent at texturing the head and torso from scratch.


That's the drill from a Burrowbot taking the place of the shovel. Pity it's less recognizable when you have to colour-code it for the material it's made out of, but hey, what can you do.


And here's the sword. I couldn't honestly think of a specific Badnik weapon to use for a melee purpose, so I thought "fuck it, let's put the classic Sonic spikes to use as a stabby implement". It's worth noting that I haven't tilted these 45 degrees like all of the Minecraft standard tools - it screws up the pixels to unrecognisable degrees whenever I try to, so I figure I'll stick with this. Only real disadvantage is that it can look a bit out of place in third person, as demonstrated by Wolfy here:


Now then. I'm not gonna lie, there's a LOT of visual content that's been newly introduced in the release-era Minecraft, so I'm a little stoked for choice as to what to replace next. Hell, I don't even recognise some of it just looking at the files. Here's a few plans I've been thinking of for future updates

- I have to do a Nether Brick replacement now. I could be boring and just downsize the existing Netherrack texure to brick-tile sizes, but if it looks alright with fences I might actually consider turning them into Blue Spheres instead to contrast with the Red Spheres that take up the majority of the nether at the moment. On that note, I do want to find a less out-of-place look for the slow sand, but honestly I can't think of a single special-stage object other than the spinners in Sonic 1 that serve a similar purpose. At a stretch I might try squarifying the bombs in Sonic 2's special stage and see how that turns out.

- Not entirely sure where to go with the tools next. I might try spriting Hey Ho's axe in, but in 16x16 that might be a challenge. Beyond that I'm not sure what else I could throw in that would both be recognisable and fit the same purpose, which is a shame because this pack desperately needs a custom pickaxe.

- Since it would be fairly easy to accomplish, and because it would be an absolute sin not to, I'm turning The End into the Doomsday Zone. All I'd need to do is change one block texture to match the asteroids from DZ and that'd be 75% of the work done already.

- I'm thinking of turning Mycelium into Mushroom Hill grass, but only if it's easily discernible from the Green Hill stuff even with palette changes.

The download in the OP has been updated. If there's any suggestions as to where to go next, let me know, because like I said I'm really spoiled for choice right now.

EDIT: As it turns out, Notch added in a new moon that cycles through different phases, which ended up breaking my moon most likely because I have to add an individual sprite for every seperate phase. Sorry guys, but it looks like you'll have to wait a bit longer for that Death Egg in the sky.

Edited by The Cheese
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  • 1 month later...

Writer's block has prevented me from doing anything in all my other behind the scenes projects, so I figured, I'd do more work on this in the meantime. Here's the new bits:


This is the new chest and doublechest, modelled after the end-of-zone animal prisons from Sonic 2. I had to texture this entirely from scratch unlike most of my other blocks, so I hope this is fangasm-worthy in someone's eyes.


Here's the ground from Mushroom Hill playing the part of Mycelium. This is one of the few textures that tiled perfectly at their native resolution without having to shrink or edit, so I'm pretty happy at how this came out.


I gave Glass some new textures because the old ones looked fugly when tiled vertically. I'm not sure why glass panes show up that brightly though - I'm assuming it's a lighting glitch on Notch's part.


The Death Egg moon is finally back, this time with proper phases just like the current vanilla moon. They're nothing special, really. I just darkened the pixels depending on the phase, because I'm assuming nothing in Mincraft will be affected at all by the specific phase of the moon anyway.


The HUD's finally starting to get a Sonic-y touchup now. I couldn't think of a replacement for health hearts yet (though I'm beginning to wonder if I should just go with Chao icons or something). Among the stuff I did change was rings for the armour indicators, a pig in a blanket as the hunger icon, and the boost meter from Unleashed playing the part of the XP meter.


And finally, here's The End, after being given the Doomsday Zone treatment. Because after all, what could possibly be more fitting?

And on a minor note, the bedrock and sand textures have been updated, but not really to such a degree that it warrants its own snapshot. The download link in the OP's been updated, so you can simply head back there to DL the pack and see everything you see here ingame.

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